Chapter 4

A huge change of living..


Next morning. Key and Seung Yeon both didn't come to school.
In school everyone got informed about Yong-Joo’s run away and was told to look out for her.
Seung Yeon didn't sleep, didn't eat she only could think about 6 pm. It was today the day she can call Yong-Joo.
She didn't want to wait till 6 pm...
She tried to call Key, without thinking if he was on school. 
"Hello, Key speaking."
"Key? Seung Yeon here. Do you have any information about Yong-Joo?
"No sorry, but today it's thursday so you can call her. Wait till 6 pm and ask her."
" remembered about 6pm.. Normally you forget everything. Wha sorry, I didn't meen it like this."
"Don´t worry but I´m going to hang up now. Good luck Seung Yeon."
Seung Yeon's parends were worried about her because she didn't say anything and she just said she wasn't feeling well.
Seung Yeon called to the parends of Yong-Joo..
"Hello, It's me Seung Yeon.."
"Hello Seung Yeon"
"Did you already heard something about Yong-Joo..?"
"No, we are also trying to contact her but she won’t pick up the phone."
"Ohh okay... I'll try to find out some more and will let you know. Bye"
"Thanks Seung Yeon, bye."
In the meanwhile Yong-Joo’s manager informed her about the “runaway” thing. Yong-Joo explained
everything and told her she was staying at this hotel near the studio. Her manager offered her to stay at her home till things got cleared up and
the same evening she moved there.
It was almost 6 pm. Seung Yeon was kinda nervous.
"Okay here we go..." She ticked the number from Yong-Joo in on her cellpone.
"Hii Seung Yeon. How are you? I'm really sorry for this...I ..” it was quiet for a bit and then suddenly she could
heard Yong-Joo was crying on the other side of the phone.
"Yong-Joo, why is this all happening? What's going on? Why did you left and didn't tell anything?! 
"I Will explain it all to you later..Can we meet by tomorrow?"
"Sure, whenever you want! I will come..I promise " She cried while talking to her on the phone.
"Then tomorrow after school behind the sport room, okay?"
"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow.."
"Seung Yeon wipe your tears away, okay? I will also not cry anymore.
I'll see you tomorrow... Bye!"
Yong-Joo already hanged up.
"Seung Yeon didn't sleep the whole night, and in the morning she left early for school.
The school bell ringed and Seung Yeon walked inside.
Yong-Joo tried to find some normal clothes in her bag. No one may recognice her,
she only wanted to see and talk with Seung Yeon and no one else. 
She put on a hat and sun glasses. So nobody can see that she is Yong-Joo.
She left the hotel and took the bus to her school.
She saw everyone sitting in class, but walked further.
She arrived behind the sport room and sat down on a little stair in front of the emergency exit.
That door was never used before so nobody would come out. She waited till the school
bell ringed. Seung Yeon runned outside and slowly looked around the corner. Yong-Joo saw her and
called her. Seung Yeon walked to her and sat down next to her.
"Sorry that it has to be this way..." Yong-Joo said.
You can ask me anything."
"....Why...did you left? "
"Someone found out about my secret and I don't believe he would keep it a secret for all other people,
so I need to be sure. I left this city and they are going to call me when everything is done. When that
will happen you will understand the most..."
"What is that secret, and who are They?"
Yong-Joo wanted to anwser but on the same moment her cell phone ringed.
It was her manager. She picked up. "Tomorrow at 12am at the studio. Be there, okay? And about the 
concert, it's tomorrow at 4pm. But, see you tomorrow. Bye."
"They” called Yong-Joo said. “They are the people who are helping me with my secret and also dream.
I want to make this dream come true..Nobody know's that's my dream.."
"But Yong-Joo please, tell me what's your secret? And why can't you just live at this place?"
"I can't live her because too many people will be in trouble because of me.. Tomorrow at 4pm on TV my secret will no longer be a secret.. I'm... *couldn't finish what she was saying*
"Hey what are you girls doing there?! Wait a minute, Yong-Joo?"The teacher runned to her but she runned away.
"Remember what I said Seung Yeon, tomorrow at 4 pm!" She screamed and before aiko could say something back she was gone. The teacher wanted to come back to Seung Yeon but she also runned away. 
"What the hell is going on?!" The teacher screamed.

ughh damn that teacher >.>  anyway hope your excited for the next chapter!
okay now i feel like im talking about an awsome story but it's not really..
it's my first story here and im sure it's weak... anyway~
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luvlollipop #1
evaathje #2
nicceee :D i subscribed *^^*
@sicole4ever thanks so much *o*
sicole4ever #4
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