1st chapter

9 Months with you again. (apply for 3rd Co-author)

2 years ago.

"appa! why are you late? i've been waiting here for an hour already and its getting cold out here!" Yeon-Sul said shivering in the cold winter.

"mianhae Sul-ya~ the guest is keepingme very busy since its the first day of opening...i'll be there in ten minute or so.. arasso?" her dad say with a apologetic voice. Yeon-Sul gave out a sigh.

"10 minutes or 10 hours?? never mind then, i'll just walk home" Yeon-Sul said holiding in her anger, still sivering.

"mianhae...but could you walk home? its dangerous" her dad said but then the line got cut off. She stomped her feet. then starts walking in anger.

"aish, your art gallery is more important than his own daughter?!" Yeon-Sul babbling to herself, everyone looks at her like crazy.

after 20 minutes walking it was dark, she hit the crossing button. It was safe to walk, she slowly cross and suddenly screeching sound got louder and crashing,screaming sound was heard.

The grey car stopped for a sec, but hit its engine. Yeon-Sul lay there motionless. Then her father her the noised came out running,only to see his daughter laying there bleeding nonstop.

"Yeon-Sul! Sul yah!! " her dad shouted hoping that her daughter would response. Yeon-Sul was still motionless on his arms.

"ap..pa..."  Yeon-Sul finally answered without opening her eyes. Her dad cried and a slight of a relief.

"i'm here...yah somebody call the ambulance!!" He southed to everyone surrounded them. One of them listened and dialed 119.

"k..ke.vin" tears running down her cheeks, knowing it was time for her to go.

"kevin? you want me to call him? but i have to get you to the hospital okay? just hang in there." the father said not knowing what to do. Yeon-Sul nodded.

When the ambulance arrived, it was too late. she was gone, in that world. At her funeral, her siblings and especially her parents, cried so hard for losing her. After her death, everyday her father would go crazy and blaming himself and sometimes comes home late night or came back  after the next day, like one night...he never came back. As for Kevin, his performances,career was almost falling. He sometimes sings 'Finally' to remember good memories with her and  always ends the song tears running down his cheeks. But he made it through knowing she was watching over him.


1 January 2011.

"Sul ya, happy new year. We really misses you especially your mother, she prayed everyday that god wouldn't punish you harshly because we know you are a good girl." Kevin said setting down baby's breath down on top of Yeon-Sul's grave. Kevin sweetly smiled at Sul's smiling picture.

"it has been two years huh?" Eli said patting Kevin's shoulder, kneeling down to look at Sul's grave.

"yeah. tomorrow is her death, also her 18th birthday...if shes still alive" Kevin said with a sad smile.

"hyung! we need to go! we'll be late!!" Dongho shouted from the van.

"i'll go first and shut him up, i'll give you 1 more minute to say goodbye to her" Eli said calmly walks away.

"Yeon-Sul, today we have our new year's special performance. i hope you would see it.  I won't be visiting you often since we're prepaering our comeback. but i promise to come if i have smallest free time." Kevin said planting a kiss to his fingers and to Sul's picture. As Kevin turns around to the van. Tears appeared falling down from Sul's eyes in the smilling picture.



Hope you guys like the first chapter! Comment & subs!<3

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Update again soon~!<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next, especially when Haru and Kevin meet~
ooooOOoOOooooOOOooo~~~~<br />
HAHA! :D<br />
this is getting exciting... :D
NamHee #3
update soon omg i love this fan fics for sure :')<br />
hope this FF will have a long story xD
Ooh! I wonder who it is that called her name!
Update soon pls ^^
starlightdust #7
update soon!
NickieRox #8
Update please!