Jackson's Story

Forever Young









Hey, you free? -J

Yeah, why?

Wanna go watch that movie? -J

Sure. What time?

5? -J

Works for me. See you.

See you. -J


I stared at the text messages. Jackson was a classmate. We studied in the same university, the same course. In the beginning, I hated Jackson. That boy was full of himself, he had an ego that don’t need to be boosted (no one needed a big headed Jackson)...and he was...he was just a character.

But slowly, the more time you spent time with him the more one realised that there was more to that egoistical boy from my class. He was sweet and caring. Words that did not work well with selfish and vain...but that was Jackson for you.

He was sweet and caring.


I got dressed and made my way to the cinemas, I saw Jackson in the popcorn line.

“I’ll pay.” I announced my entrance by giving the cashier the money for the popcorn and drinks, earning a look of betrayal and disbelief from Jackson.

So typically him. I smirked.

“I was supposed to pay for that.”

“Well you already you paid for the tickets.”

“How do you know that?”

“Well, didn’t you?” Jackson looked away, and I grinned. Jackson was always like that. “I don’t want my buddy to be broke.” I pulled his cheeks, and laughed when he swatted my hands away.

“I won’t be broke.” Jackson walked away scowling, I couldn’t help but laugh and walk after him.


We entered the cinema hall and sat right in the front. Best.seats.ever. In the front. Sure our necks would hurt, but there are no giraffes blocking your view, no nothing.

We sat down, munching the popcorn through the trailers, making sure to leave some for the actual movie and watched in silence, with the occasional commentary we would make.


“Thanks for calling me, hey?” I smiled while walking next to him. We were going to go a fast food place to get something to eat. Watching a movie can be a hectic thing, you feel hungry after leaving that hall.

“No problem hey. It was all for me.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes. “If I didn’t take you, I would have to endure another week of whines and complaints.”

“Oh please, I don’t whine and complain.” I scoffed, pushing him off his tracks.

“Sure you don’t.” He laughed.

It wasn’t long before we arrived at the place, ordering our meals quickly and then we waited. During the short wait and also continue the talk to one of the benches to eat, we talked about the movie, about how university was treating us, who was dating who.

“Maybe I should go.” It was getting a bit dark and my parents were kinda the traditional type (come back home before the dark).

“I’ll walk you.” Jackson offered, smiling. “It’s getting a bit dark, so stay close by.”

“It’s not like I will run onto the road mister.” I teased.


Silence settled comfortably between us. It was something that I liked in our friendship. We could have silences and not feel awkward. Whenever there was a silence, we weren’t obligated to fill it up. I liked it how I was so comfortable with him.

I smiled at nothing in particular when suddenly Jackson jerked me towards himself.

“I told you stand by me!” He shouted. I furrowed my brows and noticed it was a skateboarder. “The hell! Do you not listen?”

“What the hell Jackson? Why are you acting up so suddenly?” I answered walking away from him. Seriously, what had gotten into him.

“Listen.” I heard him run after me. “I am sorry.” He held my hand. Something he did when he was apologetic and when I was mad at him. “I just got nervous.”

“Nervous for what Jackson?” I gave him a look of disinterest. “If he hit me, sure it would hurt me, but for what? Why are acting like this? You are not my boyfriend.” I told him, pulling my hand out of his and folding my arms.

There was a silence between the two of us.

“Can’t I be?” He asked softly.

I looked at him.

“Is that a confession?” I asked in disbelief. What was the boy thinking?

“Maybe?” He looked certain. He looked scared.

“Well...” I started.

“Forget it.” He cut me instantly. “Forget that I said all of this.”

“I was going to say I am willing to give it a chance. But okay.” I shrugged my shoulders and walked away, secretly enjoying the torture Jackson could be facing.

“The hell? Are you saying yes?” He shouted from where I left him.

“I would have, but you told me to forget it.” I turned around to laugh at him. I was willing to give him a chance.

“What!? No!” He started running towards me. “Don’t forget it. Remember it.” He held my hand again, I couldn’t help but to burst out laughing.

“This has GOT to be the most stupidest and most unromantic way to ask someone out Jackson, just be thankful I am your friend...” I saw his face lose all excitement. “and possibly your future girlfriend.” I laughed at how he picked up his fallen smile.


“You are such an idiot.” I laughed, squeezing his hand in mine.

“Well...soon to be your idiot?” Jackson smirked. Vain Jackson is now back. 

“Maybe...” I grinned. 






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dzrt12 #1
I really like all of your stories !!
roker1001 #2
Chapter 5: I can't wait for the other member's stories :)
mizzsuzy #3
Chapter 4: omg..ur story so sweet..jr. so cute and sweet!!
Eli0710 #4
Chapter 5: I agree He´s just too perfect >//< hehe

I´ve liked all your stories! they´re so cute! :D
cynthiaaxo #5
Chapter 4: aww those were all so cute i loved all of them
Chapter 4: Urghhhhh!!! All your story are so cuteeeeeee & goodddd!!!!
I like it a lot ♡♡♡
Chapter 4: sweet cutie junior.. :)
Chapter 4: omg park jinyoung....... why so sweet?? T.T
Chapter 3: Awww♡ omfg I love the Jackson one!!!
Chapter 1: i love how you link the story so perfectly with the video :D can't wait to read others stories~