How we first met

This time

Amber's pov

I am an orphan, as simple as that. I have no parents, no relative, no else but me myself to grow up with. And to be honest, I don’t really care. I don’t care who I met at some point of my life or who will I sharearrow-10x10.png the rest of my life with. That’s what I thought before I met you….

I was 17 that year when we first met. You transferred to Cali from Korea because your sister is furthering her study here. The first thing that came to my mind when I first saw you was, ‘hot’. You indeed were the opposite of the word ‘hot’, you were as cold as ice. I remembered approaching you for the first time, and I remembered receiving a deathly glare from you.  What a pleasant first impression, I thought.

We somehow became friends after you slapped me across the face for accidentally dropping your favourite mango bun on the floor. Because of that tiny piece of mango bun, you started manipulating me into doing things you wanted.  

We both were 18 when I first had my first ever girlfriend, Suzy. I forgot how Suzy and I gotten together but I knew I didn’t even like her back then. You stopped ordering me around and started ignoring me like how you used to when we first met. I even tried purposely dropping your favourite mango bun and all you did was giving me a cold look before walking away. That was when I realized I need you more than anyone else in my life.

I remembered that night. You and Minho were crowned as the prom king and queen. I was angry. Angry for asking my girlfriend instead of you to be my prom partner. Who am I kidding? Who asks a girl rather than his girlfriend to be his prom partner?  I got drunk, and you volunteered to send me home since you said you yourself weren’t feeling any good.

I was drunk, but I did not regret kissing you back then. You slapped me, so hard that my face got even redder than it already was due to the alcohol. You called me crazy before storming out of my house.  

We graduated highschool without even exchanging a word after that incident. I was shocked when I found out we were attending the same college. I had a few classes with you and I always observe you from afar. Our eyes often met yours when you turned and caught me staring at you.

19 years old, one of my friends said you were going to transfer back to Korea. My heart broke into pieces, and I realized that I love you so much I cannot bear losing you. I broke up with my girlfriend, which I wondered why I haven’t done it earlier. I have no parents, no siblings, no one else. It doesn’t matter to me anymore; because what I need the most now is you…

I love you. No matter who I have become, I will always love you.                                                                    








“Amber honey? Are you okay?” My ‘mom’ asked while caressing my cheeks. I’m starting to accept the fact that Amber’s parents are now my parents. It’s weird though, I never had any parent since I was born. It’s strangely heart-warming…

“I’m alright I guess.” I gave her a small smile.

“You’ve been weird after you attended Mr. Liu Yi Yun’s funeral, are you okay?” My heart twitched when she mentioned the funeral.

 I attended my own funeral few days ago. Sounds wrong but that’s how it is. I saw my friends crying their eyes out, especially Suzy, eventhough I dumped her, she still cried for me… I thought ‘she’ might attend the funeral considering the fact that she had known me since high school, but she never showed up.

“She’s probably at Korea! You don’t expect her to fly back to Cali just to attend your funeral idiot.” I murmured under my breath.

“Did you say something?” ‘Mom’ turned to me and raised her brow.

“No, nothing in particular.” I shook my head before looking through the plane window. ‘My’ or would you prefer, ‘Amber’s ‘ parents and sister, Jackie, and I are now in an airplane heading to South Korea.  ‘Mom’ and I are sitting together, while ‘dad’ and Jackie are sitting behind us.

 To be honest, moving to Korea makes me a little nervous. Not only because ‘she’ will probably be there, but also the fact that I need to meet new people and learn new languages. Will I ever meet ‘her’? I hope so….  




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serial-reader #1
i actually found myself thinking about this story...really, like where this going to go...and even with my wildest imagination, i cant get even a slightest picture of it...
Chapter 6: pls update author .. i really love your story!!!
Chapter 6: Ohh this is a GOOD one man :3

Keep it coming :D
wnnygwee #5
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do update this onw author.................
it's a great story....pls...
Chapter 6: I'm frustrated.... because there's no continuation!! Please Update more!! That's all thanks!!
Chapter 6: Author-ssi I know Im not such a good reader since I don't much comment but to tell you the truth I really LOVED your story even if I don't comment that much. Your story never fails to touch my heart to the point of crying sometimes while reading this. And I hope you'll update cause Im missing this so much but take your time Ok don't wanna stress you out. Im so grateful to read such a Wonderful and Touching story of yours ^__^.
Sina_neiyz #8
Chapter 6: OMG.. Why all your stories so amazing and yet most of them leave me hanging.. Please author-shii.. Update please.. Do some research or even try to find a co-author so that you can finish it. I know you can be a great writer
serial-reader #9
Chapter 6: this is very amazing.....i mean super duper amazing story....
instead of reincarnation, you choose to exchange their soul....
and sure it make me wonder like " seriously" what happen next.....???