Elementary school life begins

This time


"Amber Josephine Liu!!" Jackie shouted from upstairs."Did you ate my chocolate?!" Yawning, I picked up the remote from the table and went through the channels.  

"Yes, in fact I'm eating it right at this beautiful moment." I can hear her heavy footsteps as I switched the channel lazily. Within a few second, She appeared right in front of me with her hands on her hips, glaring at me.

"I caught you red handed."

"No you didn't, I told you beforehand." I said while pushing her to the side with my leg. "You're blocking the tv."

"Urgh, you little devil. I'm older than you, you disrespectful little bi-"

"Jackie!" Mom emerged from the kitchen with a pan in her hand, eyeing Jackie disapprovingly. "How could you say such foul phrase to your ten-year-old sister." Jackie looked down like a thirteen year old girl she is and muttered a barely audible sorry.Ha, whipped."You mustn't bully her, shes only able to adapt to her old.lifestyle." Mum scolded.with a pointed finger. Come to think of it, I've already been here for three months. I've pretty much learned how to speak their language and adapted the life here. The life with the real amber's family, the life of being amber. But I never gotten the chance to find 'her'. I hated the fact that I'm a kid, who has no freedom."Amber honey are you okay?" I blinked a few tines before nodding my head. "I have something to tell you." She plopped herself down on the sofa beside me cheerfully with her hands clasped together. "Your dad and I decided to send you to a proper school. You must've been lonely being homeschooled all the time, so we decided  to send you to xxx elementary school. It's right between Jackie's high-school and xox college, it'll be fun." Mom cheered.

 I slauched against the sofa and heaved out a deep sigh. So it's elementary school all again huh...




I sat on my assigned seat and shook my legs back and forth, while the other kids eyed me as if I'm a piece of meat. I snickered when one of them gave me a toothy grin. I felt a pat on my shoulder so I turned over to face the little girl with a smile.so bright I could almost see her eyes shining.

"Me Sulli you?" I chuckled at her cute way of speaking before pointing at myself and said, "I'm Amber." "Let's be best friend, I like you already." She grabbed my hands and shookthem furiously. 

"Sure." So this is friendship between girls how cute. It kinda makes me wonder if i were to be a girl that time, would 'she' had treated me so coldly...

"Amber, are you here?" I snapped out of my thoughts when Sulli clapped her hands in front of me. "This is Luna, Luna this is Amber. Let's all be best friends." Sulli giggled happily.

"Hello, Amber! " A girl with short hair hugged me tightly. "Amber is so cute." She broke the hug and pinches my cheeks. Ouch.

"Okay class, sit at your place respectively. We're starting the lesson now." And so we did. I stared out the window and sighed. When will I everything meet you again, princess?..."



Amber you're so smart!!" Sulli exclaimed right after out class ended. 

"Yeah Amber, I always hated that teacher. He'll always give is tons question, and when we answered corectly, he'll just ask more harder questions." Luna crossed her arms and shook her head dramatically

"How do you know that one minus two is equals to... " Sulli scratched her head and looked at me with her brow furrowed.

"Negative one?"

"Yeah Yeah that one. Nobody has ever managed to answer that before you." 

"Maths is my speciality." I chuckled before shoving my things into my bag.

 "Let's walk out together shall we?" Luna grabbed our hands and began walking to the school entrance. "Amber, do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"I.have an.older sister, she's studying at the high school beside our school." I said, referring to Jackie that stupid little girl.

"Oh that's nice. I don't have any brothers and sisters though. Sulli has two beautiful older sisters by the way."

"You do?" I glanced.at sulli.

"Yup, but both of them are pretty old." She giggled. "My eldest sister is already 23. And my second sister is studying at the college beside our school." 

"That's a pretty huge you got there." I said and she struggled 

"I kinda like it though, both of them treated me like a princess. " She said happily. "My sisters just came back from America few months ago though, they are very good in speaking English."

"I came back from US a three months ago too." Both of then looked at me with their month agape. 

"Lucky, I want to go to a foreign country too." Luna whined while stomping her foot. 

"Me too. " Sulli pouted. 

"My mum's alreadyhere, I'll see you guys,or girls tomorrow I guess. Bye."



"Sulli, you're sister is here!" A little girl with short hair exclaimed excitedly while pointing at the school entrance.  

"Oh, i see her, bye Luna." Another girl hugged the short haired girl before approaching the beautiful tall girl at the entrance. "Unnie!"

."How was school today?" The girl held the her younger sister's hand and walked her to her car.

"Unnie, I made a new best friend today. Her name is Amber." The little girl sat on the passenger seat while bouncing happily."She's super good in maths. She's so smart and cool." 

"I'm glad." The girl smiled kindly at her littlle sister before taking off.

"Ah!! That's Amber over there." The little girl pointed at a certain honda SUV right beside their mini cooper waiting for the traffic light. "Make the window come down please."

"It's dangerous, so no,"


"No can't do."

"Ple-, ah, she's gone..." The little girl slumped back into her seat with her arms crossed and a sour face. 

"Aish, you'll see her tomorrow anyway." The girl chuckled lightly. "Whilst I can never see him again..." She whispered to herself bitterly.



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serial-reader #1
i actually found myself thinking about this story...really, like where this going to go...and even with my wildest imagination, i cant get even a slightest picture of it...
Chapter 6: pls update author .. i really love your story!!!
Chapter 6: Ohh this is a GOOD one man :3

Keep it coming :D
wnnygwee #5
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do update this onw author.................
it's a great story....pls...
Chapter 6: I'm frustrated.... because there's no continuation!! Please Update more!! That's all thanks!!
Chapter 6: Author-ssi I know Im not such a good reader since I don't much comment but to tell you the truth I really LOVED your story even if I don't comment that much. Your story never fails to touch my heart to the point of crying sometimes while reading this. And I hope you'll update cause Im missing this so much but take your time Ok don't wanna stress you out. Im so grateful to read such a Wonderful and Touching story of yours ^__^.
Sina_neiyz #8
Chapter 6: OMG.. Why all your stories so amazing and yet most of them leave me hanging.. Please author-shii.. Update please.. Do some research or even try to find a co-author so that you can finish it. I know you can be a great writer
serial-reader #9
Chapter 6: this is very amazing.....i mean super duper amazing story....
instead of reincarnation, you choose to exchange their soul....
and sure it make me wonder like " seriously" what happen next.....???