Chapter 5

A huge change of living..


Seung Yeon runned to her home and the computer..
"Tomorrow 4pm..."she was searching on The Net to find out what's on TV by tomorrow at 4pm.
She couldn't find it and turned off the computer..
"Why did the teacher came.. I...I will try to call her! Maybe she will pick up the phone."
She didn't pick up and Seung Yeon was feeling desperated.
Next day Yong-Joo went to the studio.
The manager was already waiting on her. "Come we are going to practise for the concert.
You need practise with your voice, it has to be loud enough."
They went to a room and practised very much. After that they went to a make-up set.
Some people put make-up on her face and she changed her clothes. She brought the dress from the last time shopping with her. Seung Yeon liked that dress very much, so that's why she is going to wear that one.
Her hair was curly now and they put a ribbon in her hair. It was the idea that she starts with singing in the background behind all the public. Then the music started and she walks down from the stairs to the stage. Then the concert goes on. She practised how to walk..and at last she was ready for the concert. 
Seung Yeon was sitting in front of the TV at her home. She didn't even know what to exspect.
"Today is Nicole going to tell everyone her real name and after that she is going to give a concert!"
"Why does Yong-Joo wanted me to watch this program?" She thought.
Yong-Joo was standing behind all the public and was very nervous. The music started and she started singing, while walking down from the stairs. 
Seung Yeon was shocked and was watching to the TV with open mound. "Wha..what is going on...?"
When the song was finished Yong-Joo said a few words:
"Hello everyone, I'm sorry for keeping my name a secret.
My name is Jung Yong-Joo and In the begin I didn't want everyone to know the real me, but now I think it's okay.. I hope you will enjoy my music and hope to see you again soon!" *bow* 
A loud noice from the everyone came screaming that it was okay, and that they would see her again. A loud applause followed, and Yong-Joo felt very happy.
She stept of the stage and walked to the rest room. The manager followed her and said she did a great job back there.
Yong-Joo asked the manager for a phone and she called Seung Yeon. Seung Yeon was still in shock but heart the phone. She turned around and anwserd.
"Hello Seung Yeon speaking"
"Seung Yeon? It's me Yong-Joo..."
Seung Yeon didn't say anything for a while..
"How did this all happen..? Why can't you just live with us here? You can wear some stuff so they don't recognice you!
I..just want to be friends with you..and still have fun together.."
"....I..I don't know how... I..I will think about it okay Seung Yeon? Please give me some time,
this all is happening so fast..."
"It's okay Yong-Joo, you just need some rest.. if you have a anwser or if I can help you with something..just give me a call."
"Thanks Seung Yeon..Thanks, really. But then I'll talk to you later.."
"Okay, bye Yong-Joo"
"bye Seung Yeon.."
*tear over Yong-Joo's face* 
"Are you okay, Yong-Joo?" the manager asked.
She wipped the tear away and said she was fine.
"Yong-Joo, I wanted to ask you something". The manager said.
"It's allmost your birthday and I want to ask if you would like to give a party?"
"Ohyeah, almost my birthday,"Yong-Joo thought. With all this stuff going on she forgot her
own birthday ...
"Uhm yeah I think that's okay, can I invite my friends?"
"Ofcourse, you may invite everyone you want. Your parends, your friends, your family.."
Then Yong-Joo started to think.. Whould she invite her parends.. would they be mad at her because of what happend?

Okay so what you'll think the parends will react? And is she gonna invite them?
ahh whatever >.< im gonna bring key in the next chapter ! he's bin out way to long! ;P
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luvlollipop #1
evaathje #2
nicceee :D i subscribed *^^*
@sicole4ever thanks so much *o*
sicole4ever #4
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