The meeting

Re-reading the last chapter (Married to... My EX!)

'Somethings in life are out of your control. You can make it a party not a tradegy" - Nora Roberts 


As I stood at the front of my house I looked up at the stars. 

"Out of 7 billion people, it had to be him" I said as I looked up. 

"Come on Seohyun, we will be late" My mother said while joining my father in the mercedez benz suv with my father starting the engine. He was old fashioned and believed if anyone should drive his girls (my mother and I) it should be him. I slowly walked down the path which despite being a long path felt shorter than usually. Before I knew it I was at the car door. I took a deep breath and entered the car.



I arrived home after school. After spending half an hour consulting myself on the situation about to happen. I prepared a speech. I entered the livingroom with my mother and father sitting in the sofa.   

Apartment design number one begins in the lounge area, which at first glance appears to be larger than the average living room. But on closer inspection, we see that the spacious feel has been created by moving the couch into the center of the room, where even though there is not a great area left between the return of the sofa and the fireplace, the flow of space around it creates an airier design.

I went directly in front of the TV opposite them. They repeated what they had said to my teachers but expanded on the importance of the marriage. 

"Seohyun please... we have been planning this since the day you were born" My mother pleaded 

"But mother. I don't want to do this." I begged 

"Seohyun. I NEED you to do this, Seohyun I didn't want to tell you this but..." My father looked to my mother as if asking for her permission. With a tissue covering the bottom of her face for tears about to fall, she nodded. 

"Tell me what?" I broke the silence

"You will get nothing" My father turned his head slowly with melancholy eyes. 

"What I don't understand?" I shook my head repeatedly. 

"Sweetie, to make sure you great grandfather's decendents would not back out when the time comes there is a clause in his Will along with the companies contract... the clause states that when there is a male Xi and a female Seo or vice versa and their ages are close suited to be married then they will marry. If not they will not recieve their inheritance and that means our company." My mother stated half heartedly. 

"Seohyun you have to marry him or else you will get nothing and we will be forced to disown you" My father interrupted. 

"What? Why would you do that to me? No one is forcing you" I raised my voice which shocked my parents. 

"You greatgrandfather set up a firm and gave this job to a team of lawyers who have passed it down to lawyer after them. Since this will and contract states this, they are required to act upon it. They will make sure you get nothing. This will and contract will last as long as both companies are standing" My mother stood up while giving me the contract which proved their point along with paperwork. 

"Seohyun I want you to take after the company and have this life your living now. The cars, clothes and money. I'm sorry Seohyun but this is for you own good" My parents said as they walked away leaving me dumbfounded.

I ran upstairs with the papers in my hand. 'This is all so stupid!" I thought as I tried to rip up the papers but got a paper cut in the process. 'Ouch!' I dropped the papers that scattered on the floor. I attened to my finger by the blood and later picked up the papers but when I stopped as one title caught my eye. I sat down on the floor and read the paper. 'Prenup' an agreement to organise our finances - not a suprise as our families and companies are wealthy. I scrolled down finding out that when Luhan and I are married, we have to sign this. In bold is states 'If there is a breach in this contract then the couple are entitled to a divorce in which both parties will recieve their rightful assests. In addition the person who has breeched the contract will give the other party any assests they wish'. 'Yes!'. I fist bumped in the air. Knowing that Luhan has a girlfriend and we hate each other, he will not resist to cheat on me - wow that hurts. But if he does then I will get my inheritance. I smiled to myself as I have found my save in grace.


I wore a simple white dress chosen by my mother and little make-up applied by her. She wanted to impress the Xi family despite our past. My father wore a grey suit and my mother wore a sophisitcated dress 'Don't worry Seohyun. The marriage will be over faster than you'll know it... and we can just pretend nothing happened' I reassured myself in the car as my parents were in the front holding hands. I looked at their entwiended hands. 'I want that. I want to be in a marriage with someone I love, just like my parents'. 


The car finally stopped at the Xi mansion. A familar place 




"Luhan this place is huge, maybe I should go... I mean I feel quite light headed and I have loads of homework" I took a step back and looked up gaping at the view then I looked at Luhan as I was ready to make a run for it. This place was twice as big as mine and older than mine meaning it must of cost a fortune. Luhan was unlocking the door when he rushed back to me, cupped my face and crashed his lips onto mine. Before I could respond he broke the kiss and placed his forhead on mine. 

"I want you to feel at home, don't worry about Taeyeon. And for my parents, they will love you" He whispered reassuring me. He held my hand and we entered the mansion. He looked around for his parents but only found maids and butlers where there who bowed when they saw us. 

"Mum! Dad! You guys home" He shouted which made an echo. I tugged his shirt and gave him a pleading. 

"Don't worry baby" He looked at me and smiled and squeezed my hand tighter. After giving up the search we went to the second floor which turns out to be where kitchen, living room and diningroom are. Luhan looked at my confused expression and chuckled. 

"The downstairs is for parties, meetings... formal stuff. This place in for family" The last part he said directing to me. I blushed hearing that he considered me family and couldn't help smiling. 

Luhan's mother was in the kitchen talking on the phone with a drink in her hand with his father opposite on his laptop on the kitchen island. Both looked like extremely important people. I stopped becoming even more nervous. Luhan noticed I wasn't moving when he tugged my arm and wrapped it around his, bringing me closer. His mother caught sight of us and dropped her phone. Oh no! She doesn't like the look of me. I wore a white top with poka dot skirt and matching black heels and bag. 


His mother's mouth made an 'O' shape when his father looked at his wife, concerned. He looked in the direction of her eye and he too was froze. My attention when to Luhan when I could feel him trying to hold in his laughter. 'How could he! How could he laugh when his parents are about to throw me out?' 

"Mum, Dad I was looking for you guys" Luhan said with a satisfied smile, approaching his parents with me forced at his side. 

"Oh sorry" Mrs Xi shook her head and got back to her senses

"Hello I'm Luhan's mother" She rushed and hugged me which pulled my hand from Luhans'. 

"You squashing the girl" Mr Xi chuckled who I noticed was right behind her.

"Hello I'm Luhan's father and this is my....frien.. wife" He said trying to tease Mrs Xi to which she responded with a nudge. 

"Hello I'm ..Seo" I was cut of by Mrs Xi 

"Your Seo Joohyun" She said which surprised me and directed me to the living room.


"You told your parents about me?" I whispered to Luhan while we made our way to the livingroom with us in front and Mr and Mrs Xi followed us slightly behind.  His expression looked confused and shook his head.

"Mum, how did you know her name?" He asked his mother while she took a seat beside me where a single pillow was placed with Luhan on my other side and Mr Xi sitting on the single sofa with a cream and gold cushion. 

"Her family is well known... and may I just say you're really pretty" She said with a huge smile. 

"Thankyou" I said quietly trying not to blush. 

"You are really pretty" She repeated to which Mr Xi interrupted her. 

"So Luhan, Joohyun is your girlfriend?" He asked with major curiousity. 

"Yes she is" Luhan declared and reached over to hold my hand as I heard Mrs Xi silent squeal.

"Mr and Mrs Xi if you don't mind you can call me Seohyun" I looked back at them.

"Your so polite. No wonder our Luhan fell for you" Mrs Xi held my shoulders. 

"Where are our manners, woud you like somethig to drink... Seohyun?. Wait! you should try this drink my company just signed a deal with. This company makes goguma smoothies. The best." Mr Xi got up and rushed to the kitchen excited. Almost child-like... like Luhan. I smiled to myself. 

"So how did you too meet? I mean you guys don't go to the same school and your in different age groups?" Mrs Xi turned her attention to me. I didn't want to answer when Luhan having known me better knew how I felt.

"We met through friends" Luhan interrupted.

"Wait, your in the same year and school as my daugher, Taeyeon. Do you guys know each other?" Mrs Xi started a topic I was afraid to answer.

"Well, we are not in the same classes but... I..." I felt my temperature rising and I wanted to cry but Luhan held my hand and gave me a warm smile.

"Here we go" Mr Xi set down the drinks and poured the glasses. 

"Ohh really  Nickhun! We have helpers for that" Mrs Xi stated

"I am not an old man. I can do it myself" Mr Xi whined which made me chuckle. 

"I know Seohyun. My parent's are embaressing" Luhan said with his hands in his face. I rubbed his shoulder and smiled which made him show his face. I turned to the Xis. 

"No, my father is the same. He believes that if anyone should take care of my mother and I, it should be him. Whenever he has a chance he would drive or even cook for us" I said with a smile which made the Xis and Luhan smile. 

"Oh really" Mr Xi said as he looked at his wife. It felt weird like they had a secret which I shrugged off as it is normal for couples to have their own private jokes. 

The coversation went well although Mrs Xi kept grinning at me which made me  a bit uncomfortable. Luhan must of notice. 

"Mum could stop grinning at her. Your scaring her" Luhan said which made Mr Xi spill his goguma smoothie and burst laughing. 

"Oh sorry Love" She apologised with a sincere smile.  

"Oh no it's okay" I responded and looked at Luhan with a 'stop being protetive it's your mother' expression which I think he did not get as he looked confused. 

"Mum I'm home" That voice was familiar, too familiar. 

"Taeyeon, this is Seohyun... actully you should know each other as you guys are the same age" Mrs Xi called Taeyeon. When Taeyeon reached the top of the stairs, she took a look at the scene and her face became bitter. She hated me, we were friends before after her approval in my relationship with her brother but she began to treat me horribly. But Luhan loved me and I didn't want to break up with him because I loved him too. A sticky situation. Taeyeon immediately went upstairs without responding. Mr and Mrs Xi looked at each other confused and I looked down with a sad expression while Luhan squeezed my hand and gave me a smile to comfort me. The rest of the talk went on well and Mr and Mrs Xi planned to meet with my parents next week. 

"It was nice meeting you Mr and Mrs Xi" I said as I stood. 

"You too dear" Mrs Xi said accompanied with a hug 

"Come back soon, Luhan take the family BMW " Mr Xi said as they esscorted Luhan and I out. 


The ride to my home was quite. I didn't want to talk as I felt depressed at the sight of Taeyeon and how she treated me in front of her parents. The car stopped and I immedately got out. 

"Thanks Luhan" I said trying to form a smile. Luhan jumped out of the car and run up behind me giving me a hug from behind. 

"You sister hates me" I said to Luhan as I removed his hands and walked to my front door. 

"Don't worry she will get use to the idea" Luhan held my nape and pecked my lips when we were in front of my door. I saw light on us which was odd since it was night. The kiss broke with Luhan looking a little frightened with his attention on my parents at the door. My parents too had froze. What is going on? Must be a parents normal reaction. 

"Mum, dad, This is Lu" My mother cut my off and appraoched Luhan with a hug 

"Xi Luhan, so nice to meet you" She said holding his cheecks. He flushed red from embarressment and my mother's actions. 

"Mum how..." I asked 

"Your so handsome" My mother wouldn't let go of him. 

"That's enough Sulli" My father pulled my mother in his embrace. 

"How did you know his name?" I asked again 

"We know his family" My father answered with a nod to Luhan. I could tell Luhan was a little frightened as he wouldn't keep still and kept swaying back and forth. 

"Well it's getting late come on Seohyun. Luhan do you have a ride home?" My mother said as she pulled me in the house. 

"Yes Mrs Seo. My car is there" He pointed at the BMW parked in front of our house. 

"Oh okay drive safely Luhan" My mother said 

"Yes and come back soon" My father added

"I will. Good night Mr Seo and Mrs Seo... goodnight Seohyun" Luhan said, kissed my hand and backed down the path. 

"Oh Seohyun, nice choice!" An unexpected reaction from my mother. But I didn't question. Knowing Luhan, it wasn't a 'see you tomorrow' goodnight, it was a 'see you later I will be calling you later' goodnight. I immediately went upstairs after saying goodnight to my parents and went to my room to wait for his phone call. 


*Flashback end*

The car stopped my parents got out first with helpers opening the doors and one went inside the car to park the car. The Xi's house looks beautiful at night. I could tell the helpers were on high alert as they opened the doors quickly and wore formal attire: ironed and pressed. They directed us inside with other helpers taking our bags and coats. Mr Xi in a suit came up to us and greeted my father with an informal handshake as if they were in college and Mrs Xi came and gave my mother and I hugs. We were escorted to the living room downstairs. I saw the helpers posted at different areas ready to accept orders given. The downstairs living room was less modern but much more expensive. I see they too want to impress us too. 


I saw Luhan and his two younger sisters: Taeyeon and Krystal rise from their seats on the sofa. Mrs Xi directed us to sit down. My mothers laughed and gossiped as if they were long time friends holding each others arms. My fathers were walking side by side with smiles plastered on their faces having a grand conversation. I stopped at the steps passing a white piano while I stood in front of the three last people on earth I ever wanted to be near. 

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Chapter 17: Um is it me or did I just read 2 chapters that are the same 15 & 16.?
seohan_irish #2
Chapter 15: what happen??! who is yelling?!!! thx 4 update anyway,authornim...curious..hehe >o<
loikyungsoo #3
Patiently waiting authornim ☺️
Chapter 13: Well Luhan is still MIA , Seohyun's friends are finally updated on her situation, now she's moving oh boy! I'm curious in her friends reaction. Why hasn't Luhan responded to Seohyun? Hmm.
Can't wait for the next update. Thanks!
ambai90 #5
Chapter 13: I like seohan n snsd
kinda sad soshi girls dislike seohyun...
let's seohyun moved on
Chapter 12: :( it says there is an update but nothing.
Chapter 12: No luhan is not the father right
you said Seohyun was pregnant before what happen to her baby and why she broke up with luhan???