The truth

Love, Blood and Strawberries 2 (Sequel)

Joonmyun left the room after Jongdae said him these words. “… for my love which applies you ...” Joonmyun didn’t understand what it mean to him. He knew Jongdae is something special. He wanted to stop loving his first love but he couldn’t. Jae-sun won’t stop until he gets what he wants and he definitely wants Joonmyun. Or maybe Joonmyun just imagine.

Suddenly Jongdae stood behind him. He had wet eyes. Joonmyun was chocked and took him into his arms.

“What’s up? Is something wrong?” Jongdae nodded.

“I guess… there was something in our room. Were you there for some minutes? Did I dream? I guess I saw a ghost.” Jongdae was white as chalk and had a serious expression in his face. Somehow Joonmyun believed him. He saw ghost many times before, but as a vampire it is something normal to see them. But is it the same as a human?

“Don’ worry, it was just an imagination, okay? Come on, you have to go to bed again, I’ll protect you.” Jongdae accepted it and took Joonmyun’s hand. Joonmyun’s heart got warmer and he smiled. But during he put Jongdae into his bed again he thought about what was happen to Jongdae. “A ghost?!” he asked himself. A supernatural thing is there and wanted something from Jongdae. Joonmyun don’t want this. He swore himself; he will always protect Jongdae until he’ll die.

In the bed Jongdae started to cuddle with Joonmyun and Joonmyun took him into his arms. Jongdae fall asleep quickly. Joonmyun just stared in the darkness. Suddenly a white glimmer appeared in front of him. He waited a few minutes and then he could see what it is. THE GHOST! But after inspecting the ghost, he recognized who it was.

“JAE-SUN?!” he shouted out but regret it as Jongdae turned around. Fortunately he didn’t awake.

“Hey, Joonmyun.” the ghost said. “Did you miss me?” Somehow Joonmyun wanted to say no. He got angry.

“What do you do here? You frighten Jongdae.”

“I am sorry Joonmyun.” Jae-sun said. Afterwards he kept in silence.

“What’s the reason you are here?” Joonmyun asked him very serious. He wanted him to go as fast as he came.

“I just want you to say that I am not Jongdae. I am dead, you killed me and I don’t stick in any body. Maybe you were not aware of it but you fall in love for many humans. It was not me. I just gave you a kick to get closer to them. But if you did it, something wrong happened. Your story constantly repeated itself. There is no supernatural thing. I just wanted to say it to you.” Joonmyun widened his eyes. He asked himself “Then he lived with a big imagination? But why did his story repeat? Why did it repeat again and again? There is something wrong!”

“Thank you, Jae-sun. I think it was necessary to say this. Are you angry for me that I killed you?” And Jae-sun’s answer came unexpectedly.

“No. I gave you my blood because you needed it. It belongs to my love which applies you. I still love you but you cannot be happy with a ghost, even not with a human. You know what I want to say? Take your chance as long as you have it.” During talking to Joonmyun, Jae-Sun started to disappear. Joonmyun didn’t hold him, he let him go. It was a kind of section in his live because Jae-Sun’s message. And now it will take much time to be clear that it was just bad luck. From now on Joonmyun had to pay attention because of his hunger. He doesn’t want to lose Jongdae…

But then a question came into his mind:

“Why the hell my story repeats again and again? What happened? What killed every person I loved?”

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Chapter 6: Yayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 6: nice story author!!
Makuriara #3
Chapter 6: Finally, done.. woaahh, you're really good author..
Keep writing.. ^^
Makuriara #4
Chapter 5: Omoo.. its make me curious now..
Update soon^^
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 5: does Chen want to sacrifice himself for Joonmyun?
Makuriara #6
Chapter 4: Always try your best to update, okey? ^^
I'm already read this and now, i'm so curious what will happen..
Makuriara #7
Chapter 3: Update soon.. ^^
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 3: uwoooo it's coming!
i just think this chapter is short but it's okay ^__^
the "action" will come soon. ahahahahaha~~
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 2: update soon XD
Makuriara #10
Chapter 2: Waaaaa.. SuChen.. ^^ it's already complete?
Keep writting.. :)