Paper crane

This time


"Amber, you got full marks for the quiz again." Sulli snatched the paper out of my hands and showed it to our other classmates.  

"You liar," Luna pouted. "You said you're only good at mathematics, but you got A for everything." Well, that's cause I've learned all those nine years back then. 

"It's not like you're the best or anything. " A voice caught our attention. "It's just mere luck. "

"Oh please Min, She is better than you, in everything." Sulli defended me. I rolled my eyes at their childishness. And again, they're all ten years old.

"Sulli, my brother told me your older sister has been failing her grades lately." Min smirked when Sulli frowned. "Your sister is nothing but a loser with a pretty face." 

"No, She's not!!" Sulli clenched her fist, with tears building up at the edge of her eyes. "Don't you dare tall about her like that!" Sulli leaped forward and grabbed a hold of mom's hair. Uh Oh, little girls' fight.

"Sulli!" I was about to do something about it when our class teacher walked in and pulled Sulli away. "You're coming with me to the principal office!" Luna looked at me in horror while I shrugged. It's bad news, for them at least. Being called into the principal office is like nightmare for kids around their age after all.




So, what did the teacher said?" I glanced at Sulli, who's sitting across me eating her lunch box quietly. 

"She said she'll speak to my sister after school when she comes pick me up." Sulli poked her meat with her fork and sighed. "I don't want unnie to worry, she's been sad lately and I don't want here to be more upset."

"Why is she sad?" Luna asked while taking in a huge bite of here sandwich.  

"I don't know." Sulli shrugged with a frown. "She's been sad ever since she came back from America, maybe she misses there." She tossed the fork back into her lunch box and leaned her face on the table. 

"I guess. If you're seeing the principal after school, that means you can't attend the extra class today." Luna pointed ut.

"Yeah, I.really wanted to join today's art extra class though. I heard we're doing origami today. I was looking forward to it." She puckered her lips and puffed her cheeks. "I wanted to learn how to make a paper crane." My eyes flickered and my stomach twisted as memories from the past came gushing in me. 




"What are you doing?" I looked at her with my brow raised before plopping myself down on the seat in front of her. "Folding papers, really?" 

"I'm learning how to fold a crane so shut up." She glared at me, before turning her attention back to the pile of paper on hers desk. She hung her head low, focussing on folding the paper, her hair falls perfectly down her face. She pushed a strand of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. She glanced up at me for a milisecond, her ears turned a shade of pink.   

"Do you want big brother to teacher you?" I while poking her cheeks.She raised her head up and gave me her usual deathly glare..   

"Yah, I'm being serious here." Oops, guess I made her angry. I picked up one paper before skillfully folded a perfect paper crane.

"Tada!" I tossed the crane in front of her and smirked when she looked at me with her cheeks puffed.

"I don't need your cockiness. Go away." She made a shoo motion. I chuckled and played with her hair. 

"Why are you folding those paper crane anyway?" 

"I'm planning of making a thousand of these little bastards." I snickered at her choice of words."I heard you can make a wish once you made a thousand cranes."

"What might the princess want to wish upon to?"

"That's a secret stupid, I can't tell you or else it wouldn't come true." She smacked my head before sticking out her tongue at me. Childish much?

"There's a super fast way though." I smirked when her eyes lightened up. I took the crane I folded just now and wrote something on its wing with a pen. "Here is it. Aren't I smart?" 

"Yah, stupid." She pinched my hand with a smile smile crepted on her flawless face. 


End of flashback...



"Amber!" I snapped out of my thoughts immediately and glanced at sulli. .

"What were you saying? Sorry I wasn't listening. " I scratched the back of my head and smiled at her apologetically..

"I said I want to learn how to make a paper crane because my sister has been doing a lot of it. I think she have made more than a hundred."

"Wow sulli, your sister must like paper crane very much Huh?" Luna exclaimed, spitting some of here sandwich on the table. Sulli grimaced a bit before shrugging.

"When I asked her about it she just said she needed more, that's why I wanted to learn how to make paper cranes to help her out." She then sighed before saying, "but then this came up." 

"Don't worry, I'll teach you how to fold one." I reassured her with a path on her shoulder.

"Really?" She jolted up exitedly. 

"Really." I smiled and ruffled her hair.




"Sulli, you shouldn't have fought with your classmate." A tall girl with brunette hair scolded when they are walking at the school corridor.

"But unnie, she..." The little girl hung her head low with her hands clenched tightly at her sides. "She insulted you..." She  murmured to herself.

"She what?" The older sister raised a brow at the younger one. 

"Nothing. I need to grab something from my locker for a moment." The little girl hurried to her locker and tapped in the password to her key. "Ah, there's a paper crane in the locker." She exclaimed excitedly and pulled out the crane out of her locker. "Amber must've made it for me and there is something written on It's wing too." She squinted her eyes to see what is written on the wing. "It's in English? I can't really read it."

"Let me see." The older girl took the crane and read the letters on the wing.  'may your wish come true, Crane x 1000..'

"Unnie are you Okay?" The little girl stared up at her sister in concern when her sister stood rigid while holding the crane tightly in her hand.

"I-I'm fine... Let's go." 


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serial-reader #1
i actually found myself thinking about this story...really, like where this going to go...and even with my wildest imagination, i cant get even a slightest picture of it...
Chapter 6: pls update author .. i really love your story!!!
Chapter 6: Ohh this is a GOOD one man :3

Keep it coming :D
wnnygwee #5
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do update this onw author.................
it's a great story....pls...
Chapter 6: I'm frustrated.... because there's no continuation!! Please Update more!! That's all thanks!!
Chapter 6: Author-ssi I know Im not such a good reader since I don't much comment but to tell you the truth I really LOVED your story even if I don't comment that much. Your story never fails to touch my heart to the point of crying sometimes while reading this. And I hope you'll update cause Im missing this so much but take your time Ok don't wanna stress you out. Im so grateful to read such a Wonderful and Touching story of yours ^__^.
Sina_neiyz #8
Chapter 6: OMG.. Why all your stories so amazing and yet most of them leave me hanging.. Please author-shii.. Update please.. Do some research or even try to find a co-author so that you can finish it. I know you can be a great writer
serial-reader #9
Chapter 6: this is very amazing.....i mean super duper amazing story....
instead of reincarnation, you choose to exchange their soul....
and sure it make me wonder like " seriously" what happen next.....???