
This time

"Amber!!" Sulli called out cheerfully as soon as I set foot in the classroom. I placed my backpack on my seat and ready for her daily bear hug. "Come to my house tomorrow please?" 


"My parents are going out on a business trip." She pouted cutely with her puppy like eyes. "I'm left alone in my house."

"Your sisters?" She shook her head and heaved out a deep sigh. 

"My eldest sister is living in her dorm. My second sister? Aish, she just lock herself in her room all day." He second sister seems to be a gloomy person from what I've heard. She's always sad, always in her room folding cranes, failing her grades, maybe something bad happened to her... "Will you? Stay over for a night please, Luna might be coming over too."

"If Luna is going, then you have your company." She hit my arm lightly and puffed her cheeks. "Speaking of Luna, where is she?" I looked around, but she is nowhere to be found. Even her seat is empty.

"Of, I spoke to her on phone yesterday, she said she's coming late today." Sulli shrugged a bit before grabbing my hand and dragged me out the classroom. "Accompany me to the toilet please." Aish, not this again...

 "I heard your eldest sister is attending a pretty cool uni, she must be really smart huh?" I leaned against the sink with my arms crossed while Sulli washed her hands.

"Yup, both my sisters are very smart." Both her sisters? I thought her second sister is doing quite badly in college. "I know Min said my second sister is failing her grades and all," she looked at me through the mirror. "she used to be very cheerful and smart. But when she came back from America, she changed to a different person. I don't even know her that much anymore. i want to cheer her up, but she always shuts herself in her room." I patted her head lightly and she turned to hug me with her face burried on the crook of my neck. I felt my neck getting wet so i returned the hug and caressed her head soothingly. I almost jumped off my skin when the door slammed open in a sudden.

"Gosh, I've been looking for you gir-" Luna shut when I glared at her, pointing at Sulli who still has her head on my neck. Luna mouthed a 'what happened' and I replied her by mouthing a 'just shut up'. She nodded and salutted, before exitting the toilet quietly, 

"I'm sobs, sorry, your ne- sob- neck is wet now."Sulli lifted  her head and wiped the tears away from her eyes. 

"It's okay, best friends right?" I ruffled her hair and she smiled a little, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. 

"Please, I'm really gonna pee in my pants." An urgent sound came from the back of the door. I looked at Sulli and shrugged, before approaching the door and turned the knob.

"Whats going on out here?" A girl from another class broke her glare towards Luna and looked at me pleadingly.

"I have to use the toilet, but this girl won't let me!" 

"Luna." I shook my head disapprovingly.

"What did I do wrong this time? I'm keeping her out for you."




"What are you doing? Its lunch time now." Luna tilted her head to a side and raised a brow. "Who are you drawing?" 

"My sister." She replied simply without raising her head.

"Second one?" She hummed in response.

"Ahh! I terrible at this!" She slammed the pencil on the table and sighed. "I can't so anything right. I can't even draw my sister to make her happy."

"Don't say that." I picked the pencil up and pulled a chair to sit in front of her. "Drawing is my speciallity too." I smiled at her. "So, what do your beloved sister looks like?"





"Today's class we'll split up in groups of two." The teacher clapped her hands. 

"Yun, group with me bro." Jonathan head locked me from behind. 

"Sorry man, you go find someone else." 

"Hey Yi Yun! Geez, what a jerk."

"Hey princess." I smirked when she looked up at me with a bored expression. "Group up with me."


"No can't do princess, we're the only ones left." I plopped the seat beside her and grinned.

"Class, have you settled down? If so, please face your respective partners and sketch their faces." I grinned ear to ear as I flipped open my sketch book and turned to the goddess in front of me. 

"I'm going to draw in all honesty, iI'm not going to beautify your face." She said as she began sketching on her book.

"Neither will I." I smiled as I sharpened the tip of my pencil before taking down the beauty before me into my sketch pad. 

I grazed the tip of my pencil across my sketch pad, as my eyes wandered around her flawless and delicate face. Her soulful eyes frammed by thick long lashes, her cute pointy nose, her thin pinkish lips that never ceased to make my heart skip a beat when they curbed upwards, the long silky hair that I longed to run my fingers through, her small mole at the side of her neck that I always wanted to kiss.....


End of flashback...



"Ahh!" I jolted in shock and dropped the pencil when Sulli shouted, eyes locking with the portrait i just sketched. I glanced down at my work and blinked a time few times.

"I-I'm sorry I drew someone el-."  I took the paper in my hands but Sulli snatched it before I could touch it.

"Why are you saying sorry?! It looks just like a picture of my sister!! It's amazing Amber!!" Sulli jumped up and down excitedly.

"Oh my gosh Amber!!! It is her!" Luna squealed. wait, I'm sure the one I sketched is 'her', but they're saying she looks just like Sulli's sister. Could it be... no, it shouldn't be her.... she will never in her life fails her exam, and even though she can be cold, but she'll not shut herself in her room like that...

"Sulli, what's your sister's name?" I looked at her intensely while gulping the lump in my throat. 

"Eh, why do you want to know?"

"Just tell me,  please." A sly smirk appeared on her face for a minute.

"I'm not telling you." She crossed her arms. "If you want to know, come to my house and find it out yourself." She stuck her tongue out at me and I shook me head in defeat.





"Unnie," a young girl ran to her sister's bed and lied on it.

"Yes Sulli. The older girl loser the book she is reading and looked at the little girl with a gentle smile.

"Unnie, I think I like someone. " the little girl said shyly while looking at her own feet. The older girl blinked a few times before snickering.

"Who is that lucky boy I wonder?"

"She is a girl, she is Amber." The older girl almost chocked with her own salivawhen she had heard what her younger sister had said. 'She's still young, that's why' the older girl thought. "Oh, I almost forgot.Amber drew a picture of you today."The little girl handed her older sister piece of paper. The older girl raised a brow before taking the paper and unfolded it.

"I've never met Amber yet ri-" the older girl widened her eyes before getting off the bed and went through her cupboard.


"..." the older girl's hands shook, as she stared at a certain page of an old sketch book with a portrait that looks exactly the same as the one given by her sister.




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serial-reader #1
i actually found myself thinking about this story...really, like where this going to go...and even with my wildest imagination, i cant get even a slightest picture of it...
Chapter 6: pls update author .. i really love your story!!!
Chapter 6: Ohh this is a GOOD one man :3

Keep it coming :D
wnnygwee #5
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do update this onw author.................
it's a great story....pls...
Chapter 6: I'm frustrated.... because there's no continuation!! Please Update more!! That's all thanks!!
Chapter 6: Author-ssi I know Im not such a good reader since I don't much comment but to tell you the truth I really LOVED your story even if I don't comment that much. Your story never fails to touch my heart to the point of crying sometimes while reading this. And I hope you'll update cause Im missing this so much but take your time Ok don't wanna stress you out. Im so grateful to read such a Wonderful and Touching story of yours ^__^.
Sina_neiyz #8
Chapter 6: OMG.. Why all your stories so amazing and yet most of them leave me hanging.. Please author-shii.. Update please.. Do some research or even try to find a co-author so that you can finish it. I know you can be a great writer
serial-reader #9
Chapter 6: this is very amazing.....i mean super duper amazing story....
instead of reincarnation, you choose to exchange their soul....
and sure it make me wonder like " seriously" what happen next.....???