
9 Months with you again. (apply for 3rd Co-author)

Yeon Sul heard a voice. A woman's voice. 

"Child, you have spent almost two years here, yet you still cannot forget about your past," the woman said sadly.

The next moment, she saw a lady in white standing before her.

"I miss my family and my boyfriend. I want to be with them again," Yeon Sul said to the lady. 

"Your mother has left that world as well."

"Yes, I know. But I can't see her here," Yeon Sul said sadly. "I want to go back and undo my mistake. I should not have been so careless. I wish I could be with Kevin and my family."

The woman paused. "Can you truly not be happy here? Is this what you really want?"

Yeon Sul nodded. 

"If it is what you wish, I can change you back into a human. But there are conditions," the woman warned. "You will become an entirely different person. You cannot meet your family, and your loved one will not recognize you for who you once were. You are forbidden to tell him, the consequences are severe."

Yeon Sul was shocked. The thought of Kevin not knowing her, not recognizing her, made her heart hurt. What about her family? Could she really not see them ever again? Her little brother and sisters? What about her dad?

But these conditions were not going to stop her from doing what she wanted to do.

*I will become a human, I'll find Kevin again, I'll start a new life. This is a second chance,* she thought hopefully.

"I accept your conditions," she said to the woman in white. The woman smiled. "Your new name will be Park Haru. You are a made up individual who suddenly exists in that world. Play your part, and others will believe it. I believe you'll make the right decisions this time. For your own sake, you must."

And everything went dark.




The bright light hurt her eyes unbearably. Yeon Sul sat up groggily.

*Where am I?* she thought, confused. 

One minute, she had been in heaven, watching over her family and her beloved boyfriend Kevin. The next, she had been falling. Every part of her hurt, as if she had died all over again.

Then, she remembered the woman. She remembered the wish she had made. *Am I human? Am I really human again?!* 

She looked at her body. She was wearing a plain white dress, and her hair was in a braid. She saw that she was barefooted. It excited her to see her body on land again.

Yeon Sul looked around. She was in a forest, all she could see was trees.

*This is the human world, isnt it?* she thought, excited. *Where exactly am I?*

Yeon Sul started walking, looking all around her for a sign of where to go. She was determined to make it to civilization and find Kevin. After hours of walking, she sat down. She was exhausted and her feet hurt badly, but she wasn't going to give up. Her mind was completely focused on Kevin.

She remembered all those times watching him from above. Watching as he went through successes and failures for the past two years. Crying with him when he could never accept her death. She knew that he had not forgotten her, that he still loved her.

*But will he love Park Haru?* she thought, worried.


Hi, this is jessicaliana! Co-author of this story with Miko95!~ (: Please enjoy!

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Update again soon~!<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next, especially when Haru and Kevin meet~
ooooOOoOOooooOOOooo~~~~<br />
HAHA! :D<br />
this is getting exciting... :D
NamHee #3
update soon omg i love this fan fics for sure :')<br />
hope this FF will have a long story xD
Ooh! I wonder who it is that called her name!
Update soon pls ^^
starlightdust #7
update soon!
NickieRox #8
Update please!