Chapter 5

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Hani let out a long sigh as she walked across the pavement, wondering what Daehyun and Jungkook were up to. She had received a text message from them, saying that she was to meet up with someone at the coffee shop. It seemed a bit weird to Hani that they had planned this together because if she recalled correctly, the two boys weren't 'buddy-buddy' with each other, to put it in a nice way.

The smell of coffee grew stronger as the green and brown themed coffee shop had entered Hani's line of vision. She slowly approached it, curious about the emptiness of the place. She noticed a woman sitting at one of the tables and stopped in her tracks when she recognised who it was.

One by one, the old memories flashed in her head, reminding her of her past. She didn't know what to feel as she was torn between the pain of remembering how worthless she felt and the happiness of seeing her mother whom she used to love before her childhood was corrupted.

"Mommy," she whimpered, feeling the warmth in her eyes as tears started to form. She quickened her steps towards the shop and threw her arms around her mother, not caring about the fact that this person was the one who wished to throw her out. A grin formed on her lips, not only because she missed her mother, but also because she felt sorry for herself, knowing how pathetic she was. She knew that Mrs. Park's actions could be labelled as inhuman, but she couldn't bring herself to hate her. No moral person would hate their own mother.

"Mommy, I missed you!" Hani said, still embracing her mother while letting her sobs out. She wasn't very surprised when Mrs. Park didn't return the hug, but it still left some traces of pain in her heart.

"Hani, if I remember correctly, you're not eight anymore," the woman said with a cold tone. "So stop calling me 'Mommy'."

Hani didn't want to listen to her. Calling Mrs. Park as 'Mommy' was the only way to comfort her even if she was hurting inside. Hani finally let go of her, but her tears didn't stop falling even when she took a seat in front of her mother.

"The two friends of yours invited me here to talk to you," Mrs. Park said, "Stop crying and let's talk." Hani nodded and brought her palms to her cheeks to wipe the tears away. In truth, she felt like a child again in front of her mother.


"I have a question to ask you," Hani spoke up when she finally calmed down. Mrs. Park nodded at her, telling her to go on. Hani gulped before she started talking. "The reason why you wanted me out," she started, already feeling nervous about the answer, "Is it because I was a bad child?"

"No," Mrs. Park answered. She seemed to be very sure of her answer, as she had an emotionless look on her face. "You were a perfect child, honestly."

"Then why did you decide to disown me?" Hani asked, feeling excited and anxious at the same time as the truth of her past was about to be revealed.

"If I were to tell you the truth," Mrs. Park started, still keeping the bored look on her face. "I had never thought of you as my daughter. Not even once."

"But why?" Hani asked, sitting at the edge of her seat.

"Because you were born from a devil," Mrs. Park stated, making Hani confused.

"W-What?" she stuttered, wondering what her mother meant. "But I was born from you."

"You still haven't figured it out yet?" Mrs. Park's bored look turned into a smirk. "I wouldn't call myself a devil, would I?"

Hani furrowed her eyebrows, trying to make sense of the situation. I was born from Mommy and she's not a devil, she thought, But she said I was born from a devil so that must mean...

Hani let out a gasp as she finally figured it out. The smirk on Mrs. Park's face widened. "See? There's definitely a reason why I hated you so much," she said.

"Y-You're not my mother?" Hani asked. But that can't be right, she thought. She stared at the woman in front of her, seeing her as a stranger now. Hani realised that the 'devil' that Mrs. Park was referring to was her actual mother who gave birth to her.

"That's right," Mrs. Park nodded while folding her arms in front of her chest.

"Where is she?" Hani asked.

"Oh, she's no longer in this world, sweetheart."

Hani felt her heart break. She was overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. She felt betrayed by the one she thought was her mother, curious of what her real mother was like, confused to why she had never saw her and angry for some reason. But there was one thing that she didn't understand.

"But why did you throw me out?" she asked, "If I was born from my mom, whoever she is, then you must've adopted me, right?"

Mrs. Park sighed. "You poor girl," she said with a hint of sympathy in her voice. "You still don't know what the real world is like, huh? It's filled with a lot of untrustworthy men."

"What does that mean?"

Hani became more eager to know when Mrs. Park smiled at her.

"Your mother and my husband had you while he was married to me," the woman said.

"What?" Hani had a hand covering , unable to believe what Mrs. Park said. But she finally understood why the elder had a lot of hatred towards her. She was a child who was born from a sin.

"You see, I am not the bad one here," Mrs. Park started talking again, "I was the victim of all this mess."

As much as Hani wanted to defend her real mother, she couldn't disagree with the woman in front of her.


Hani walked along a path with her head down and thoughts in her head. She wasn't sure if she could trust her mother's words completely. She bit her lip when she realised that she still thought of Mrs. Park as her mother.

Hani dragged her feet towards a nearby bench and clumsily sat on it. All the energy seemed to be gone from her. As much as she didn't want to believe it, what Mrs. Park said sort of made sense to her. She leaned back against the bench and looked up at the sky in attempt to not let herself cry. She never thought that her father could be someone so heartless. She felt sorry t

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exoticyati #1
Chapter 5: Woah her mom's scary...that I could poop in my pants! Lol
SMentFan99 #2
Chapter 6: I didn't really get the "you can meet her now" and "hi, mom" part. So can anyone explain me? Thank you ^_^
Chapter 3: haha i wonder what crazines will happen now ha :P
oohlina #4
Chapter 6: soo cutee ahhh <3
jungkoook & hani omg ;3
chimgotjams #5
Chapter 5: lol that last scene is hilarious! I hope Hani can find her happiness again. Keep it up!
PakouYang536100 #6
Chapter 4: Subscribe Soon Plz :)
Chapter 4: OLOLO Sorry I haven't been commenting :))))) EXAMS EXAMS haha
I lurve it I lurve it
oohlina #8
Chapter 3: omg this is so cute ahh ♥ jungkoook is adoraaable ... so is daehyunn ^~^