Rescued, but....

Kidnapped (Again!)

No one PoV

The guys barged in and one went to Onew, who was bleeding heavily. 

"Who are you guys?!" Minhyun asked, angry.

"Who are you?" The boss came and kicked Minhyun,  making him fall to the floor. His thugs started to attack the new ones and soon were ensued in a fight. The new guys won over Minhyun's gang and saved all of them.

"Who are you guys?" Minho asked weakly as they lifted him and got out, taking him inside their car.

"Let... me.. go!" Jonghyun groaned as they placed him.

The boss called someone, and waited for the other to pick up.

"Sooman sshi? They're safe"

"Are they? Thanks.... really thanks" Sooman said and hung up.

"Yoonduk, they're safe... let's go to the Seoul Hospital" Sooman said to a surprised Yoonduk and went out.


The five were admitted in Seoul Hospital, as per Sooman's orders. They were rolled in one by one, each on a bed and took inside the ER. Key was the first to come out. He saw Sooman and Yoonduk waiting outside and ran to the. He hugged Yoonduk tightly, not caring about his own wounds and bruises, and cried over him.

"H-hyung I was s-so scared..... they hurt us everyday!!" He cried uncontrollably. Yoonduk just rubed his back comfortingly. 

"Sshh..... it's okay now. You're safe, you guys are safe" Yoonduk whispered beside his ear. 

Taemin was next. As soon as he saw them, he stood frozen in his spot, unable to believe what he saw. He ran straight to Key and hugged him tightly. Jonghyun staggered out next, seeing all of them cry and tears invaded his eyes too. Minho came next with the most bruises, bandages almost all over his hands and a brace over his neck. He came slowly with a walking stick for support. The other three came and helped him to sit down.

"I thought I was the only one kidnapped....?" Mimho questioned.

"We too thought, but turns we were all kidnapped that day. I heard Onew hyung shout to the driver, telling him to stop the car that day..." Taemin stated.

"Speaking of which, where's Onew hyung?" Jonghyun asked them. All of them shrugged, not knowing the answer. Just then, a doctor came out, speaking something with the doctors with him. He came straight to Yoonduk.

"He's fine now, but the blow had made him go into a coma stage. We don't know when he can wake up but we're trying our best" The doctor said and moved away.

All of them, even Sooman stood frozen at their spot. No one could believe what the doctor said. Jonghyun kept a hand over his mouth, trying to muffle his whimpers. Minho was staring into space, his mind completely blank. Taemin sunk back into the chair, his hands supporting his head. Key's legs gave in as he knelt down, crying loudly. Yoonduk couldn't do anything but just stare at them.

"Hyung... I need to see him" Taemin muttered and ran into the ER, to the bed of Onew.

There he was, lying on the bed with a bandage over his head, covering his hair completely, an oxygen mask over his nose, covering more than half of his face, and his bare torso with some wires stuck at places. Taemin staggered towards him with shivering legs, and held Onew's hand which was full of bruises. Tears started to flow out silently from Taemin's eyes, but he didn't care to wipe them. He cried loudly, his forehead on Onew's knuckles. The latter couldn't respond. He laid still, as if he was sleeping.

Just one point. 

A forced sleep.

Key went over to Taemin and hugged him tight, making him cry over his chest.

All of them were crying. The door opened, revealing the other groups -f(x), SNSD, EXO, Super Junior, BoA, Red Velvet (A/N-Now don't bash me! They're also a part of SM!!) and others. The whole of SM Entertainment was there.


Onew : I must say you did a good job on elaborating feelings! Oh my feels!

Me : Why thank you!! *bows*

Key : Soo.... how exactly were we saved?

Me : Sooman sshi called some people from the underground world (JUST MY IMAGINATION!!!! SOOMAN HAS NO CONNECTIONS!!!) to save you guys!!

Minho : ........ Nice plan.... *sarcasm*

Me : Yah!

Taemin : Waah! We got out of that hell finally!!

Jonghyun : Why am I telling my line so weak?!

Me : Stop it guys!!!! I can't afford to have a long conversation with u guys everytime I have one!! So let's finish it!

Key : Okay okay! Psst, talk about anger management issues!

Me : Kim. Kibum. Oppa!!!! >< (chasing.... START!)

Minho : Why do you chase someone every time we hae a coversation?! This pisses me off!!

Jonghyun : Don't worry, she has a lot of anger inside her, so she vents it out on us. We should understand and endure that as her friends... (Oh how I wish I had friends like this!! Not that I don't have any... but still I want many!)

Taemin : I agree.... Key hyung, TypicalShawol!!! Please come here, we have to end this convo!!

Me&SHINee : Please comment, subscribe, and upvote for this story!!! We'll be sooooo happy if you did that!

CUD'S........ Annyeong~!!! ♥


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Chapter 2: Interesting story. Poor Onew seeing his brothers get hurt
Since i get emitional easy i cried when Taemin screamed Hyung. Im so emotional. But good start. Keep it up anf fighting
p.s. The convos with SHINee are funny and interesting. Keep on doing these convos. I like them.
oh I love the foreword, I'm very excited for the first chapter :)