Still hope?

Love, Blood and Strawberries 2 (Sequel)

Joonmyun stood in the door. Kyungsoo and Jongin didn’t even notice him. “Because I want to live with you… forever. Because I love you.” Jongin said to Kyungsoo. Then Jongin bite Kyungsoo and drunk his blood. Joonmyun looked at both during he stood there. But then he closed the door. “Good luck, you two.” He wished them. Then he looked at Jongdae who was eating strawberries. He smiled and tried to hide his fangs. “Good luck, because I am not going to have this luck.” Jongdae noticed him and waved him over.

“Do you want to eat some strawberries? They are very delicious.” Jongdae said. Joonmyun smiled again and nodded. Then he sat down next to him and took some strawberries to eat them. “Did you already know that a strawberry has an aura? I read it on Google yesterday.” Joonmyun started to cough and to laugh.

“That’s really funny, I’ve never heard about that.” And he continued laughing. Because of the red liquid from the strawberries, his fangs went back into his gums. So, Jongdae couldn’t see Joonmyun’s sharp canines. Of course Jongdae didn’t know anything about Joonmyun’s truth. Once upon a time he did, but not now. And Joonmyun didn’t know whether he should tell him again or not. After all, he would do it for 39 times.

“You don’t believe me, do you?” Jongdae asked after Joonmyun calmed down. Joonmyun shook his head and Jongdae took his smartphone. He googled something and the he showed him the website.

“Strawberries as a ual object. That’s really funny! Sounds like a .” After saying this, Joonmyun started laughing again but this time Jongdae laughed with him.

“Now I cannot eat strawberries for a long time because of you, buffoon.” Jongdae said very lovely. Joonmyun looked at him and smiled.

“Mianhae (I am sorry).” He tried to comfort him in a funny ironic way. Jongdae returned his irony and both were joking with each other.


Jongdae realized that it was already 11 pm and he had to go to bed. He stood up and went into his room. Joonmyun followed him because they share a room together. He saw how tired Jongdae was and noticed that he fell asleep very fast. Joonmyun covered him up with his blanket and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. Joonmyun know, his first love changed its body but his first love always has the same face, lips, eyes and nose. He likes to look into this face but he’s always sad when he thinks about the fact that he had stop fighting for him. Every time when he looked into his eyes, he changed his mind for a few seconds. But then he realized that it doesn’t make sense anymore.

Joonmyun lay down in his bed. He stared at the dark heaven with the stars and remembered the first time he fall in love.

It was in one year in the middle of the Middle Ages during the Black Death, Joonmyun was a vampire already for ten years. He visited a small village in South Korea which name he forgot. But in this village, a teenager called Jae-sun worked there for the people in the town. He was a smart guy, had brown eyes, small lips and a cute nose. Joonmyun followed him the whole day after he saw him. Jae-sun noticed it after a few minutes but he didn’t say anything. He let him follow until the day ended. As the sun went down, Jae-sun went to Joonmyun and kicked him softly.

“Why do you follow me?!” he asked him. Joonmyun shrugged his shoulders.

“Because of a feeling. You work hard. Do you do this every day?” And both started to talk a long time. They got friends. But one evening, Joonmyun fainted. He knew, he need blood but he didn’t want to take some. After he woke up, he looked at Jae-sun. He had a worried face but he smiled.

“Are you okay? You looked very frail.” But Joonmyun nodded and smiled. “Listen… I know what’s wrong with you. Before you fainted… you showed me your fangs. Are you a vampire? Then you need blood.” And Jae-sun denuded his neck.

“Jae… No… That’s wrong.”

“No, it isn’t. It’s your way to live. So, please do it for me… for my love which applies you.” Joonmyun’s eyes widened and he kissed Jae-sun before he bites him. Jae-sun screamed loudly because it hurt him really bad. But after a few minutes he muted and his body went limp.


Joonmyun replaced this remembrance and hold his head. He killed the guy he loved and wanted to kill himself after that. But exactly 20 years later he found a boy who was such a smart guy, had brown eyes, small lips and a cute nose. Jae-sun’s soul didn’t die. And Joonmyun wanted to have him as his boyfriend, wanted to have a relationship. But when he tried it, something bad happened every time. He was sick of it. And now his first love, Jae-sun, is Jongdae. And he’s still in love with him since he saw him the first time. But what, if something bad happen again? Joonmyun don’t want to risk it because of Jongdae. He doesn’t want to make him suffer and made himself sad because of it.

He looked to Jongdae who whispered some words. Joonmyun sat down on his bed and listen to him. He shocked after he heard what Jongdae said. “… for my love which applies you ...” The last words, Joonmyun heard from Jae-sun. Is there any hope?

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Chapter 6: Yayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 6: nice story author!!
Makuriara #3
Chapter 6: Finally, done.. woaahh, you're really good author..
Keep writing.. ^^
Makuriara #4
Chapter 5: Omoo.. its make me curious now..
Update soon^^
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 5: does Chen want to sacrifice himself for Joonmyun?
Makuriara #6
Chapter 4: Always try your best to update, okey? ^^
I'm already read this and now, i'm so curious what will happen..
Makuriara #7
Chapter 3: Update soon.. ^^
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 3: uwoooo it's coming!
i just think this chapter is short but it's okay ^__^
the "action" will come soon. ahahahahaha~~
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 2: update soon XD
Makuriara #10
Chapter 2: Waaaaa.. SuChen.. ^^ it's already complete?
Keep writting.. :)