

Hey everyone!!

So as all, or at least most of you know, AFF updated. I kind of don't like the it's kind of bothering me aha. If anyone knows how to switch the font, please tell me^^

In the mean time..I hope you enjoy this update!!!


Seoyoun's P.O.V

"Okay, everyone ready?? I know there's still an hour left, but still.."

"I still don't like the fact my 16 year old sister is going to be wearing clothes that reveal more than half her body around a bunch of guys!" We all looked at pouting Xero oppa with a 'are-you-freaking-kidding-us' look.

"Well, if it makes you feel better she wore less clothing- er fabrics and there sure was more than 200 guys." Youngjae oppa pat Xero oppa's shoulder.

"Honey, the ride their to Jeju is going to be please change. I don't want you to get a cold then your vacation will be ruined!" My mom begged me. I sighed, bubt she was right.

"Fine..I guess I should change." I smiled and both my brother's mouth hung open in desbelief.

"B-but..what does mom have that we don't have to convince her?!" They both asked in shock at the same time.

"Yea...all we get is a shut up and a hit from her.." Youngjae oppa mumbled.

"Whatever, but I'm choosing her ourtfit!!" 

"'re acting like her father more than me.." Our dad chuckled.

"I don't care-"

"Jiho, I'm helping her. No buts, ands or ifs. Now, stay here." Our mom ended the oncversation and we went in my room to find an outfit.

" kind of have this guy I've been eyeing.." I said as soon as the door closed.

"Well then, I guess we should really focus haha." She chuckled and smiled. 

"How about this?" I pulled 2 random pieced together. She shook her head.

"Wear a short sleeve and long bottoms. Out on a sweater or a cardigan. Anything to keep you warm and cozy." She smiled. 

"This is harder than I thought.." I frowned and went back to my closet.

"So, what's this guy's name. I might know him. after all, he is one of Xero's friends..isn't he?" She sat on my bed.

"How'd you know?"

"I mean, it is" I shook her head and she looked surprised.

"Wow, news travels fast..but no..."

"Then who?"  I bit my lip, hesitating a bit, but I thought it would be right to tell my mother. Just like how I wanted a mother-daughter relationship to be, like best friends.

"Seogoong.." I blushed a bit.

"Oh...him..the boys are all nice, but he's so polite and he is the most hysterical person ever! I'm glad." I smiled a bit, considering 2 outfits.

"I-um..but then again..I might like other people..I mean 12 wow..that's a lot haha."

"As long as you don't go out with them all at once." She joked and I laughed. She stood up from my bed and came beside me.

"So..let's see..let's pick out an outfit while chatting about your love life." She smiled and nodded. For the next 30 minutes, we were chatting away while picking out an outfit. We were chatting away and away about boys. I got to know her perfered faashion style and she got to know mine. Finally, after laughing and discussing, we came to a final desicion. (

"Really sis?? Really? It took you that long?" 

"Hey it's a work in process." I pointed at Youngjae oppa.

"Now, let's get in the car." Our dad ushered us outside.

"So..sis...what was all that squealing about?" Xero oppa looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Don't tell me he heard the whole conversation..

"Don't pretend you don't know..KYAA!!!! SEOGOONG OPPA IS SO CUTE!! LIKE HOW CAN HE BE SO CUTE AND HOT? HANSOL OPPA IS ADORABLE IN THIS PIC!! Oh my...WAS P-GOON OPPA ALWAYS THIS SMEXY?!?!" Our parents laughed at Youngjae oppa's imitation and Xero oppa nodded.

"Oh, what was it again? You have a crush on who?! Wow..can't even decide out of the 12.." Xero oppa shook his head. I turned red.

"Guys, don't tease your little sister. ESPECIALLY in front of all of them. She's in the teen stage so don't. Got it? ESPECIALLY YOU SHIN JI HO." Our mom glared at Xero oppa through the mirror. He backed down and we all laughed at the scene.

"Yea...that's  not a good idea. Youngjae once did it and he got a ice beating, didn't you son?" Our dad said.

"You did??" Xero oppa questioned and Youngjae oppa nodded. The rest of the car ride wasn't that lng, but it felt like a day to me. My dad and Youngjae oppa spilled all the embarrasing details about me.

"Okay, we're here. Now, have fun kids!! Shin Ji Ho, don't tease your sister unless you want a beating like your brother. You too Youngjae, but I think you learned your lesson." Our mom smiled as he handed our luggage to us.

"Yup..she hits hard."  Our dad made the emphasis on hard. We all laughed.

"Oh yea..does Lizzy know about your little obsession?" Xero oppa snirked.

"IT'S NOT AN OBESSION!!! And..yes, she does know." I pouted.

"What's not an obsession?" We heard a voice and we looked to see it belonged to Seogoong, Sangdo and P-Goon oppa. I turned red and quickly looked away when Seogoong oppa smiled at me.

"Oh, hyung..she has a little-"

"Shin Ji Ho.."

"Uh..little problem with..uhh.."

"Just shut up." Youngjae oppa joked.

"So, shall we get going? Everyone put their luggage and everything. It was just that you guys were running a bit late.." Sangdo oppa quietly spoke up.

"GEE I WONDER WHY." My 2 brothers looked at me.

"Whatever, the past doesn't matter. What matter is the future. So, let's get going!!" I smiled.

"Yea, Seoyoun is right, geez! Learn from your sis Xero!" We all laughed.

"To hit people?" 

"Now, nice and have fun guys!!" We parted ways with our parents and went in. After we settled the luggage, we were waiting for flight attendants to call us in. 

"Now, the side isles are going to be 2's and the middle seats are going to be 6 people." Yongguk oppa explained to us. I nudged Xero oppa. 

"What?" He mouthed. I pointed to Lizzy.

'Say you want to sit beside her!' I texted him.

'So you can sit beside your crush?' He texted back with a winky face.

'I'm not even sure who my crush just do it!'

'Wow..such a player :p ;).'

"JUST SAY IT!!!" Oops..

"Say what?" Lizzy frowned at me. 

"Ugh..this is what happens when you text your brother and you explode from frusteration." I mumbled, rubbing my temples. Everyone laughed and she pat my back.

"I'll sit with Lizzy." Xero oppa volunteered. I felt Lizzy's hand froze.

"YES!!!! Good. Okay now..the rest, but whatever!!! Come on Lizzy!! Smile!!! Don't hude your blushing haha." I hugged her.


Lizzy's P.O.V

Did he just volunteer to sit with me? this a dream? I looked up and Seoyoun winked at me. I smiled and we hugged tighter.

"Just saying, but I'm not sitting beside her." We saw Youngjae oppa shake his head.

"Who said I wanted to sit with an annoying brat like you?" She stuck her tongue out and we all laughed.

"Maybe S-"

"Here! Eat this!" Seoyoun dug tissues and shoved them in his mouth.

"Jiho..remember? You don't unless you want to get beaten up.." Youngjae oppa face palmed himself, shaking his head.


Hansol's P.O.V

"Uh..I'd like to know you better..if you don't mind.." We all saw a shy P-Goon hyung, blushing a bit. 

"Hyung, she barely knows you though! You might make her uncomfortable." I rebutted. 

"Well..I guess it's better to get to know each other throughout the ride so we can all have fun at Jeju..or something..I don't know." Seoyoun shrugged.'re supposed to be on my side!! Why don't you get the hint I want to sit with you?? TT.TT

"Well, sure..if you put it that way.." I just gave in without saying anything so no one would get the hint.

"Everyone, would you please head outside? Your flight is ready." The flight attendant smiled. Everyone got out of their seat one by one, so I got out of mine. Wow, a lot of people were going to Jeju, weren't they. Couples, family and couples. Cheer up Kim Hansol! You're going to haave fun! 

"B-JOO!!! YOU'RE SITTING WITH ME!!" I linked arms with him and we went our way.


Seoyoun's P.O.V

"Shall we?" I saw P-Goon goofing around asking for my hand. I just laughed along.

"We shall..actualy..can you get a seat first?? I just need to talk to someone first." 

"Sure, sure." He smiled and left. I walked up to Seogoong oppa and decided to surprise him.

"Seogoong oppa!!" He turned and chuckled.


"So..who're you going to sit with?" We stood up and made our way towards the exit.

"Sangdo, who''re you-oh wait..nevermind haha." I smiled. We talked about this and that until we reached my seat, beside P-Goon oppa.

"Seogoong oppa..promise that we'll sit beside each other on the way back??" I asked with a big smile to try and cover up the hint of pink starting to form. He nodded.

"Promise..have a fun ride and see you at Jeju!!" He ruffled my hair and went to sit beside Sangdo oppa. I put my carry on bag below my seat. There was a bit of silence between us first, but once I decided to break it, we couldn't stop talking. 


Day 1 of Jeju starts..


Sorry if it seems a bit rushed near then end ^^

Hope you enjoyed it!!

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wintxry #1
Chapter 6: That was some intense stuff... Don't get me wrong, I really like your story and just finished reading what you have so far... Honestly I thought she was going to just and when they get to the apartment just hang out, maybe watch a movie? I don't know, I'm not really a writer.
Anyways really enjoyed reading what you have so far