One more chance

This time

“Suzy let’s break up.”


“I’m sorry Suzy, I’m in a hurry….”

“You’re going to chase her aren’t you?”

“I’m sorry, I realized that I’ve been in love with her ever since we met….”



“You’ll regret it.”

“Thanks Suzy.” I thanked her for letting me go…..

I quickly get in my car, on the engine and start driving. Wait for me please!!!!

Sorry, I’m in a hurry that I've forgotten to introduce myself…. I’m Yi Yun from California.I'm a 19-year-old boy that just broke up with my girlfriend because I realized that I fell for another girl. I’m a bastard right?? But I don’t care now, cause the girl I love is going to leave to Korea in 30 minutes!!!! I’m speeding my car to the maximum trying to get to the airport. Hope I can get there in time!!!

, red light!!! And what’s worst is that’s the slowest traffic light on earth!!!… I have no time to waste!!! I ignored it and rode through the red light. OH !!! A kid suddenly rushed in front of my car!!! I tried to avoid hitting the kid but instead I smashed into a thick lighting pole…..

Ouch…. Ouch…. Ouch

It hurts…… I can’t move…. My head hurts and I think my skull broke…..

I’m feeling dizzy now…… NO!!! Don’t tell me I’m gonna die now!!!

Please God, I haven’t told her how much I love her yet….. Please….. Give me just one more chance…. At least after I kissed her....

I swear I’ll cherish it, PLEASE

No, I’m dying…. Just one more chance……


“PLEASE!!!” I woke up with a start. Wait, I’m alive??? I look at my hands, somehow they look smaller….. Where am I?? I looked around the place, it seems to be a hospital.

“Are you okay?” A woman startled me when she started talking to me. I don’t really understand what she’s talking about… It’s Korean right? I’m quite sure because my ex used to force me to have korea drama marathon with her….

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” I said in English while shrugging my shoulder. Wait, why is my voice so weird??? It's like a kid's.....

“What happen to you?? You shouldn't know how to speak in English.” The woman uttered in korean. “Doctor!!” She called the doctor.

“Doctor, my daughter is really weird, Is this the side effect of the accident??” Now she’s speaking in English since the doctor is an American. Wait a minute…..did she just said that I’m her daughter?? Even if I really look like her daughter but I’m obviously a guy right?

“Uhm, ma’am, I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else… I’m not your daughter..” I said politely while bowing a bit.

“You’re indeed right ma’am, there’s something wrong with her…. “ The doctor said while marking a form. “We need to get her for another round of check-ups.”

“Wait, what!?!” I exclaimed angrily. “I’m alright!!!”

“No you’re not little girl.” The doctor said while patting my head.

“Can you stop that!!! I’m not a LITTLE GIRL by the way!! I’m a man!!” I said while pushing his hand away.

“You’re indeed quite serious…..Do you even remember how you look??” He asked while raising a brow.

“Of course I kno….” I stopped when I realized that there’s  mirror in front of me. I squint my eyes to see clearer. I waved my hands, shook my head, and made silly faces…..

I move through the room like someone who doesn’t know where he/she is. I stopped in front of the full length mirror and stare at the reflection in front of me. …..

“Little girl, you know who you are?” The doctor stands beside me and asked.

“Who am I?”

“Yeah, you know who you are?”

“I’M ASKING YOU WHO AM I??!?!” I screamed and everyone in the room literally had heart attack.

“Y-you’re Amber Liu, 10 years old….” The doctor explained all about this Amber Liu girl.


God, I not dreaming am I? Is this the second chance you gave me?? How can I tell her that I love her as a ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GIRL??


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serial-reader #1
i actually found myself thinking about this story...really, like where this going to go...and even with my wildest imagination, i cant get even a slightest picture of it...
Chapter 6: pls update author .. i really love your story!!!
Chapter 6: Ohh this is a GOOD one man :3

Keep it coming :D
wnnygwee #5
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do update this onw author.................
it's a great story....pls...
Chapter 6: I'm frustrated.... because there's no continuation!! Please Update more!! That's all thanks!!
Chapter 6: Author-ssi I know Im not such a good reader since I don't much comment but to tell you the truth I really LOVED your story even if I don't comment that much. Your story never fails to touch my heart to the point of crying sometimes while reading this. And I hope you'll update cause Im missing this so much but take your time Ok don't wanna stress you out. Im so grateful to read such a Wonderful and Touching story of yours ^__^.
Sina_neiyz #8
Chapter 6: OMG.. Why all your stories so amazing and yet most of them leave me hanging.. Please author-shii.. Update please.. Do some research or even try to find a co-author so that you can finish it. I know you can be a great writer
serial-reader #9
Chapter 6: this is very amazing.....i mean super duper amazing story....
instead of reincarnation, you choose to exchange their soul....
and sure it make me wonder like " seriously" what happen next.....???