#One - The Beginning Of A Journey

Aura ♥ ( Apply Closed )


*On the bustling streets of Seoul*
"Oh my, a new girl group is debutting?" exclaimed a passerby. "Under which entertainment company?" asked the lady next to him. "Ah, SM Entertainment! Seems like it'll be a seven member group." he replied. "Such a huge billboard promoting their debut! Must be talented to be promoted like that! Hope they're not just pretty faces!" the latter added. "Why so mysterious though? Did you see their official website? They only showed silhouettes of the members! And now this billboard that only shows seven girls' back!" 
Conversations like these were heard all around Seoul after the huge billboard that was placed as a advert for SM Entertainment's new girl group. Not only the billboard, their official website has already attracted millions of views all around! With their sunbaes, Super Junior, DBSK, Girls' Generation, CSJH, f(x) and SHINee's constant reminders about their hoobae's soon-to-happen debut in all major variety shows, they have managed to get everyone's attention to this new group, Aura♥. 
With hype, come criticisms as well, many were skeptical about Aura♥ as there have already been way too many girl groups debuting this year. Do they have what it takes or will they be another one of those groups that will soon be forgotten? Will they simply be pretty faces that have only minimal talent? Everyone's watching to see if these seven girls deserve all this hype. 
* In a training room in SM Entertainment*
"Gather around girls!" a man bellowed, trying to be louder than the blasting music. The girls noticed him from the wall of mirrors and stopped their practice whilst one of them walked over and paused the music. The girls plopped down on the floor and looked expectantly at their manager. 
"Byul ah, grab a bottle of mineral water and pass the rest around." the manager said. Byul nodded and quickly went to grab a pack before returning and handing some out to everyone. After the girls all got their water, they continued looking at their manager. "So... manager oppa. What is it?" Li Na asked, unable to stand the suspense. 
"Oh right! Well, as you girls already know you will be debuting soon. And your schedules are out and your dorm is ready. You girls will be moving in tomorrow and you will start your schedule there after. Also, there will be a filming group following you girls in the first two weeks after your moving in. Its somewhat like a debut documentary of you girls." the manager explained. 
"Tomorrow? That's last minute!" Mina exclaimed, a little uncomfortable with the sudden news. "That's why you girls have the day off from now onwards to start packing!" the manager said. He then added "Oh and please be punctual and meet here at 9am sharp tomorrow!" 
* The next day *
"Unnie! Where are the rest?" Eunmi asked, looking around for signs of the rest of her group. "I just texted them, they should be here in abit." Yumi replied plopping down on the floor, pulling Eunmi along. Just then, the rest of the five girls came in with their luggage in tow, one after another.
"Everyone's here, yes?" the manager asked. "Yup, alls here!" Li Na replied for everyone. "Okay, so here's what's going to happen. The dorm is somewhat like a townhouse and you will have the whole house to yourselves. The estate is rather big but private and so all of our SM family stays there. Meaning f(x), SNSD, SHINee, Super Junior etc are all staying in that estate. JYP also has a few townhouses there for Miss A, 2pm as well as 2am. Its private enough so there is no surprise why there are so many celebrities staying there. Well, the rooms will be shared as follow, Mi-Ja will be rooming with Yumi. Mina with Na Eun. Li Na, Eunmi and Byul will be sharing the largest one. Okay?" the manager concluded, puffing slightly, out of breath.
"Neh~!" most the girls chorused. Mina and Na Eun just nodding their heads to show their understandment. The girls travelled to their new dorm together with squeals of excitment filling the car. 
* In the dorm *
The girls were left to unpack and the cameras starting rolling, filiming the every move of the members of Aura. "Omo, Mina unnie! You are so strong!" Mi-Ja exclaimed, looking wide-eye at her unnie that carried the heavy box containing a considerable amount of clothes in it with ease. Mina chuckled and added, "Please, I'm not as strong as those girls behind me!" Mina said whilst walking to her room to put the box down. Mi-Ja turned around and saw Yumi and Na Eun carrying two boxes each! "Omo!" Li Na gasped, joining Mi-Ja, Eunmi and Byul, staring at the three girls walking to their assigned rooms with the heavy boxes. 
As night was approaching, Yumi called the girls to the living room and decided to assign the girls jobs to make unpacking fast. "Mina, Na Eun, Li Na, Eunmi. You girls continue unpacking! Byul, Mi-Ja and I will start making dinner. Alright?" Yumi spoke, her voice of authority as the Leader kicking in whilst she tied the apron around herself. "Neh!" the rest of the members replied, some more eunthusiastic than others and got started with their respective assignments. 
Dinner and unpacking started and ended in a breeze and it was time for bed. But before that the filming crew needed to get some footage of the girls in their sleeping attire and some comments about how they felt about their debut. 
* Li Na, Eunmi and Byul's room *
The cameras rolled as Byul walked into the room after a bath wearing her favorite baby pink pajamas with strawberries all over. The camera turned its focus onto Eunmi who was wearing a simple white off-shoulder cotton tee with black sweatpants. Li Na walked over to Eunmi's bed and plopped down next to her, sharing the magazine that Eunmi was reading. Li Na was sporting a baby blue T-shirt with gray cotton shorts. Byul soon went to join them, plopping herself onto the bed next to Li Na, grabbing her Unnie's hair, she started to play with the soft strands, letting her fingers turn it to a French Braid.
The interviewer watched with a small smile, seeing how well the group already got along before asking "So girls, what are your thoughts about your debut?" "EXCITED!" the girls replied together. beaming at the camera. The interviewer let out a small chuckle and nodded "I see, I see, so one extra question for the curious viewers in front of the tv, who are your favourite male celebrities or what is your ideal type like?" Byul turned as red as a tomato after hearing the question and stammered, "Well, I usually look at the eyes first, I like guys with unique eyes. Oh! And if they dance well that would be a bonus!" "For me, someone that can dance and sing well. Someone that is fillial to their parents. If he knows how to play an instrument, it'll be a plus!" Eunmi said with Byul whispering to her, "Someone like a certain Super Junior sunbae?", earning a playful whack and a small cry from Eunmi. "Unnie!" Li Na chuckled, looking at her Dongsaengs before taking the camera's attention "Someone that sings well! I love singing and my ideal type has to sing well too. That's pretty much my only criteria!" "Even if he's a little weird?" Byul said. "Even if he's ALOT weird!" Li Na replied, sticking out her tongue and pinching her dongsaeng's cheek playfully.
* Mina and Na Eun's room *
Mina and Na Eun were seen arranging their belongings into the wardrobe and shelves in their room. Na Eun was seen wearing a purple long sleeved top with black yoga pants from Lululemon. While, Mina was seen in full black, a black racer back top and black cotton shorts. "Yah, Mina, as your friend and someone who knows what looks good on you. I swear, you need to stop wearing so much black" Na Eun tsked. Mina rolled her eyes, they had this conversation everytime Mina changed into something black. "And you know that no matter how many tiems you tell me, I'll still wear black right?" Na Eun glared playfully "I should just buy you a pair of pink pajamas like Byul's for Christmas, force you to wear it instead." Mina's eyes widened as she whipped around to face Na Eun "Don't you dare, or else I swear I'll go got the pink sharpie...I know how much of a heavy sleeper you are." Her eyes turned to slits about to threaten Na Eun further.
The interviewer than stepped into the room with the cameras. "Sorry to disturb you girls but it's your turn to tell the viewers abit about your feelings of your debut!". Seeing that Na Eun wasn't going to speak Mina sighed before answering, a small smile gracing her features. "We're both excited to show the audience why we've been training for so long." Na Eun just nodded giving ther interviewer a look that said 'Do or Die' The interviewer blinked and quickly continued. "So a last question for the curious viewers, who is your ideal type or could you describe for us what do you look for in a partner?". Mina pondered for a few seconds and started "Dance. He needs to dance well. I think as a dancer, I can feel someone's true emotions through their dancing! I personally admire Super Junior's Eunhyuk sunbaenim alot!". Na Eun then said "Someone with a nice smile, he needs to be a little unique, dedicated to their family and definitely needs to treasure me. A lot. Me and the girls. So, pretty much any guy who's perfect to me." Na Eun nodded, with a look of finale.  
* Yumi and Mi-Ja's room *
Mi-Ja who was wearing a pale yellow top with peroro pajama pants rolled over onto Yumi's bed, crashing into the owner that was lying at the bed, texting. "Unnie! Uwah! Be careful! I sent a weird text to my sister all thanks to you!" Yumi said, pretending to punch her unnie in the arm while Mi-Ja laughed at her sillyness. Yumi was wearing a navy blue off-shoulder cotton top and a pair of white cotton shorts. "What did you sent to who?" Mi-Ja asked. "I wanted to text my sister, telling her I'm settled in already and not to worry and I accidently typed "Hey Yuri, I moved in with the girls in a dorm and please worry about me!" instead of please DON'T worry about me!" Yumi pretended to whine, puffing out her cheeks in a pout. "Silly you!" Mi-Ja said, poking Yumi's cheeks. 
The interviewer than asked "So girls, are you both excited about the debut?" "A little nervous actually." Mi-Ja said. "Well, nervous deffinitely but also really looking forward to showing everyone what we've trained for!" Yumi added. "A last question for today for the curious viewer watching, Who is your ideal type or what is your ideal type like?" "I really admire people with great voices. It would be nice if he was mild mannered as well, like a gentleman." Mi-Ja replied. "Someone that can communicate with me in English would be good. I still have problems with some difficult korean phrases! Also, maybe someone that can accompany me to church?" Yumi said. 
With that, the long and tiresome day ended. What will be of the girls of Aura?
PeanutButterOreos: Hope you girls like the first chapter! i apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes! I have been occupied with ballet practice and so I'll try and update as often as I can. This is just a simple start and the romance will be kicking in, in abit! If I have the girls falling in love in the first chapter, it seems a bit rushed to me! (: 
Breathlessly: Annyeong~! ;D Co Author Nami here~^^ Hope you girls don't mind but I finally got the time to go over this chapter and review a couple things here & there. I think I'll be writing the next chapter so you get to see my writing style c: Hope I didn't mess up the sotry on how you liked it :3 
Yumi ♥
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Chiaki_12 #1
How did you edit poster's like that? And how did you make the dorm ? Please tell me .. (:
Is this going to be updated anytime soon? ^^
Haha, the group unnies ganging up on their groupmates. I like how some of the girls clearly have a familiarity with their partners as opposed to being borderline strangers. Can't wait to see the interactions between the "ice queens" and the "bubbly princesses" (or so I've dubbed them. XD). <br />
And the poster is very cute...and yes, so is Yesung. ^^
Cool update xD<br />
Yesung and his turtle obsession *shakes head*<br />
"You saw wrong" I can imagine Yumi's face like:<br />
'O_O What are you saying to your sunbae?!' haha<br />
Just to let you know, you double posted the latest chapter ^^
Awww yesung(: too cute.
Pretty new poster(: can't wait for the update! :D
Oh maknae love. Update soon! ^^