What's happens next?

Re-reading the last chapter (Married to... My EX!)

"Seohyun?" My mother lightly knocked on the door. My eyes fluttered open momentarily forgetting the night before and a familiar pang hit my heart. I found myself laying on my bed... alone. I looked at my side seeing the empty space, the cringled sheets indicating that someone had slept there. I looked around the room, everything was normal and that seemed to sadden me the most. 

"Seohyun, darling?" My mother called and I could tell she was slightly more concerned. I grudgingly got up and went to the door to see my mother's worried face. Why was she staring at me like that? Why was she so concerned?

"Oh thank God!" She preeched as she thanked above and pulled me into her embrace. My father along with Mr Kim and Minho and Taeyeon up the stairs. My eyes laid on Minho's relieved face while Taeyeon's was one of desperation? anxiety? I couldn't tell and it caused my eyebrows to furrow. What a strange gathering. My bestfriend and Luhan's sister, my ex bestfriend.

"What's going on?" I asked all of them once my mother released me from her grip. They all remained silent which bothered me deeply. The air of silence unsettled my already awakened nerves. My inner self was gripping tightly onto her chair about to throw it until someone gave me an answer. My mother held one of my shoulders and gave a light squeeze, my father looked calmed as he took out his phone, Minho gave me a small reassured smile - it did not help and Taeyeon seemed devestated. 

"Someone answer me!" I raised my voice. Everyone took this sign to turn to each other as if silently deciding what to say. Taeyeon hesitantly stepped forward, closer towards me. 

"Seo, Luhan has gone missing. We found his room empty and the windows wide open. My family and I have checked EXO M's houses, relatives and family friends near by. I thought he would come here but..." She didn't need to say more as she looked towards my room, depressed by the unexpected absence of her brother. Luhan has gone missing? But he was just with me. Where could he have gone? What if, God fobid, what if something happened to him on his way home? Should I tell my family? What if he is alright? I couldn't possibly tell my family he was in my room last night. If he is alright there will be no need to tell. 

Taeyeon's phone rang and for some reason, those three rings were a sign of hope. The seconds that took her to take out her phone from her jacket pocket, look at the screen and answer it took years from my mind. 

"Hello?" She called in a monotone voice with a hard expression. She nodded and hummed as a reply. "He's not here. I'll meet you at my house." She replied and hung up her phone stuffing it back inside her pocket as she looke towards my family and I who were looking towards her for an explanation.

"That was Kris, no sign of Luhan at any of their friend's houses. My parents have gone up north to a vacation home we have to see if he is there but no sign and they are on their way back. My parents, exo m and snsd are meeting at my house to come up with some sort of plan." Her voice seemed depressed and I could tell that the screaming and yelling was over with as she seemed tired. 

"Could it be possible that Luhan just need some time alone? After what happened yesturday?" I spoke out less concerned than the others, trying to lighten up the mood. 

"Luhan wouldn't be out this long without our parent's permission." She reasoned with me to which I knew was a slightly false. Luhan and I would sneak out to spend more time together while our parents forced us to spend all of our free time studying. It was adventurous and dangerous. The care we had at being caught gave our adrenaline a kick. Taeyeon bid goodbye to my parents and I ignoring Minho would gave her a despicable look as she left. 

"That's hilarious" Minho commented with a bitter voice. Minho was overly confindent to everyone including my parents. Our parents were very close friends and Minho was the godson. They knew his detest towards Luhan, which wasn't news. 

"Minho, that's not nice. Luhan is missing" My mother softly chided him which Minho respectfully took into consideration. 

"But auntie, he is obviously seeking attention. The guy has everything. Why would he run away from that? Besides he grew up with the same benefits as us, if he ran away he will come back. Luhan won't be able to live like a commaner. Without his maids, butlers and cooks he wouldn't know how to fend for himself. He will comeback" Minho spoke to which my father and mother halfheartedly agreed. 

"Well if you think he would come back, then why hasn't he already? What if something happened to him?" With every question I stepped towards Minho, with every step my voice became louder. How could my bestfriend Minho say such a heartless thing? My concern grew wider. My inner self was pacing back and forth angrily looking down on me telling me to move. For once I followed her. I ran towards my room and shut the door. Despite the calling from my parents and Minho is died down. I assumed my parents went to work hearing their cars later moved from the drive way. Although I could see Minho's car still in the drive way. I devised a plan. I got dressed in a loose white shirt, icy blue jeans and a cheetak print shoes with a dark red bag which I placed the essentials: phone and wallet. 

I slowly made my way downstairs finding the livingroom empty. I could hear the moving of plates and I could sense the smell of pancakes. As I got closer I could hear Lay and Mrs Kim talking, having a casual conversation. My eyes laid to Minho's bagpack with his keys on the table beside it. I have known Minho for a long time and he always stuck to a certain routine - one of which was placing his keys on the table with his bag on the floor. I tiptoed towards the key but the door to the dining room shifted. Oh no. My heart beated like a banging drum and my palms began to sweat. I have never gone behind Minho's back before. 

"Minho, wait deary. Take this food to Seohyun upstairs" Mrs Kim called Minho. It was my time to grab the keys and bolt to the doors. My hands fiddled with the knob as I swung the door open. I rand down the steps of my house without looking down but towards Minho's car which I signalled to open with his keys. I dashed towards the car, opened the door and jumped in the car. 

"Seo!" Minho called as I saw his figure running outside of my house towards his car. He looked frantic and panicked as he sprinted towards the car. He tried to open the doors which I locked. I placed the keys in and started the engines. Minho placed himself at the front of the car calling towards me, begging me not to leave. I saw Mrs Kim, desperately concerned as she stood at the front doors of the house. I'm so sorry Minho, Mrs Kim. If I could only tell them I could not settle until I see Luhan safe and sound. Besides I was the last to see him. What happened to him when he left? And I knew Minho would never give me the chance to go because of Luhan and Mrs Kim would guilt me into staying at home due to my parent's orders. 

I placed the car in reverse and backed the car swiftly out of the driveway. I need to give myself a pat on the back for a such a professional manuver of the car. I could hear Minho's constant calls but I relunctedly placed them aside. I stepped on the gear and drove down the road seeing Minho's figure in the side mirror becoming smaller and smaller. I'm sorry Minho, but I need to find Luhan. 

I drove the car to a random road to check my phone. My heart beat rose seeing a message from Luhan. 

Luhan: Good morning Seo, I couldn't wake you. You needed more rest and you were so peaceful sleeping. I like seeing you that way. :)

I decided to text him and prayed he would answer.

Seohyun: Luhan, your family is worried about you. Where are you?

The moment of silent killed me. It was unbearable seeing my messge unread. I waited and... waited. For goodness sake Luhan answer me! I smacked my hand on the driving wheel while I rested my head in exasperation. I took one more chance, one more bullet. I clicked on Luhan's number and placed the phone to my ear. The beeping indicating his phone was on and ringing gave me little hope.

"Hello?" An unexpected voice answered.

"Hello?" My voice sounded hoarse as I didn't expect to talk. "Who is this?" I asked back, the voice wasn't Luhan's but it gave me a slight chuckle.

"You are the one who is calling" Th voice answered back. I became slightly annoyed. This is no time for games. "I called Luhan, but I know this isn't Luhan so who are you? Actually can I speak to Luhan?" I asked in a confindent voice. The voice was silent for a moment.

"Luhan isn't available Seohyun" The voice was melancholy and made me fear for Luhan.

"I want to speak to Luhan now! Please I beg of you!" I pleaded tears forming in my eyes. This person whoever they maybe has the power to break down my walls by using Luhan.

"Luhan is fine. I am his friend. He doesn't want you to worry. But he needs time to sort out his life. That is all you must know" The voice seriously spoke. It disheartened me. Why won't Luhan talk to me?

"How do I know you are telling the truth? How do I know Luhan is okay? How do you even know me?" I questioned becoming frantic. What if this person did something horrible to Luhan?

"Luhan says 'you will live forever'. He is fine. Called ID Seohyun. Beside shouldn't you be at home" The voice answered my question and against my heart's desire the phone went dead. I got out of the car and looked at my surroundings. The voice was somewhere, someone watching me. With Luhan. 

"Luhan!" I shouted earning attention from other people. I couldn't care less. How could he just sit back and watch his family, friends suffer. This was Luhan. One selfish immature boy. I had enough. I got into the car and did one last thing and stamped my foot on the pedals.

Seohyun: How dare you watch your family and friends suffer. Minho was right. You an attention seeker. You don't care for anyone but yourself. 


"Miss Seo Joohyun has arrived" The butler called as I walked to the doors of the livingroom finding it crowded with people. 

Mr Xi was stood infront of them looking angered while Mrs Xi looked distressed. The other turned to me looking a combination of surprise and concern. The exo m boys were stood with their backs leaning against with window while Snsd were seated on the sofas as well as the Jung family. 

"Mr and Mrs Seo" The butler called finding my parents behind me with Minho who looked relieved. 

"Told you Seohyun would be here" Minho pointed towards me as they all looked relieved. My parents greeted the Xi family as usual. Mrs Jung walked towards both my mother and Mrs Xi with a brown envelope. She passed it to Mrs Xi who gave it to my mother not able to bear the news. My mother took a deep breath and gave Mrs Xi a light squeeze - her way of calming people down. She unopened the envelope. The silence in the room made the tear of the envelope well audiable. The moment was heart renching. My mother swallowed as she read the paper. 

"What does it say?" Mr Xi asked earning no response from my mother. 

"What does it say?" Mrs Xi pleaded. My mother turned to her then turned to the paper. 

"Xi Luhan is the father - 98.9% percentile" My mother annouced. 

"Seohyun!" Minho called me as he caught me in his arms, finding myself fallen due to weak limbs. Jessica confidently strode to me and gave an arrogant smirk. 

"You heard your mother, you have no right to be in Luhan's life now. As his future wife and the mother of his child, get out!" She ordered. Taeyeon stood to say something while snsd and exo had their jaws dropped. Before Taeyeon could speak Mrs Xi spoke. 

"How dare you talk to Seohyun like that?!" Mrs Xi shouted obviously furious to the point that I would believe she would become physical with Jessica. 

"No, it's okay" My mother spoke holding onto Mrs Xi's shoulder. "We will leave, I hope you find Luhan. We will call if we hear anything" My mother hugged her dearest friend while my father held Mr Xi's shoulders and the men shared a small smile of sadness. Their plans of myself and Luhan getting together and becoming in-laws were smashed. Mrs Xi walked towards me and engulfed me in a bear hug. 

"Even though you and Luhan are not married. You will always be my daughter" She spoke. I teared up knowing what she meant. My parents and the Xi's knew they couldn't be around each other as often. Now that Luhan and Jessica will end up together it wouldn't be appropraite to be close to us. And I knew the Jung family wouldn't let them. My family and I walked out. It felt as if I was being drowned and my whole world crumbled. 

Luhan is the father. Luhan is going to become a father. 


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Chapter 17: Um is it me or did I just read 2 chapters that are the same 15 & 16.?
seohan_irish #2
Chapter 15: what happen??! who is yelling?!!! thx 4 update anyway,authornim...curious..hehe >o<
loikyungsoo #3
Patiently waiting authornim ☺️
Chapter 13: Well Luhan is still MIA , Seohyun's friends are finally updated on her situation, now she's moving oh boy! I'm curious in her friends reaction. Why hasn't Luhan responded to Seohyun? Hmm.
Can't wait for the next update. Thanks!
ambai90 #5
Chapter 13: I like seohan n snsd
kinda sad soshi girls dislike seohyun...
let's seohyun moved on
Chapter 12: :( it says there is an update but nothing.
Chapter 12: No luhan is not the father right
you said Seohyun was pregnant before what happen to her baby and why she broke up with luhan???