...And Shin Woo Witnessed

One Last Dance With You

Depressed and feeling pathetic (of course, he is out of character here, and he had grown cold), Shin Woo parked his car along the driveway near a familiar forest. He got out and started walking to the lake.

"I wish I could think in peace," he thought.

As he approached the lake, he sat down and admired the beauty of the water before dozing off. It was a beautiful summer afternoon, and the band was not busy. After managing to keep his thoughts in order, he went up the tree house, laid down on the wooden floor and placed his arm on his head. Then he fell asleep. He could have been back at the dorm, brewing tea for himself, but Mi Nyu was there, and he was practically avoiding her. He wanted to think in silence, and his new venue with Jeremy is either below or inside the tree house by the lake.

He had a moment's peace and was able to sleep soundly when some noise from somewhere woke him up. Groggily, he got up from his flat position and thought in slight irritation. He was sure he had changed. He was very calm and cool, but eversince his change, he shows slight irritabililty. Of course, he managed to keep his emotions in check.

"Seems like it is below the tree house," he thought. He quietly crawled to the opening and was about to move down the ladder when noticed two familiar figures having some altercation. Coordi Noona and Chung Hee.


"I did not know what I have done for you to be so angry at me," Chung Hee said to Noona.

"I don't know why I fell in love with you in the first place," she retorted. "Looking back, I can think I am such a jerk for loving you. You stole me away from Joon."

There. There. There.

"Could I not help it if I had fallen for you? Could you blame me for feeling that way?" he replied in exasperation.

"Of course I could," Noona snapped. "If you had just been honorable enough to respect the relationship of two people, I think I could have been your friend up to now!"

Oh, she was right.

"Yet, you are a horrible creature! You are greedy, and envious, and jealous!" she continued.

"But it happened," Chung Hee reminded her. "You also fell for me..."

"Because you poisoned my mind!" she shot back. "You started saying bad things against my best friend, and I was such a loser for not trusting my best friend at all. I am such a loser for loving you! I should have known better."

Noona paced around the premises angrily. "I cursed you the day we let go. I am so ashamed of having you as a part of my past. That is why I worked hard and did not tell everybody of my past lovelife."

"Are you telling me that loving you was wrong?" Chung Hee questioned.

"Yes, it was! It was wrong, and it will always be wrong!" she retorted. "I do not know if you really found it to your benefit to be working with President Ahn but I am not amused by it at all."

"Well, I could always blackmail you if I want," Chung Hee threatened.

"So you are threatening me? Bring it on!" she replied fiercely and fearlessly. "I'm not afraid of you."

Chung Hee shut his mouth. He knew he had nothing to gain if he blackmailed Coordi Wang, as there was really nothing to blackmail about.

"I may be the bad party girl, but I also know how to preserve my dignity. Got that?" she said.

"What's the matter here?" someone asked. When the two of them looked, it was Shin Woo, who went down the ladder.

"Oh, Shin Woo-ssi," Chung Hee amiably said. He suddenly felt unconfortable under Shin Woo's mystery.

The guitarist looked at the model in that mysterious air of his. "I understand that A.N. company will be working with you, Chung Hee-ssi. Please do not break our trust by harassing our stylist."


Tae Kyung's POV:

I was in the kitchen and drinking water when Mi Nyu came and offered marshmallows to me. She is still the sweet girl that she is. I still love her, but I know she doesn't feel that way anymore. Well, I promised to be her friend, and I go along with eating marshmallows even if it was against my will to be eating too much sweets. Go Mi Nyu is really a Pig Rabbit, always eating.

And my phone rang. It was Shin Woo, and he told me to come to the scene this very minute, as Coordi Noona was being harassed by Chung Hee. He instructed me where to go. I told Mi Nyu that I need to go and rescue Coordi Noona. She insisted on coming along.

I have to go and rescue our Noona. Our code of honor tells me that I should.


Tae Kyung and Mi Nyu arrived at the scene. In there, Shin Woo was presiding over the case. Tae Kyung thought it was no use being there when Shin Woo was already there. So why did he call him?

Shin Woo saw Tae Kyung and Mi Nyu coming, and he got his eyes away from the innocent girl.

"I am not harassing your stylist, Shin Woo-ssi," Chung Hee said in defense. "I was just trying to get some closure."

"But it seems that you are wanting to blackmail her," Shin Woo protested. "I could have recorded it if I want to."

"You did?" Tae Kyung asked in disbelief at Chung Hee. "I never thought you would do this. If you plan to harass our Noona, I hope you will not do the same with us."

"A businessman indeed!" Tae Kyung thought to himself. "Trying hook or by crook to get what he wants."

"No, please understand. That is not what I intend to do," he pleaded.

"Huh? Not intend? You are practically reasoning with me as to why I should get back with you," Noona snapped.

Tae Kyung pursed his lips as he examined Chung Hee. He acted like Yoo He Yi, scheming and pretending to be good. In his anger, the vocalist grabbed the stylist by the hand and told her that he would take her home.

"Ya! Where do you think you are going?" Chung Hee snapped at Tae Kyung.

"Taking her away from you," Tae Kyung answered from afar.


Coordi Noona got inside Tae Kyung's car, and asked.

"Where's Mi Nyu?" she asked.

"Ah, she intended to stay and talk with Shin Woo," he dryly said.

After wearing his seatbelt, Tae Kyung looked at Coordi Noona, who was looking at him. "What?"

The stylist gave a smile and thanked him for saving his life.

"Shin Woo called, that is why I came. I presume he could not take you home," he answered.

Of course, Shin Woo kept his car at a safe distance, so he thought the guitarist could not take the stylist home. As they drove off, Coordi Noona gave out a secret smile. Shin Woo and Tae Kyung were her knights for that afternoon, and she was sure Jeremy and Mi Nam would do the same for her.


"Aish, that...that..." Chung Hee angrily pointed at Tae Kyung and Coordi Noona's direction.

"You can go if you intend to," Shin Woo said diplomatically but grimly. He was so angry at the model that he forgot Mi Nyu was still standing there.

Chung Hee nodded his head in irritation and went his way. The guitarist was about to climb on the ladder when Mi Nyu called.

"Shin Woo-hyung?"

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marliR #1
Chapter 15: Awww please make a Shinwoo and Min Nyu fanfic.