
Re-reading the last chapter (Married to... My EX!)

"I cannot believe this!" Mr Xi's voice boomed throughout the entire household. His voice reverberates of the marble floor and glass walls. Mrs Xi was sat down on one of the sofas sobbing her eyes out into a tissue. Her weeping showed she was clearly distraught and I pitied her. I wanted to go over and hug her and reassure her that everything was going to be alright. I just couldn't see her in a melancholy state and it pained my heart to sit there and watch the entire situation unfold. After the public annoucement Jessica had made in the cafeteria, the school allowed Luhan, Taeyeon, Jessica and I to go home and sort out this problem. I remembered everyone, even the teachers taking sides in the hallway as they stared and momentarily whispered to each other. The response from the student body was mixed. Some encouraged me to stay strong, some disapproved and some pitied me. I didn't like being the centre of attention and was thinking of ways to take out my frustration. Especially on Luhan. He who was sat on the sofa chair next to me. Our parents heard the news from the head teacher at our school and immediately sent me a message to go straight to the Xi's residence. Despite I knowing I had nothing to do with this, I knew I would suffer some sort of consequence. Luhan remained silent throughout the entire time, not daring to look up his parents or me. He sad there broken and resulting to figetting with his fingers. My heart clenched and I found myself leaning over to his hands and giving them a slight squeeze. I didn't look his way when I did this but I could see his head shot up from the corner of my eye. Before he could say anything a large commotion entered the Xi household which grabbed all our attention. 

"This is ridiculous. I will not have this" I heard my father shout.

"Darling, we will get to the bottom of this" My mother responded calming him down.

"Hell yes we will. Luhan got out daughter pregnant" A man's deep voice rudely commented. 

"Yes, our daughter is too young. What will she do? Raise the child herself?" I could tell an attitude in her voice making me already detest her. 

"That's a dumb idea. He's the father and should take responsibility" Oh no, I know that voice. Jessica. 

Through the hallway the butler entered first obviously having to run past the rushing crowd of angry people. He bowed and introduced the crowd as there mini arguement got louder... closer. 

"Mr and Mrs Seo as well as Mr and Mrs Jung and Miss Jessica Jung" The butler frightfully introduced who was immediately pushed aside by the Jung family. Mrs Jung went straight towards Luhan who stood as a sign on respect. Before he could bow Mrs Jung raised her hand slapped him across the face. The sting was obvious in both the sharp sound and the redness appearing on his cheek. The slap caused Luhan to face downwards as he held his cheek. By instinct his mother stood and raced to his side only to be stopped by her husband. He gave her an apologetic look as if trying to say 'he deserves this'. The couple watched in horror as Mrs Jung slapped Luhan again and again. It was a horrendous foul thing to watch. My parents stood there contemplating if they should stop this but they knew they didn't have a right. Mr Jung stood there with his arms crossed having a blank expression as if this was normal while Jessica stood with her killer stare at me. I was taken away by the sharp blow to Luhan's face. I can't take this anymore. One slap felt like a knife being plunged into my skin. It was painful and unbearable. I stood abruptly and held Mrs Jung's hand to stop her. She, similar to her daughter gave me a glare that could kill. I was frightened but nothing seemed more important than Luhan who stood their the entire time and took the blows. 

"That's enough, Mrs Jung. Hurting him won't solve anything." I spoke with a soft voice offering some sort of piece. I hear my parents as well as Mr and Mrs Xi let out a relieved sigh and Mrs Xi collapsing on the sofa in exhaustion. Everyone continued to watch the staring competition between Mrs Jung and I.

"I suppose you are Luhan's fiance, Seo Joohyun" Mrs Jung spat out in disapproval as she examined me from head to toe finally settling on her conclusion. She obviously hates me but that I can't help and couldn't care less. I nodded as she moved her attention away from me to look at Luhan as if he was a despicable creature then turned to Mr and Mrs Xi and then laid on her husband. It seemed as if they communicated telepathically and Jessica knew as she gave a slightly evil grin.

"Is this how you raise your son? You let him get married while still in school, when he is dating out daughter and got her pregnant!" Mr Jung roared not caring who heard them. I could see Mr Xi holding his anger as his hands fisted and his wife held onto him as he face Mr Jung. Before the Mr Xi could speak I couldn't help but put my foot down.

"Mr Jung, I have no idea what your daughter has told you but the Xi family is a well respected family with honour and care. I cannot stand here and let you insult them" I couragiously spoke out earning a jaw drop from everyone in the room. Mrs Jung narrowed her eyes at me as she walked closer to me.

"How dare you speak to us like that?!" She yelled by I ignored it. She reminds me a lot of her daughter and I know how to tune such people out. I turned to Mr Jung.

"First of all Mr and Mrs Xi did not know about Jessica and Luhan. Therefore you can't really blame them for allowing Luhan and I to get married. Second if Jessica hasn't mentioned it to you already, I will tell you that Jessica and Luhan have been over for quite some time and lastly you can't only blame Luhan for this, you all should know that procreation is a partner work." Everyone just continuely stared at me for a moment which made me uncomfortable. I did regret what I had said seeing that I didn't know the entire story. Jessica was the first to move as she trudged her way to me ready to give me a piece of her mind. Thankfully Luhan blocked her way and hid me behind him. I was grateful and momentarily smile at his back but only to turn my attention to Jessica.

"This is HIS baby and he needs to take responsibility for it" Jessica commanded again stomping her foot like a spoiled brat.

"He definately does not! We do not even know if the baby is my son's" Mr Xi spoke out. The Jungs were definately offended by regained their composure.

"Alright. I will alert the media concerning this situation. The Xi's only male heir getting a teenager pregnant and abandoning both of them" Mr Jung causally said. He knew it, Luhan knew, I knew it... everyone knew it. What he said would surely have the Xi family in his pocket. Mr and Mrs Xi exchanged glances at each other. Both worried. My heart was beating. Sure, I hated the idea of an arranged marriage but I hate the idea of this even more. I was battling with myself. If Luhan surely is the father, he needs to step up. Every child deserves a complete family. Plus, I know surely Luhan will make a great father. But not to my children and that saddened me.

"We request a paternity test. To find out if our son really is the father. If he is then we will make him carry out his responsibilities as father." Mr Xi relunctedly including while Mrs Xi was about to shed another tear but quickly looked down to prevent anyone from seeing.

"And marry out daughter?" Mr Jung futher pushed to which Mr Xi nodded in regretment. Mr Jung looked at his daughter as they shared a small smirk of victory.

"But, if the test proves that  Luhan is NOT the father. Then you and your entire family will leave both us and the Seo family alone for good. Pack your stuff and leave this area. And we would never want to see your faces again" Mr Xi darkly said. If I was Mr Jung I would get into my car and drive away while I had the chance. Altohugh Mrs Jung intruded. 

"That will not happen. When you find out that Luhan is the father, what will happen to the arranged marriage and the joining of your companies?" Mrs Jung darly ask as she looked towards my parents.

"The arrangements will sieze. If Luhan is the father the marriage will not happen. As for our daughter. She will be free to marry who she chooses" Such words before would have made me estatic. But it only tore me a part the most. Deep down, did I want to marry Luhan? Why do I feel that my heart has been punched several times? Why does my body ache hearing such great news? I could feel Luhan's body infront of my shiver at my father's words. He looked down in, his face seekng darkness behind his hair. He is going to become a father at a young age to a girl he despices, yet he is truley broken at the thought of me marrying another.

"Good, and good day" Mr Jung bid goodbye in an egotistical way. He with his daughter and wife on both sides walked happily away. The Jung family made their own way outside without another word. They knew, they had won this battle. 

"I am so sorry" Mr Xi began to apologise to my parents. They gave him a sympathetic smile and walked towards them. My mother and Mrs Xi hugged each other while the men exchanged words of wisdom and encouragement.

"Don't worry, I believe everything will work out in the end" Mrs Xi spoke out.

"I don't know deary. Maybe this is the ancestors telling us Luhan and Seohyun aren't the ones" My mother spoke out. I could tell this offended the three others as well as Luhan who just took a deep breath.

"Come on, Seohyun. Let go home. You have had a long day" I obediently went towards my parents before Luhan grabbed my wrist. I looked towards him but he didn't utter a single word. He just looked out me with pleading eyes as if to tell me not to go.

"Luhan, let go of her. You need to let go of her" Mrs Xi walked up to us and removed Luhan's hand from my wrist. She hugged me, squeezing me with all the affection she could give. She released me and gave me the brightest smile she could muster up after what had happened.

"Thankyou for what you had said earlier and for protecting Luhan. You would have made a great wife for him" The words seemed to effect me as I agreed with her in my head. What? I agreed? I could see Luhan looking as if one more blow and he would crumble to the floor. His eyes were glassy but he seemed to have it all in to look strong.

"It's alright" I said as my parents and I bid goodbye to the Xi residence.

"Take a good look dear. This maybe the last time you are at the Xi mansion" My mother commented as we got in the car. I looked at my phone recieving 300 messages and 123 missed calls from all of my friends. CL, Minzy, Dara, Bomi, Minho, Key, Onew, Taemin and Jonghyun. Well I have some explaining to do as I sighed in exhaustion.

We made it to our house in silence. It was best. We hadn't taken in what had happened. We had a sient dinner avoiding the subject with small talk. I bid goodnight to my parents and got ready for bed. The time flew at my house. I guess I wasn't looking forward to school tomorrow. My phone buzzed for the nth time and I didn't want to explain everything to my friends on group chat. God knows what they will bombard me with. To my confusion it was a unknown number, I answered assuming it was important.


"Seo" I know that voice. 

"What do you want Luhan?" I was tired and he was the last person I needed to talk to. 

"I'm outside on the balcony, let me in. I need to talk to you" He pleaded. 

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Chapter 17: Um is it me or did I just read 2 chapters that are the same 15 & 16.?
seohan_irish #2
Chapter 15: what happen??! who is yelling?!!! thx 4 update anyway,authornim...curious..hehe >o<
loikyungsoo #3
Patiently waiting authornim ☺️
Chapter 13: Well Luhan is still MIA , Seohyun's friends are finally updated on her situation, now she's moving oh boy! I'm curious in her friends reaction. Why hasn't Luhan responded to Seohyun? Hmm.
Can't wait for the next update. Thanks!
ambai90 #5
Chapter 13: I like seohan n snsd
kinda sad soshi girls dislike seohyun...
let's seohyun moved on
Chapter 12: :( it says there is an update but nothing.
Chapter 12: No luhan is not the father right
you said Seohyun was pregnant before what happen to her baby and why she broke up with luhan???