A Special Day

Everyday Love


the last chapter ^^ sorry if this chapter feels like it's rushed, because it was rushed xD

but still, please enjoy ^^

oh! and for mba' clumsyblue, if you read this, I borrowed your restaurant's name I hope you wouldn't mind ^^


On the next day, Eric and Hyesung were still sleeping even when the sun had risen. They slept in the same position through the night. After a few minutes, Hyesung opened his eyes and the sight of Eric sleeping welcomed him, he hugged Eric tightly to make sure that the man beside him was real, and it wasn't his imagination.

Eric, felt a movement around him, finally woke up to see a bunch of dark hair below his chin, he smiled sleepily and decided to kiss the head below him, the one whose head was kissed by Eric lifted his head only to be greeted by a peck on his lips, courtesy of Eric.

"Good morning Prince." Eric smiled widely looking at his lover. Hyesung's hair was messy but still soft, his sleepy eyes, his lips that curled up into a cute cat-like smile. Eric couldn't help but to steal one more peck from Hyesung's lips.

"Morning Eric-ah." Hyesung giggled at the peck, it felt good to have Eric beside him when he woke up. He crawled on top of Eric and and initiated a kiss, Eric circled his arms around Hyesung's waist, they shared light kisses to start the morning. Feeling satisfied from the kisses, Hyesung buried his face on Eric's neck -still on top of Eric- and stayed like that.


"Hyesungie~" Eric called Hyesung affectionately, while caressing Hyesung's hair with one of his hand.

"Hmm... yes?" Hyesung mumbled on Eric's neck, he felt too comfortable in their current position and didn't want to move.

"Are you free today? By the way, it's ticklish you know." Eric chuckled.

"I don't have any appointment, so I think it's a yes. Why? And I don't want to move." Eric could felt Hyesung's pout.

"Let's go on a date, and I had promised to bring you to your favorite restaurant right?" In a flash, Eric could see Hyesung's face in front of -or above- his face.

"Really?!" With sparkles-filled eyes, Hyesung asked Eric, getting a nod as an answer, a smile bloomed on his lips.

"I love you Eriiiiic!!" Hyesung then kissed Eric deeply, Eric responded to the kiss and slowly the kiss got more passionate.

"Hyesung-ah, if we continue to be like this, I don't think we can go out." Eric said when the kiss stopped due to the need of breath, he could see Hyesung's swollen lips and blushing cheeks, and he bit Hyesung's chubby cheek lightly, because those cheeks screamed 'Bite me!'

Hyesung frowned, "No! I want my date today!" He got off of Eric and rushed to the bathroom to get ready. Eric just chuckled witnessing his lover's cute behavior.


In about an hour, they were ready to go. Hyesung wore a white tee paired with a broken white sweater and a white skinny jeans, he was also sporting a cute little ponytail much to Eric's delight. Hyesung checked Eric out from head to toe, to make sure Eric wore an appropriate outfit, khaki pants, long sleeved blue shirts and a navy blue cardigan, not bad for Hyesung's taste. Hyesung took a black rimmed glass and put it on Eric's face.

"There! You look good!" Hyesung smiled satisfied. Eric patted his head, "Ready to go?"

"Yep! Hurry up! I want to have breakfast first!"

"Anything you want, Prince." Said Eric.


They had their late breakfast at The Classic, then proceeded to their date. They had fun in Lotte World, trying almost all of the rides there and enjoying the other attractions too. By the time time they finished, it was nearly dinner time, and Eric fulfilled his promise to take Hyesung to his favorite restaurant. They went to Olive Pasta. At first, Hyesung was worried whether they would get seats or not, because the place was a famous one and it was weekend, there would be a lot of customers. But his worry was erased when Eric told him that he had made a reservation for this day. Hyesung was all smile that day and Eric was very satisfied to see his prince like that.

Their seat was in a private section with a beautiful view of the city, they rarely had time to go out together like that day, and it made them appreciate it. Spending quality time with their loved one, refreshing themselves from awful lots of work even for just one day, having a different-from-the usual dinner in a good way -because Hyesung really loved Olive Pasta but rarely had the chance to eat there-. The appetizers and main courses had finished, they were enjoying their desserts right now. They ate their desserts slowly, not wanting to end their date fast. Finished his dessert first, Eric excused himself from their room. Hyesung was still enjoying the dessert and the view when the door to their was opened, revealing Eric behind it.


"Hyesung-ah, this is for you." Hyesung stunned, there was a bouquet of red roses on Eric's right hand, he took the bouquet cautiously.

"There are 24 stems of red roses in that bouquet, it means 'I think of you 24 hours a day'. You are always in my mind, be it when I'm with you or you're not around me. And this one is for you too," Eric gave Hyesung a red rectangular box, which made Hyesung became more surprised to see a stem of white rose inside it.

"I believe you're my true love. I can't imagine my life without you and you don't know how happy I was to meet you again that day. The moment I saw you, I promised to myself not to let you go again and to make you mine. You're the only one for me, and I promise to only love you till the end, Shin Hyesung." Eric finished his sentences and saw Hyesung's still stunned face.


"Hyesung-ah?" Hyesung put the bouquets on the table and stood up to hug Eric.

"I can't say this like you Eric, you know I'm not good with words, but you have to know that I feel the same way. I can't stop thinking about you too and I'll only love you forever." Hyesung could feel Eric's warm hug and he loved the feeling.


"Sit down Hyesung-ah, and close your eyes, I still have something for you." Eric broke his hug and made Hyesung sit again.

"What is it? You don't have to do this, I didn't even prepare anything for you." Hyesung said, half-impatient and half-regretting for not preparing anything.

"I do this because I want to, Prince." Eric smiled and kissed the tip of Hyesung's nose, he took something out from the box he had brought that day. He stepped behind Hyesung and put it around Hyesung's neck and felt satisfied at how beautiful it looked on Hyesung's already beautiful neck. Hyesung opened his eyes.

"A necklace... ring? Eric, is this a ring?" There was a silver string and a simple platinum ring -with a carving of - as the pendant.

"Yeah, it's actually a ring. We haven't dated for that long and I don't want to rush things, so I figured I would give this as a necklace first." Eric explained.


"Do you... have this too, Eric-ah?" Hyesung looked up to see Eric.

"Yes, I have one. But I wear this as a bracelet." Eric rolled up his sleeve and showed his bracelet.

"This is beautiful Eric-ah, and thank you for considering everything. I hope you don't mind to wait for a little more." Hyesung had a worried face, scared at the possibility of Eric leaving him.

"I'll wait for you, even if it takes forever." Eric kissed the top of Hyesung head and his forehead. Then he felt Hyesung circled his arms around his neck and brought him down, and the next thing he knew, Hyesung kissed him on the lips.

"I love you, Eric." Hyesung said to Eric.

"I love you too, Hyesung-ah, my Prince." Eric replied with a loving smile.




1. Because I thought 'red rose can never go wrong' in that kind of occasion, so I included it. Also I have a soft spot for white color and one of the meanings of white rose is 'true love' /cmiiw/.

2. For the number thingy, 24 -> 24 hours a day -> can't stop thinking about you, and 1 -> you are the only one /cmiiw/.

3. It's finally finished \o/ *spreading confetti*

     Part 1 /wth?/ xD : After approximately 6 weeks, what I started to be one of my activities while having holiday, the idea came so sudden and I actually intended to make this to be updated daily so I started to write a few chapters in advance, but then I changed mind, because starting the 5th chapter onwards I had some difficulties writing this one especially the later chapters xD

     Part 2 : The last update was 2 days ago, I usually updated after 3-4 days or more xD, but because I had assured my dear dongsaeng -and actually more of a promise to myself- to update the last chapter before the month changed (my classes will start again on Sept 1st, and I tend to not have any idea and/or the mood to write ff during the 'attending classes' period, that's why) so here it is ^^.


Kkkk~ sorry of my rambling xD I sincerely want to thank (not in a particular order) readers, subscribers, upvoters, and last but not least, readers who left comments (thank you so much!) so I could know what you thought of my story ^^

This is the end of my -maybe-cliche, amateur-ish story. It has been a pleasurable journey for me, and I hope I can meet you again ^^ /if I have the chance to write another/


hyuuhikari, 20140830

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pikachu0826 #1
Chapter 9: aigooooooo!!!!!!! i know its been a year already but cant stop myself from leaving a comment of how beautiful the story is. it makes me want to believe in love again hahahaha! thank you for sharing and creating this story. seems like you gain here another fan :D
Minwoo287 #2
Chapter 5: Aigoo~ hyesung must be really miss Eric~~~~~~~~
Ricsyung is so fun to read. Author-nim fighting
Btw, is it my name that mention up above?
29548E #3
Chapter 9: Hi sis thanks for the completion. Plus it my b say today too muahahaha
feelgyo #4
Chapter 9: Ichaaaaaa~~
Udh tamat kah ini?? :O knp cpt bgt?? :3

Kyaaaaaaa..they're so cute!! (>̯┌┐<̯)
I only want to freeze Hyesung and Eric and save them in my room, reserved only for me. Ottokhe?? (>̯͡⌣<̯͡) #bricked XDD

Anyway, congratulation for the 1st part Cha ξ\(ˇ▽ˇ)/ξ ayo tulis yg lain lagi, hihihihihihi (>̯-̮<)
esluve #5
Chapter 9: Wow ...eric is soooo romantic n always spoiling his prince till the end haha they are so sweet together
Thanks for the story authornim it was good. Waiting for ur next story...fighting..<3<3<3
feelgyo #6
Chapter 8: Awwww.....so sweet..(˘́⌣˘̀ʃƪ)
aku paling suka adegan(?) Hyesung lompat ke Eric deh, uwaahh..bener2 spoiled little prince XDD
Btw, hyesung jam terbangnya tinggi juga ya. Hyesung is popular, hmmmmm...
Thanks Icha for your update, mumumumumu...(っ ̄³ ̄)っ
29548E #7
Chapter 8: Oh it's sweet. I can feel how tired Hyesung is...
Chapter 8: awww....unnie please update soon i wanna see more ricsyung moments =))
Chapter 8: soo cute~~~
especially when Im so into discovery of romance atm xDD
Chapter 6: gosh, how we wish to have a boyfriend as sweet as that...
*sobs with happiness*