The Rising Sun Is Here

Loneliness Without You

this chapter... i cant even describe... its everything i wish for

oh and this is the Cassiopeia song, listen to it while reading?:


It was a hot summer day.  The sun was high in the sky and if you looked out into the horizon you could see heat streaks.

Changmin sat behind stage, talking to an A-Nation staff that Jaejoong had sent.

The whole of the A-Nation staff were in on the project but they had to keep it all under wraps in case the big guys heard about their plans. 

Many of the A-Nation staff had known the DBSK boys ever since their first performance there and believed in them.  They would even risk their jobs if it would help the boys.  All the members were supremely thankful for what they were about to do for them.  Allow them to be on stage together again.

Yunho peeked out the side of the stage, taking in the large red crowd.

He took a deep breath and prayed for everything to work out, after he turned around to go join Changmin, when suddenly he was forcibly pulled aside into the shadows.

“A-“ He started to scream but a hand came up to cover his mouth.

“SHHH!” came his kidnappers voice “It’s me stupid!”


Jaejoong let go of his mouth as Yunho turned around and gave him a bear hug.

“Jaejoongie!” He whispered loudly “What are you doing here?!  If the SME Staff Director sees us together then it might ruin everything!”

“I know, I know but…” Jaejoong looked up at him and Yunho had to remind himself to breath. 

Jaejoong looked even more beautiful than he had remembered, than he had even DREAMED.  He had died his hair very blonde and styled it like an anime characters.  His eyes just the same as they’ve always been for as long as Yunho could remember, perfect and pleading and innocent.

“I wanted to see you so bad.” Jaejoong finished his sentence and then, without losing anymore time they kissed with a hot fire, as if this kiss symbolized not just their love for each other but love itself.

They parted their lips and stared at each other mesmerized, not wanting to let go and pretend that this had never happened. 

“Do you want to…come out” Yunho asked “for real?”

Jaejoong nodded and rested his head on Yunhos broad chest “Yes, I want to, yes.”

“Airing in 15 minutes” an announcer interrupted.

“Oh SH-“ Jaejoong swore under his breath “I gotta go Yunnie, JYJ are the first act!”

They kissed one more time and as Jaejoong rushed off Yunho squeezed his hand.

“I love you.” He said.

“I love you more.” Jaejoong replied and then he was gone.

Yunho came out of the shadows to see Changmin staring in his direction.

“What?” Yunho asked.

Changmin rolled his eyes “You and Jaejoong-hyung really need to keep it down.  You think you’re being all sneaky but everyone sees!  I had to go send one of our backup dancers to distract the SME Staff Director hyung!”

Yunho blushed a little “Sorry, hyung is stupid like that.  That’s why we need a cute maknae like you around to help us.”  He reached to ruffle Changmin’s hair.

Changmin maneuvered out of the way, embarrassment in his face. “Hey! I just had my hair done!  You need to go get yours done too!  GO!”

Yunho smiled at him “Yes sir, I will get right on it.”

Yunho sat in his chair while his stylist did his hair.

“Ah Yunho-oppa,” She said “You’re hairs going to look so good!”

“Well it’s because you do such a good job.” Yunho replied “You should be my stylist forever… um… Hy-…Hy- um…”

“Hyunae” She said looking startled.  She swirled his chair so he would look at her “Yunho-oppa please don’t say you forgot my name!  I’ve been your stylist for 4 years almost 5 now!”

“O-of course not Hyunae!  How could I forget?  Oppa was just playing with you.” He laughed.

She sighed in relief.  “That’s not very funny.” She pouted playfully, working on his hair again. She focused on spiking his light brown hair that he had decided to grow out a little.

Yunho stared at himself in the mirror. 

How could he have forgotten her name?


JYJ performed first, followed by BoA, Super Junior, SHINee, Ayumi Hamasaki,  JUNO, KAT-TUN, and finally Homin as TVXQ.

Changmin and Yunho finished off their duet with “How Can I?”, thanked the crowd for showing up and right when the crowd thought the whole thing was about to be over Yunho called for everyone’s attention.

“Thank you everyone who made it here today!” 

Changmin and Yunho looked to the side of the stage where they could see the staff give them a thumbs up to say that their other members were ready.

“Today is a special day, a day you will all be able to say you were here to witness!  ARE YOU READY TO HEAR WHATS SO SPECIAL?!”

The audience cheered getting excited for what they thought was just an encore.

Changmin shook his head smirking “They’re not loud enough!”

“ARE YOU READY?!” Yunho asked once more.

“YEESS!” They yelled back with all their might.



And then…

“Still not loud enough”

“Nope not enough”

“eu kang kang!”

Three voices, that were not Yunho or Changmin, came from nowhere.  The crowd went wild recognizing the voices.

From beneath the stage the 3 ascended upwards being revealed right behind Yunho and Changmin.

“Yaaahhh” Yunho shouted happily, being drowned out by the screams “Yoochun, Jaejoong, Junsu!”

The 5 boys exchanged hugs, greetings and handshakes on stage.

Impossibly the screaming increased and then turned in to wails of crying Big East and Cassiopeia members who had been waiting and enduring and hoping that the members would be back together and now, right before their eyes here they were!

The individual greetings eventually turned into a group hug that they held for a long time, just reveling in each other’s presence.

Surprisingly the five had no tears.  They felt as if they were in a dream, high above any other emotion except pure joy.

Finally DBSK formed their order, Junsu on the far left and Changmin on the far right.

“Hello!  We are Dong Bang Shin Ki!” They announced together bowing.

roaring applause and screams followed.

“Yaah I missed that…” Yoochun said to no one in particular “We are DONG BANG SHIN KI!” He said again.

Everyone laughed, this moment was so surreal half the audience seemed to be pinching themselves to see if they were asleep.

“Let’s say it again then” Yunho said “1-2-3-WE ARE –“

“DONG BANG SHIN KI!” They shouted at the top of their lungs.

“Waaaah!  It feels so good!” Junsu yelled.

“We have something very important to announce.” Changmin said next “but if you guys (the audience) don’t calm down you won’t be able to hear it!”

All the members put a finger to their mouths and shushed them.

After a good long while the crowd was finally at least a little bit quieter.

“The news-“ Yoochun said

“The neeews-“ Junsu repeated

“Do you all wanna hear it?” Jaejoong teased.

“YESS!” the crowd shouted

“Are you sure?” Jaejoong crooned


The five exchanged glances and announced together “DONG BANG SHIN KI IS REUNITED!”

Whatever slight order they had kept before was lost as the sea of red seemed to erupt.

 The five gods smiled and stood there watching their eccentric fans go wild.  Even the other fan clubs were hysterical at this point.

And then, as if on some sort of cue, the crowd started singing.  They sang Miduhyo.

This was an unexpected event and the DBSK boys felt very touched as they were serenaded with their own song.

Jaejoong joined in with them first and then the rest of the members soon after and suddenly the band came back on stage following along.

The staff hurriedly made adjustments to the lighting and pulled off confetti cannons that shot into the sky 20 feet, and then rained down beautiful red shiny confetti.

The plan was just to announce their reunion but this was so much better.

Along with their fans DBSK sang Bolero, Love in the Ice, Kiss the Baby Sky, Wasurenaide, the list goes on and on, as they sang until night fall.

What they had with Cassiopeia and Big East at this moment was so precious.  They didn’t want to leave the stage.

The staff were amazingly considerate and provided them with chairs and water and whatever else they needed until finally they could see the sun starting to rise in the east.

“Cassiopeia!” Jaejoong shouted almost hoarsely (if Jae’s voice could even get hoarse).  All the members were out of breath now.

“Could you do us a favor?”

“YEEESS!” The fans answered, they seemed to have settled down a bit, feeling the exhaustion of staying up all night.

“Could you sing for us?  Please sing us… your song.”

“Wooo!” Yoochun shouted

“Yeah go Big East!” Junsu followed

“Come on Cassiopeia!” Yunho added

“Please sing for us.” Our maknae sweetly said.

The crowd went silent and then suddenly, all together, they sang.

They sang for DBSK, from the depths of their heart, meaning every word.

“Giving you all my time, letting you decide baby
Giving you all my love, letting you take care of it baby
From the moment I fell in love with you, I made my decision
No matter how hard this road is, I’ll stay by your side
The stars told me, my duty is to watch over you
Not letting you grieve, only giving you happiness; I will take care of you
You let me understand what true love is
I’ll trade all my treasures for your love
Only 5, Forever 5
Nothing can replace you
As long as you are here, we’ll never be lonely
Only 5, Forever 5
We’ll never be separated
Nothing can stop our love for you
Giving you all my time, letting you decide baby
Giving you all my love, letting you take care of it baby
From the moment I fell in love with you, I made my decision
No matter how hard this road is, I’ll stay by your side
The stars told me, my duty is to watch over you
Not letting you grieve, only giving you happiness; I will take care of you
You let me understand what true love is
I’ll trade all my treasures for your love
Only 5, Forever 5
Nothing can replace you
As long as you are here, we’ll never be lonely
Only 5, Forever 5
We’ll never be separated
Nothing can stop our love for you
Please don’t forget
The stars here
The meaning of red
We’re always watching over you my love~
Only 5, Forever 5
Nothing can replace you
As long as you are here, we’ll never be lonely
Only 5, Forever 5
We’ll never be separated
Nothing can stop our love for you
Please don’t forget that here
Cassiopeia exists too”

And with that last song the DBSK boys cried, so happy, so thankful, that they could have such great fans that would hurt for them, who would wait for them and be there through thick and thin, who would sacrifice their time for them. 

THEIR Cassiopeia, THEIR Big East, THEIR fans who are more than fans, more than family, more than they could ever describe. 

With the last note lingering the red ocean released their balloons and watched as they flew into the morning sky.

New hope within everyone’s hearts.

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MaknaeJongie #1
Chapter 4: IDK I just found this story but you should go ahead and extend it :) maybe throw in some angst and fluff too hehe ^^ it's your choice though
Chapter 4: omo!"!! plleeeaaaasssssssseeeeee update author shii!!
Chapter 4: i pick the 2nd option! pls update soon! i can't wait for this fic!
cassiopcassie #4
i pick the second option :D keep your hard work.. i like this story so much =))
sgorski92 #5
More chapters <3 I love this story so far!!! Keep going! I don't want it to end!!! Hahaha :)
xXHalfPrinceXx #6
longer story please! I love fluff ^^ (and also, I don't want bad things to happen to yunho too soon!)
Both are fine for me.... :)<br />
I don't wanna push you..
yunjaemrcn #8
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
I choose number 2! :3