Mark's Story

Forever Young



Whenever I see my best friend and JB together, I can’t help but feel a sense of happiness for them and also a sense of pride for myself.

I didn’t I hook those two up; it was more like I told her where he plays basketball. The neighbourhood I lived in was the same as JB’s. So often when I would pass the courts I would see him play with his friends.

Although my friend would be grateful to me for the piece of information I gave her, I secretly was thankful to her. It was because of her crush on JB that I met someone...

Sometimes I would sit on the benches of the courts when there was no one. Our neighbourhood was small and a little towards the suburbs. I liked to sit by the courts, breathe in the air. Sometimes I do my homework, sometimes read a book, anything actually. When there is no one, the courts is a nice place to be for yourself. I liked it.

“Hey! Are you alone?” JB jumped out of nowhere. It was startling, but he was like that. He had a loud, playful personality...another reason why I thought he and my best friend would look good together.

“Come play basketball with me...I am bored.” I shook my head, a bit scared of the overwhelming person, but it was then my eyes fell on one of his friends who was sitting on his skateboard.

“Come on, don’t be shy...” He pressed with his bright smile, I tried telling him no. I wasn't the type to play basketball, I was the type who liked to sit quietly and read. I did not know where he came from to begin. Otherwise I would have left.

He reached to hold my hand, but in the background I saw his friend getting and walk towards us. And with each increasing step, my heart beat faster.

“Come with me...” That were first words I heard of his deep voice. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from JB.

My eyes were on his hand, he was holding my hand, walking out of the courts.

“Sorry about JB.”


“He does have a tendency to be overwhelming.” I nodded, looking away from him. I felt hot standing so close to him. It wasn’t even that close, a comfortable, arm length distance...but my body was reacting to him.

“You don’t look too well.” He looked at me worried. Oh please don’t look at me that way, it makes me want the earth to eat me...

“How about some ice cream?” I gave him a weird look. “Sometimes ice cream does wonders.” He smiled...he smiled.

I nodded shyly walking a bit behind him when we started walking.

“I have seen you around the neighbourhood whenever I came see JB.” I looked at him, he probably didin’t notice me looking, because he was looking down.

He seemed to be struggling with something. It is probably me. I am probably a difficult person to be with. He probably doesn’t know what to say to me.

Should I stick around or should I leave? I wasn’t too sure now...what if I made him uncomfortable...

“But this is the first time I spoke to you.” He suddenly turned to face me, my eyes widened. He wasn’t supposed to turn so fast, I was not done looking at him...More than that, I was embarrassed that I was caught looking.

We said nothing, the silence was heavy between us, but thankfully the ice cream place was nearby.

He bought us ice cream, despite my weak arguments that I could pay, and led us to sit somewhere.

“You know, we spent a significant amount of time together...” He let out a chuckle. Was he embarrassed to be with me? Was I a waste of time? “I still don’t know your name...” Oh...

“I don’t know yours as well.” I quietly put it out there.

Mark nodded, and ate some of his ice cream, I did the same.

“I am Mark.” He spoke after a while. He looked at me and there was something in his eyes. There was a twinkle. Even with his slightly brownish red hair, a very odd color to dye to...Mark was charming.

We ate our ice cream, in mostly silence. Slipping in a few questions we wanted to know, but it was nothing significant.

Maybe for him...but I liked the simple time I spent with him. Inside me, there was a growing fear that maybe Mark would never want to see me again after today, after he realised that there is nothing more to me...

I felt deflated at that. And before my thoughts could lead me on, my phone buzzed.


Hey girl! I am at your place. Where are you?


I completely forgot that I was supposed to meet up with someone. I looked up to Mark trying to see what was happening.

“Something happened?”

“Uhh...yeah.” I got up. “I was supposed to meet up with a friend at my place. I kinda forgot.” I grabbed my things and started to leave.

But before I left, I felt something hold my wrist, I looked down and it was his hand.

“Do...” He looked down. “Do...” He felt conflicted and confused.

I felt another message buzz on my phone. I looked up to him, hoping he would leave my wrist...

“Do you think we can spend more time together?” The grip on my wrist loosened. I didn’t know how to react. “Do you think we can meet again?” He mumbled again.

Third buzz on my phone.

“You probably should go. Maybe you can give your answer later.” I looked down, not wanting to meet his sad eyes.

Fourth buzz.

“I should go now.” I slipped my hand out of his wrist and walked away feeling very empty and sad.


I didn’t see Mark for another week. In week my best friend and JB got together..but there was no news of Mark. I would come to the courts regularly...but there was no news of Mark.

“Why didn’t you answer him then?” My best friend got mad at me.

“You kept messaging me, asking where I was, how long I was going to take...” I trailed off and looked away. I wanted to blame here, but I knew I shouldn’t. It wasn’t her fault. I should’ve answered.

“Do you want me to ask Jaebeom for his number?” I shook my head and got walked out of the room. More like out of the conversation. I didn’t to talk about this.

I found myself sitting where we sat when we had ice cream, I was alone silently enjoying it.

No, I wasn’t enjoying was just...


“Is this seat empty?” I looked up and saw Mark smiling at me, pointing at the chair. I nodded and he quietly took his sit in front of me.

“How have you been?” He asked me, stabbing his ice cream.

I didn’t mean to not chest hurt.

“Yes...” I found myself mumbling...

“Yes?” He looked up, confused.

“I would like it if we spent more time together, I would like if we met up many times.” I mumbled. I don’t know, but I felt the need to answer his questions.

I slumped further down in embarrassment. He definitely thinks I am weird then. I peeked up and saw him smiling at me.


“I will consider this a date then.” 







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dzrt12 #1
I really like all of your stories !!
roker1001 #2
Chapter 5: I can't wait for the other member's stories :)
mizzsuzy #3
Chapter 4: omg..ur story so sweet..jr. so cute and sweet!!
Eli0710 #4
Chapter 5: I agree He´s just too perfect >//< hehe

I´ve liked all your stories! they´re so cute! :D
cynthiaaxo #5
Chapter 4: aww those were all so cute i loved all of them
Chapter 4: Urghhhhh!!! All your story are so cuteeeeeee & goodddd!!!!
I like it a lot ♡♡♡
Chapter 4: sweet cutie junior.. :)
Chapter 4: omg park jinyoung....... why so sweet?? T.T
Chapter 3: Awww♡ omfg I love the Jackson one!!!
Chapter 1: i love how you link the story so perfectly with the video :D can't wait to read others stories~