
Love, Blood and Strawberries 2 (Sequel)

Joonmyun stood up again. „Keep distance!“ he shouted out.

“Haha, what will you do when I don’t want to?” The guy laughed like a batty.

“Then I’ll kill you”. Another guy stood in the door and smiled with his fangs.

“Jong….. Jongin…” Jongdae whispered. The next vampire in the room... Slowly but surely he lost his mind. Joonmyun dragged himself to Jongdae to free him. The guy got it and ran to Joonmyun but Jongin was faster and caught him. He threw him against the wall. Jongin provided Joonmyun the time he needed. So, Joonmyun unleash Jongdae. After his hands were free he kneeled down and held his waist. Joonmyun kneeled next to him.

“Are you okay?” Jongdae just shook his head and hugged Joonmyun.

“Why are you so powerless…” He asked Joonmyun.

“Because I didn’t took blood for a long time. I killed my first love with this hunger and since this happening I don’t want to drink any blood.” He explained. Jongdae shook his head again.

“But you have to. You have to help Jongin…” Jongdae fainted into Joonmyun’s arms. He knew, Jongin had the guy under control so he put Jongdae on his arms and carried him home. There he laid him into his bed. Jongdae slept a long time. But after a few days he awaked and saw Joonmyun sleeping on his side… but… does he really sleep? He nudged him but there was no reaction.

“He is pretty frail but don’t worry, he’ll awake sooner or later.” Jongin said. He sat on the other bed in this room.

“He came to save me but he knew he was too frail to do anything against the situation. Why did he done it?”

“You don’t see it? He came because he loves you and he did everything to protect you. He would die for you, believe me. And he sat on you bed until a few minutes ago. He paid attention to you, every second. He didn’t eat, he didn’t drink and he didn’t say anything all the time you laid there.” Jongdae understood.

“He needs blood to stay alive, I am right?”

“It’s a wonder that he’s still alive, believe me. The last blood drop he got was in one year in the middle of the middle Ages during the Black Death. You can count how many years he lived without it. And it damages him very harsh.”  Jongdae lay down and looked to the ceiling. Does everything depend on him now?


A few hours later Joonmyun awaked and sat up. He can’t see Jongin or Jongdae and he decided to stand up. After he stood on his own feet he held himself on the wall. If he’ll wait longer he’ll definitely die. Slowly he started to walk to the door but he had wobbly legs so he couldn’t stand on his own feet without holding on something.  But suddenly his strength left him and he dropped to the ground. The brunt hurt him and this pain went through his body. The time had come.


“Are you sure?” Jongdae asked Jongin about his message. Jongin explained him what happened with Joonmyun’s earlier loves and that the guy, who wanted to Jongdae, was a vampire who wanted to kill Jongdae. As a result Jongdae asked and Jongin approved.

“He thought he is a walking disaster area but he understood that another guy was responsible for this many problems.” Jongin sighed and sympathize with Joonmyun. “He is a good person and was an optimistic vampire… until now…  Maybe he has 3 or 4 days.” Jongdae stopped walking. He stood still and looked at Jongin.

“But… He doesn’t need to die! He… I… We…” He sank to the ground and started crying.

“Don’t despair… You know how to help him. But nobody force you to give him your blood. And Joonmyun doesn’t want to do it, either. So…” But nothing helped Jongdae. He knew, everything depends on him. But somehow Jongin got very quiet. Jongdae looked at him and asked him what happened. Jongin took Jongdae’s hand and pulled him up.

“Joonmyun…” He started running back to the dorm hand in hand with Jongdae. He fell into the room and was looking for his friend. “JOONMYUN!” He shouted out.

“I am … here …” Joonmyun had a pretty frail voice. Jongdae shocked when he saw him lying there. He kneeled next to him and took his hand.

“Stay here!” he shouted out. But Joonmyun didn’t reply anything.  “Joonmyun!”.

“I am sorry… I disappointed you.” Joonmyun said. He closed his eyes and wanted to…

“No! You just disappoint me when you’ll die.” Jongdae started to cry. He doesn’t want to lose him. He knew he fell in love with him. “Take my blood, Joonmyun… and save your live.”

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Chapter 6: Yayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 6: nice story author!!
Makuriara #3
Chapter 6: Finally, done.. woaahh, you're really good author..
Keep writing.. ^^
Makuriara #4
Chapter 5: Omoo.. its make me curious now..
Update soon^^
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 5: does Chen want to sacrifice himself for Joonmyun?
Makuriara #6
Chapter 4: Always try your best to update, okey? ^^
I'm already read this and now, i'm so curious what will happen..
Makuriara #7
Chapter 3: Update soon.. ^^
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 3: uwoooo it's coming!
i just think this chapter is short but it's okay ^__^
the "action" will come soon. ahahahahaha~~
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 2: update soon XD
Makuriara #10
Chapter 2: Waaaaa.. SuChen.. ^^ it's already complete?
Keep writting.. :)