The Stars In The Sky

Loneliness Without You

Startled Yunho awoke as he heard shuffling.  Jaejoong, who was sleeping at his side, snuggled into him.

Yunho brushed away hair from his lover’s forehead and lightly kissed it before getting out of bed.

Cautiously he opened his door listening again for the noises he had heard and readied himself for a fight, maybe with a crazy fan, maybe with a burglar.

“rustle rustle CRASH rustle”

Yunho ran toward the sound “YAH!” he yelled angrily to show no fear to the intruder.

Turning on the light in the living room he saw no one, but the lamp had fallen.

Then suddenly something s through his legs causing him to jump.


Yunho took a deep breath to calm himself.  It was just Jaejoong’s stupid cat.

Of course it was, he just couldn’t get used to living with a cat.

He fixed the lamp and headed toward the kitchen.  The cat followed.

He grabbed himself the milk and drank it straight from the carton.

“Meowwww meeeww” the cat rubbed against his leg.

“Oh you want some?” Yunho asked.

He grabbed a small platter and poured a little bit of milk in it.

“There you go.  Jaejoong really needs to feed you more, you’re so skinny.”

“Meow!” he agreed.

Yunho leaned over and pet his head “You are a lot like Jaejoong y’know, you both dress in strange things, you always do whatever you want, and he always gets me to do what he wants too.”

“Hey!” Jaejoong yelled from across the kitchen. “I feed him just fine!  And how exactly are me and Jiji alike again?!”

Yunho laughed “You didn’t hear me?  I said…” He raised his voice comically “You both do whatever you want and you both always get me to do whatever you want!”

Jaejoong came over and nudged Yunho “Nah –uh! You always do what you want, I don’t force you, I ASK there’s a difference.”

Yunho rolled his eyes, smiling “Sure there is.”

“And you’re not supposed to feed cats milk!  It’ll upset his stomach!” Jaejoong added as he took away Jiji’s milk and dumped it into the sink.

“Meow!” Jiji protested.

Yunho got up and hugged this slightly cranky Jaejoong.

“I’m sorry Boo, Good morning.”

Jaejoong breathed in Yunho’s scent “Good morning.”

It had been a week since DBSK’s announcement of reuniting.  Changmin and Yunho had already moved out of the SME building.

The company of course didn’t want them to go but had no real means of being able to keep them from leaving.  They didn’t even have enough money to think of filing a lawsuit against the two, and so they left without any problems.

Changmin had decided to move into Yoochun’s house which was like Yoochuns own beautiful private village, but Yunho had decided he wanted to, of course, stay at Jaejoong’s place.

The fans were ecstatic hearing the news that Yunjae were rooming together.  Rumors were flying everywhere.

“Yunnie” Jaejoong said “Let’s go back to bed.” He kissed the younger’s neck.

Yunho shook his head “Joongie it’s already 7am if we want to get to the radio program we have to get ready.

 “Fine then, ” Jaejoong pouted “see?!  I don’t get you to do whatever I want.”

Jae marched toward their room.  Yunho smirked and slapped Jae’s as he followed.



“YAH!  You guys are late!” Junsu shouted.

“Yah!” Yunho answered back “We aren’t late, you’re just early! And its Jaejoong’s fault!  He always gets what he wants!”

Jaejoong pushed him and blushed “You bastard!  Shut up!”

“Ew both of you please stop!” Changmin said disgusted.

“It’s called L.O.V.E. Changminnie” Yoochun teased, spelling love in English.

“Oh god, stop.” Changmin was even more disgusted.

The radio hostess walked in “Is everyone here now?”

“Hai!” They all answered in unison.

“We are very sorry for being late.” Yunho and Jaejoong bowed 90 degrees. 

The radio hostess blushed. “Ah no it’s fine.  Let’s begin shall we?”

The boys agreed.

Everyone took their seats, Changmin in between Yoosu and Yunjae next to Yoochun.  The show began.

“Hey hey hey what’s up Korea!  It’s such a beautiful summer morning!  How is everyone?  Today we are delighted to have some special guests joining us!  It’s their first Radio Show since they’ve reunited!  I’ll give you a hint, even though many of you probably already know who it is!  What direction does the sun rise?!  The twentieth person who texts in the right answer to who the guest is gets a poster signed by all the members!  So call in now!”

She put on the latest Super Junior song and took off her headphones.

“Are you all ready?” She asked.  She was young maybe just about twenty years old?

Yunho glanced at s “Yes we are.”

“Do you want the script or –“

All the member shook their heads.

“No need.” Junsu waved off.

“We’ll just say what we feel when the time comes.” Yoochun added.

“I’m intelligent enough to think on my feet.” Changmin answered.

“We’ll answer from our hearts.” Jaejoong confided.

The Hostess seemed a bit taken aback, and then looked admiringly at them. “Well if that’s the way you want it, of course.”

The song came to an end and a staff member handed her a paper.

“We’re back!  The winner is Chuncakewifey99!  She is the lucky fan who gets the signed posters!  The correct answer was Dong Bang Shin Ki!”

She pressed a button for applause.

“Hello!  We are Dong Bang Shin Ki!” They said in a chorus.

“WAaaahh!” the hostess said “This program is so lucky to have the best group in all of Asia here today!  How are you all feeling?  How’s the summer heat?”

“Truly too hot.” Changmin commented “I felt like dying during A-Nation.”

“Ohhh!  A-Nation!  That’s the program in Japan that you all announced your reunion at am I correct?”

“Yes,” Yunho answered “We all had a great time at A-Nation with all of our Japanese fans!”

The DBSK members clapped at this.

“Do you have anything you want to say to your Japanese fans?” She asked.

“Maybe not to just our Japanese fans…” Yoochun commented.

“The fans here in Korea too!” Junsu exclaimed.

“To all our fans domestic or overseas,” Jaejoong finished “We want to thank them for waiting for us.  We know how hard it has been for them and they know how hard it has been for us, but we all kept each other strong.  I feel very thankful.”

Everyone clapped at Jaejoong’s statement.

“You all must care a lot about your fans.  But what about those fans that only supported the 2 members of TVXQ or only supported JYJ?  Is there anything you want to say to them?”

There was serious silence for a moment while all the members thought about this.

Yunho started “I just want to tell them, thank you for standing by us and defending us.  You have worked hard.”

Changmin chimed in and added “Please don’t hold grudges against any member of DBSK, we did not try to trick you into only believing in one side.  But like Yunho said, thank you for standing by us.”

“To JYJ’s fans?” She asked.

“We also want to just say thank you for standing by us and crying for us.” Yoochun solemnly replied.

Jaejoong spoke next “I think a lot of the fans who supported us knew that we wished to be as five so the number of only JYJ fans is probably not as many as the fans who wanted us all to be together again… but I want to say to them, thank you for feeling the hurt we felt.  Because they hurt for us, that is why they chose to hold a grudge against the other members… my Changmin and my Yunho… but there’s no need for such hatred, I hope that Cassiopeia and all the fans can make peace.”

“JYJ and Homin fans are Cassiopeia, please love us and support our decision to come back together.  We are truly happy now.” Junsu finished.

“Yaah…” Yunho said “You guys…” He reached over and squeezed all the members’ hands one by one.

“The atmosphere is…” Changmin said

“The mood is something big…” Yoochun said “Something big was said today.”

“No more fan wars!” Junsu exclaimed his hopes.

“There can finally be peace.” Yunho nodded.

“That was beautiful” The hostess said “DBSK’s feelings toward their fans are so sincere.  We’ll be back after this next song.  You all will like this, it’s a classic DBSK’s ‘My Little Princess’.

She pressed the button and the song came on.

“How was it?” Yunho asked.

The hostess looked up at him “I-I don’t know, I’m speechless really… I really… you guys are amazing.”

The boys smiled, Junsu laughed manically, embarrassed by the honest opinion.

“There’s one more section left for you guys.  I’m really looking forward to your honest answers.”  The hostess said.

The five of them nodded and waited for the song to finish.

“…"Lets split up, and be happy." Let us never to say those words to each other.
Stay by my side, just as you are now. I know that I'm lacking, but I hope you understand.

Anticipate a more mature me (you're only my girl, my love)
I want to become the man that was made for you.

Please give me permission to stay in your heart forever.
If you feel the same way I do, there'll be no pain.
Now I will protect you.

For you.

Do you know how much I love you? Please stay by my side.

My little princess, I'm going to show you the love I've kept hidden untill now.
Forever, with an unchanging heart, girl.
I'm going to love you more than myself.

You're my love (I promise you)”


“Yaahhh” The five of them said as the song ended and their speakers .

“That song was so good.” Junsu chimed.

“To Cassiopeia.” Jaejoong said.

“To Cassiopeia.” Everyone agreed.

“Definitely dedicated to them” Changmin added.

Then suddenly Junsu sang “Ho hoo ho-“

“My little princess” They all sang together in perfect harmony.

Applause followed as the boys laughed.

“It’s been so long.” Yoochun said.

“But we still remember our parts perfectly” Changmin said nodding.

“Waah!  Did you hear that?  DBSK just sang a capella for us!  It was amazing!” The hostess exclaimed clapping.

“Thank you.” Yunho smiled “We DBSK members always have –“

“Harmony” They all said together, then burst out laughing again.

“Oh, oh my gosh I can’t breath!” Yoochun laughed.


The hostess wondered what was so funny.

While everyone was dying of laughter Changmin tried to explain “We… We haven’t said that since we first debuted seven years ago…” Changmin got out but then thinking about it again made him go into a rocking spasm of almost silent laughter.

“Oh… really we haven’t said that for seven years now…” Yunho explained taking deep breaths to calm himself.

Finally they were all finished laughing and exchanging hand shakes.

“Wow, the DBSK members seem as close and in sync as ever!  The next question is ‘how are the feelings of the members toward one another?’  Let’s start with Junsu-oppa.”

“Hello everyone this is Dong Bang Shin Ki’s Xiah Junsu!  My members to me, they all are very important in my life, definitely every single one!  Without DBSK I wouldn’t be who I am today.  DBSK is my life!”

The members clapped and high fived Junsu as if he had won some sort of trophy.

“Let’s go down the row then,” She motioned to Changmin “How do you feel Changmin-oppa?”

“This is Choikang Changmin and well…” He looked around, s all waiting for his reply “I feel like I’ve led a great life.  Like Junsu said without the members I wouldn’t be who I am today.  They are a permanent part of me and i…” He looked down “I don’t love guys but I’ll make acceptations for my members.”

“Waaahhh!” Jaejoong and Yoochun exclaimed.

“You looove us” Jaejoong taunted “You loooove uuuus!” he reached over and tried to pinch his cheek.

“Our Maknae” Yunho said also trying to reach over to ruffle his hair.

Changmin moved out of the way but was double hugged by Junsu and Yoochun.

“We love you too!” Yoochun shouted in an overly babying tone.

“Yah!” Changmin yelled blushing vigorously “Get off me!!!”

“Aww Dong Bang Shin Ki, really love each other, especially their maknae!” The Hostess said.

“Ah! It’s my turn?” Yoochun asked, letting go of Changmin, he cleared his throat. “Well I think it’s the same for all of us members, without each other we wouldn’t have gotten this far, without each other we might not have had the will to stand again.  It’s all thanks to the members and all our staff and all the people who helped us!  Thank you!  This has been Dong Bang Shin Ki’s Micky Yoochun!”  Then he added in a deeper voice “I love you.”

“Yah! What was that?!” Jaejoong yelled as Yoochun laughed.

“I love you.” Yunho copied, then everyone started talking and arguing all at once.

“The members seem very hyper and in good spirits today!” the hostess tried to salvage the show.

“Ah!  Everyone shut up!  It’s my turn!”  Jaejoong said sternly.

Everyone sneered playfully and listened.

“Okay Jaejoong, what are your feelings toward your members?”

Jaejoong changed his voice back to normal and became very serious.  “I love them, my Junsu, my Changmin, my Yoochun… and of course my lovely Yunho.”

He turned to look at his lover and they stared into each other’s eyes understandingly.

“My Dong Bang Shin Ki.  To me what we have is irreplaceable.”

“Y-yunho?” The hostess asked.  She could see the sparks being sent between them.

Yunho didn’t break his glance from Jaejoong’s.  “As the leader I love all my members as well.  We’ve been through our happiest times together and our worst times together.  We fought and yelled at each other, but through it all we came out of it more united than ever.  Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin are people I wouldn’t replace with anyone in the world.”

“What about Jaejoong?” She asked.

“Jaejoongie, I feel like I don’t even need to say it but to me he… is the most important person in my life.”

Everyone stared at the two who were being very open.

“I-is it more than friendship?” She asked.

The two smiled at each other.

“It’s a secret…” Jaejoong teased.  He winked at her.  “for now.”


It was dinner time at Jaejoongs place.

Yoochun fiddled with Jae’s piano while Junsu played Starcraft, and Changmin searched the net.

“Yah!  Jaejoong-hyung!  Yunho-hyung!  I really thought you two were going to announce you were going out this morning!” Junsu yelled.

“Yaah be a little more quiet!” Changmin shouted at him.  Junsu was already giving him a headache.

“We decided to wait.” Jaejoong said as he stirred the soup.

“We want it to be special.” Yunho added.

“Why wait?” Changmin sneered “The whole world already knows you’re going out.  Why don’t you just announce it?”

“Yaah Changmiiiin, you don’t understand at all.  Yunho and Jaejoong are being very romantic; they want to do it at the right time.” Yoochun said.

“You’re not romantic at all!” Junsu yelled to Changmin happily.

“I wouldn’t want to be romantic with you guys!” Changmin retorted.

“Dinners ready!” Jaejoong shouted, he turned around.  “Yunho-yah!  I told you not to feed Jiji milk!”

He once again took the platter of milk from his cat.

“Go set the table please.” Jaejoong handed him some plates.

“Ah yeah, okay Boo.” Yunho complied.

All the boys surrounded the table eagerly.

Yunho went to go grab the silverware.  He opened the drawer. 

Oh, wrong one. 

He opened another. 

Wrong one again. 

What was he looking for?

“Yunho-Hyung hurry up and bring us the spoons and forks!” Changmin yelled.

Oh yeah spoons and forks!

He opened the next drawer and found the silverware.

Yunho shook his head. 

Maybe he was just tired?  Or maybe he just wasn’t used to Jaejoong’s house yet?

He sat down next to Jaejoong and Yoochun and passed out spoons and forks.

Everyone ate happily, reminiscing about the spicy flavors that were unique to Jaejoong, and content to see a future ahead of them where they could eat many more meals like this one.


okay this fic is longer than i thought it'll probably be atleast 7 chapters...

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MaknaeJongie #1
Chapter 4: IDK I just found this story but you should go ahead and extend it :) maybe throw in some angst and fluff too hehe ^^ it's your choice though
Chapter 4: omo!"!! plleeeaaaasssssssseeeeee update author shii!!
Chapter 4: i pick the 2nd option! pls update soon! i can't wait for this fic!
cassiopcassie #4
i pick the second option :D keep your hard work.. i like this story so much =))
sgorski92 #5
More chapters <3 I love this story so far!!! Keep going! I don't want it to end!!! Hahaha :)
xXHalfPrinceXx #6
longer story please! I love fluff ^^ (and also, I don't want bad things to happen to yunho too soon!)
Both are fine for me.... :)<br />
I don't wanna push you..
yunjaemrcn #8
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
I choose number 2! :3