Chapter 4

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"One salmon linguine and one beef lasagna," a waiter said while setting down two plates on the table. The two boys thanked him and he left.

"So you asked her out?" Daehyun asked, earning a nod from Jungkook, who sat in front of him. "That's funny," he continued, "She's the one who asked me to come here."

"This is really not my day," Jungkook sighed, sticking his fork into the pasta on his plate.

"Do you really hate me that much?" Daehyun asked, taking a bite of his lasagna.

"Nope," Jungkook said with a smile on his face, making the other raise his eyebrows at him. "I actually hate you even more," he said, dropping his smile. Daehyun scoffed and clicked his tongue in irritation. A moment passed where only the clanking of forks against plates and background chatters could be heard.

"Noona must still be mad at me for keeping secrets from her," Jungkook thought aloud, "That's why she's doing this."

A scowl formed on Daehyun's face. "She wants us to get along, ," he muttered.

"Get along? Ew."

"Listen," Daehyun said in a firm tone, "I have no idea why we started to become rivals, but I'm tired of all this. Let's have a truce."

"A truce?" Jungkook said, a disgusted look evident on his face, "Me and you? Become friends?" The repelled look on his face worsened when Daehyun nodded at him. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because I hate you!"

"God, this kid is impossible!" Daehyun said, voicing out how frustrated he was.


"Holy ."

Those were the words that slipped out of Jungkook's mouth after they were given their bill from the waiter.

"Yah, did you bring any cash?" he spoke up. All that was left on their table were two empty plates and a slice of pizza on one of the pizza pans.

"No," the elder said, scrunching up his face at the younger's lack of manners. "Hani said she was gonna pay for me. Did you bring any money?"

"I only have like twenty bucks!"

"Well, how much do we need?"

Jungkook turned the bill book around and pushed it towards Daehyun. Daehyun scanned the prices if the individual items before his eyes landed on the grand total.

"Holy ," Daehyun said this time, "Where are we gonna get a hundred and forty seven dollars?!"

"Didn't Hani Noona give you the coupon that I gave her?" Jungkook asked, remembering the gift he gave her on Jangmi Day, "It should cover at least a hundred. Then we can ask for a discount or something."

Coupon? Daehyun thought. He inwardly panicked when he noticed the calm look on the younger's face. He didn't remember receiving anything from Hani. But he couldn't admit that out loud because it could only mean that they were doomed.

"So do you have it?" Jungkook asked, making Daehyun feel more uneasy. Without saying a word, Daehyun hastily took out his phone and unlocked it.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked again. Daehyun honestly wanted to punch the boy in the face for pressuring him. He opened up his contacts list and scrolled down until he found the number he was looking for. He pressed the call icon and placed his phone near his ear.

"Who are you calling?"

"Shh!!!" Daehyun snapped. His anxiety was increasing and Jungkook's questions were not helping at all.

"You don't have it, do you?" Jungkook said, leaning back against his chair, ready to face their doom.

"Don't worry. I'll fix this," Daehyun assured. He waited patiently for the person he was calling until the fourth ring. "Hello?"

Jungkook listened carefully to the boy in front of him, trying to guess who was on the other side of the conversation.

"Hani yah," Daehyun said while Jungkook nodded at his accurate prediction. "Hani yah, I'm with Jungkook right now and we're kind of in a tough situation. Can you come over with the restaurant coupon and some extra cash please?"

Jungkook looked at him with a glint of hope in his eyes, silently wishing for a chance to avoid the trouble caused by being unable to pay the bill. He smiled when Daehyun did, but then Daehyun moved his phone away from his ear and stared at it bewilderedly.

"She hung up," he said, settling a look of horror on Jungkook's face.

"What do we do now?" he asked. His calmness had long gone. At the perfect timing, the same waiter from before approached them, intimidating the two boys with his posh aura.

"May I take the bill, sir?" he spoke towards Daehyun who had the bill book in his hand. Daehyun glanced at it and noticed that it was closed, meaning that the waiter wouldn't know if they had put money in it or not. A brilliant idea popped up in his head. He then directed his eyes towards Jungkook who appeared to have the same thought.

"Yeah, here you go," Daehyun said, handing the book to the waiter with a polite smile on his face.

"Thank you, sir," the waiter replied.

"Oh, no problem! We'll go now, yeah?" Daehyun blurted out nervously, accompanied by awkward laughter from the two boys. The waiter had a puzzled look on his face just for an instant before turning around and walking towards the cashier.

"Let's get out of here," Jungkook said, earning a nod from the elder boy. They left their table and walked towards the door, trying their best to look as normal as possible, especially when they walked past the previous waiter. They picked up their steps with victorious smiles reaching their faces when the door to the outside came nearer. They could finally erase the thought of washing dirty dishes as punishment without being paid. Because that would be a nightmare.

At last, they reached the door. They could already sense the freedom that was waiting for them at the other side when Jungkook's hand found itself on the door handle, about to push forward.


The two boys turned their heads towards the voice to find the previous waiter scowling at them.

"Where do you think you're going without paying?!" he said, pointing at the two boys accusingly. Their hearts raced, knowing that their covers were blown.

"Hyung, what do we do?" Jungkook asked, making the other stare at him. The worry was obvious in the elder's face.

"Run!" Daehyun said in a panicky tone, shoving the younger boy out of the door and following right after him.

"Wait!" the waiter yelled, "You have to pay!"


"Watch out!" Daehyun alerted Jungkook who almost ran into a trash can. Jungkook swiftly jumped over it, later wondering how he managed to do that. The boys glanced backwards while running, seeing the waiter hot on their heels.

"Come here, you freeloaders!" he shouted.

"Crap," Jungkook muttered when he saw the main road upfront. The place was surrounded by buildings and it wasn't smart to hide in one of the shops. The only escape route was forward. The two boys slowed down when they reached the edge of the pavement, being cautious of the cars that sped along the road. They glanced behind them again, noticing the angry waiter fifty metres away. It will take a few seconds for him to reach them. They panicked and frantically searched for a way out.

"Over there!" Daehyun spoke, pointing at a nearby pedestrian crossing. The two boys picked up their steps and ran towards it. They exhaled frustratedly, because first, they were exhausted from all the running, and second, the pedestrian light was flashing red. With a sense of urgency, Jungkook pressed the button on the pole and waited for the light to turn green.

But they didn't have time to wait because the previous waiter was only less than forty metres away. The boys mentally cursed at the traffic light, telling the non-living object to hurry up and flash green. They glanced alternately at the traffic light and the waiter, but the waiter seemed to come closer every time they turned their heads towards him.

"Come back here!" the he yelled, almost reaching the two boys. Just as they thought they were going to die, the traffic light flashed green and they immediately ran across the road, occassionally bumping into the pedestrians coming from the other side.

"Did we lose him, Hyung?" Jungkook asked when they got to the other side, trying to find the waiter in the crowd across the road.

"I think so," Daehyun said, trying to search for him too. He became nervous when he noticed the familiar face of the waiter who was almost at the crossing. But fortunately, the light turned red when the waiter got there and the cars started to move agian. The two boys let out a sigh of relief. They could see the waiter glare at them from across the road while pressing the button on the pole repeatedly.

"Yes!" Daehyun cried out, fist-bumping with the air.

"Hyung, that was so close!" Jungkook said, huffing from exhaustion. They stood at the same spot for a few moments, making sure that the pedestrian light wasn't green yet before they had to run again. They took this time to catch their breath.

"Did you just call me 'Hyung'?" Daehyun asked.

"What?" Jungkoo

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exoticyati #1
Chapter 5: Woah her mom's scary...that I could poop in my pants! Lol
SMentFan99 #2
Chapter 6: I didn't really get the "you can meet her now" and "hi, mom" part. So can anyone explain me? Thank you ^_^
Chapter 3: haha i wonder what crazines will happen now ha :P
oohlina #4
Chapter 6: soo cutee ahhh <3
jungkoook & hani omg ;3
chimgotjams #5
Chapter 5: lol that last scene is hilarious! I hope Hani can find her happiness again. Keep it up!
PakouYang536100 #6
Chapter 4: Subscribe Soon Plz :)
Chapter 4: OLOLO Sorry I haven't been commenting :))))) EXAMS EXAMS haha
I lurve it I lurve it
oohlina #8
Chapter 3: omg this is so cute ahh ♥ jungkoook is adoraaable ... so is daehyunn ^~^