

It was a corrupt place, many have denied the government, many have lived in suffering…. Nothing could stop the chaos...

That's what I had believed, living my life.

I was a Major, a young woman born with royal blood and given high honor since I was a baby. Us Majors are the Kings and Queens of this time, princes and princesses, dukes and duchesses... 

And Masters. Masters of Supreme Court, Masters of the richest and most respected families, and Masters to slaves. Slaves who can serve us with no questions asked.

Those were Minors, the commoners who lived in the lower Summit. Who knows what they do expect for work in factories and junkyards, maybe. I've never seen a Minor myself, but I'm sure their disgusting. Some created to be monsters, others hypnotized, I'm sure the Majors had plans for them.

Minors can be turned into slaves to work for us, but there are still some that resist us. Those are the rebels. All of them are kept in a special dungeon in an underwater containment ground called the Rapture, which was once a paradise, now a prison where no one can escape.

This place has changed before my eyes. I grew up watching a war, between us and Korea. It was the ultimate battle between our two countries, and it almost destroyed everything we knew.

When it was all over, al we have was wreckage, ruin, and ruble. We rebuilt the entire city, and we now use steam power as well as newly created technology.

I thought I could live my life in peace now. I thought everything was perfect.

Until I met... her.


It was a corrupt place, many have denied the government, many have lived in suffering... Nothing could stop the chaos.

That's what I had thought, through the years I've tried to survive. 

Now I'm living in the Rapture. Before the war, I had heard it was a paradise! Beautiful landscapes and things people could imagine beyond the horizon. Now it's a detainment facility for us rebels. Luckily I'm not the only one here. 

A friend of mine, named Kashiwagi Yuki, a talented engineer who had studied it way before the war. His father made use of him before he died, using the inventions he had created for good use and a close acquaintance of mine, Watanabe Miyuki, who I do not know well, yet Yuki seems to be close friends with her.

Now in the midst of the struggle, Yuki seemed to have made blueprints of a robot he had been wanting to create, named Subject Delta. Now all he needed was the parts...

Once I had gotten everything, he had gotten to work, it had taken a few months to complete. But it looked like Yuki's best masterpiece. Miyuki and I had looked at it in awe... Yet Miyuki had mentioned it looked like her younger sister, Watanabe Mayu, who had died during the war so we had named it after her in memory of her sister.

During these next few months, it seemed as though there was a civil war between the rebels in Rapture, hence why me and Yuki named it "The Rapture Civil War", I had managed to escape yet I was able to come back easily. We all hid in a lower part of the Summit, where no Major could find or control us, and we dubbed it "Sector R7"

R for Rebel, 7 for the seven Rebels who lead our group, including me.

I thought I could live, life the way it was now, having freedom.

Until, I found... her.



A/N Hey guys Michael here I know I have, TPTAOP, TDS and my OS collection to do but this came to my head, as you can see it's Steampunk themed with little hints of Bioshock references~ It's a collaborative effort between me and Ruka Kikuchi from Jph!p~ As always please comment, enjoy, subscribe and upvoting is optional~


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Chapter 2: Hope u continue :)