taking a weird turn...

trying to forget

I finally returned home from my daily walk. It's been two hours since I was gone. Taemin called me about 20 minutes ago to notify me that he'll be coming over to mine. I was really excited. As I put my long purple coat up on a hanger I saw someone walking over to me.


"Taemin! How did you get in here? The door was locked!" 

"I had a spare key, remember? You gave it to me a few months before I left."

"Oh, that's right," I gave him the key just in case when he comes back. I completely forgot about it.

"You really have returned to your sneaky ways, haven't you?" I said cheekily. 

"What would I be without them?" Taemin responded full of wit. He really hasn't changed at all, he's just like the good old Taemin. I couldn't even imagine what my life would of been without him. It was so hard to try and move on when he left, but I always hoped he wouldn't leave me. And he didn't, thank God. I hope he doesn't leave like this again. Even if he tries to I won't let him.

"So, do you want some coffee?" I asked him.

"Sure, and I hope you have biscuits." 

"I can't remember when I didn't," I responded. We both went into the kitchen, and Taemin sat down at the table while I made us coffee and biscuits. 

"So did you see Sophie?" 

"Yeah, she was really shocked to see me." He exclaimed. 

"I bet she was! You not being here for 2 years. We actually never knew when you would return."

"That's true. I mean, I didn't even know that. So while I was gone, what have you been up to?" He seemed very interested.

"Well, actually at work I got promoted to dress designer," I said proudly.

"Wow, I'm so happy for you! Isn't that what you wanted?" 

"Yeah, but it's not as easy as it sounds. It's quite hard work, and lately it's been keeping me really busy from doing anything that I wanted to do."

"Well, maybe it's time to take a couple of days off, don't you think?" He said while grinning.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt, and since you are here..."

"Great! Let's go ice skating!"

"Ice skating?"

"Yeah. Remember, we used to go all the time to Smithie's ice skating. We said when we grow up we wanted to be famous ice skaters, and even star in the Olympics." There was a bright spark in Taemin's eyes when he said that. We really did want to be famous ice skaters. I guess that's changed over time but we still love doing it. 

"Alright, let's go."

"Yay!" Taemin sounded like a kid when he said that. I still remember him when he was small, he used to get excited over these types of things really easily. It made me want to giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, you just sounded like a little kid when you said that," I smirked.

"Oh really? Could a little kid do this?" He suddenly took hold of my waist and pulled me closer to him. He looked directly into my eyes and he was so close, I was nearly kissing him. I pushed him away a little bit and slightly raised my voice,

"Taemin? What are you doing? You have a girlfriend.."

"Could a kid do that?" He said teasingly, and let go of my waist. What was he doing? He had a girlfriend, and he was flirting with me. It's probably not what I think, I mean, he was just joking around, right? I'm over reacting too much.

"Um... I guess not." For a minute, it got really awkward between us and I suddenly spoke up,

"How about we go now?"

"That's a great idea! Let's go."

We went to Smithie's ice skating and put on our skates. There were quite a lot of people here, but I guess I expected that since this place is really popular. Taemin and I stepped on the ice and slowly started to skate. I was about to fall, but suddenly Taemin managed to get hold of my wrist and kept me up on my feet.

"Thank you!"

"No problem." He responded. We skated for about ten minutes and I didn't even realise I was holding his hand. I suddenly let go, but Taemin didn't.

"Um.. Taemin?" I was trying to get his attention.


"Your sort of holding my hand..."

"Oh, sorry!" He apologised and his cheeks turned red. I guess he was embarrassed. That made me smile. 

We skated for another 20 minutes, doing all sorts of tricks without even noticing the people around us. We were just so happy to finally do something we love together in a long time that we didn't even care. My thoughts and worries just drifted away. When I'm with Taemin, I just relax more, I feel so happy around him.

"Hey, remember that dance routine we made up?" Taemin asked me. Right before he left we were trying to spend as much time together as possible and we even made up a dance routine when we were ice skating. Taemin has always been a good dancer. I've learned from him.

"Oh yeah, do you want to do it now?" I suggested.

"Sure." He gently took hold of my hand and we started skating around the ice ring quickly. He suddenly twirled me and then took hold of my waist. He lifted me up and I slightly raised one of my legs backwards and spread my arms out like a bird spreads out its wings. He then lowered me down and twirled me again, for me to only fall into his arms. He suddenly fell down on the ice with me still in his arms and we both started laughing.

"I think we're a bit rusty," I exclaimed. 

"But we wouldn't be if we practice more, we should come here more often." Taemin suggested. I liked the thought of that, spending more time with Taemin would be great. He's the only person I feel really comfortable with. 

"I would love to!"

"That wasn't a question, we ARE coming here more starting from this day. I've missed you so much Rosie.."

He suddenly got closer and closer to my lips but I pushed him away at the last moment.

"I think we should go home now..."

"Oh, okay. Let's go." He stood up and helped me stand up afterwards. We were here for about 2 hours and finally started heading back. Taemin insisted on taking me home and I agreed. We finally arrived up to my apartments door step.

"I forgot to say thank you for the bracelet you gave me," I told him.

"No worries." 

"Did you make it yourself?"


Wow. He had a talent. I was actually expecting him to say no but he said yes. It was just so beautiful.

"It's amazing, thank you. I think I'll be wearing it all the time now."

"You better be, at least there will be something to remind me that I've given you at least one gift..."

"Don't be silly! YOU are like a gift to me.." I couldn't believe he thought that. He is something very special to me and he's everything I could ask for in a friend yet he's worried about gifts? It makes me sad yet happy he's worried about those types of things. I think I should be the one that's worried.

"Well thank you anyway." I said. I turned my back ready to go inside when suddenly Taemin said something.

"Rosie, can I give you another gift?"

"What?" I turned around again to face him when he suddenly kissed me on the cheek.

"That." He once again had that cheeky smile on his face and walked off.

My best friend Taemin just kissed me. On the cheek. For my first ever time. What has gotten into him? He's been flirting with me constantly even though he has a girlfriend. Just when I thought things could go back to normal, they suddenly take a weird direction. The worst thing about him flirting with me is that I think I'm starting to like it....



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I just thought I'd have a go at writing my own story, so here goes nothing!


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Chapter 5: b-b-b-but why?? T^T My heart actually hurts.. >.< it's was well written though~ <3
Chapter 5: ;_; Waeyo???? WAEYO?!?!?! DONGSAENG WAE DID YOU DO THIS?!?! NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW >:( *bawls* WAAAAAEEEEEE?!?! *bawls*. ... I'm going to write a tragic oneshot now... YOU BETTER DIE OF FEELS!!!! Heheh Dongsaeng, you won't know what hit you...
Chapter 5: I cried... sniff