Youngjae's Story

Forever Young





“You know he likes you.” My mother spoke over the counter after Youngjae and his mother left our house.

“Why do you say so?” I poured myself a glass of juice.

“Well...mainly because I know.” I rolled my eyes and let out a chuckle. My mother is so full of herself. “And also, I have seen how he looks at you.”

“Really?” I took a sip from my glass, I was uninterested at whether or not Youngjae liked me. It really didn’t bother me.

“You don’t seem bothered.” My mother grinned, pulling herself away from the counter moving towards the stove. I let out a laugh, letting her know that I was agreeing. “Well, I am making my dinner. Come help.”

I nodded, gulping the last of my juice and putting the glass in the sink.





Youngjae’s mother and my mother had been best friends since university. And it is still nice seeing them meet up regularly despite them having their own lives and families to look after. It was through our mothers we met, but I never saw Youngjae as anything more than an acquaintance. We met up many times because of them, naturally we would hang out, but I could never bring myself to classify him as friend.

Unlike me, a person who is crazy, wild, party loving, always going out, Youngjae was rather introverted. Calm, less words, manners...that was him.

I guess the difference in our characters didn’t really gel well. I am not saying I hate Youngjae. No, he is nice and sweet. But I could never look at him more than my mother’s friend’s son.

That was Youngjae to me.





“Youngjae and his mom will be coming over.” My mother informed me from the couch while watching as I entered the house after attending from college.

“Now?” I dropped my bag on the counter, rummaging through the fridge looking for something to eat.

“Lunch is by the stove.” Mom helped. “But yes, they will be coming soon. So eat and freshen up.”

“Can’t I miss this one?” I put my food in the microwave to warm it up. “I have an assignment to finish today.” I told her.

“Is that so?” My mother was thinking. I wasn’t making excuses. I genuinely had work to finish. “I will call his mother then.”

“Thanks mom.” I pulled the microwave door after it’s beep.





I logged onto the computer to seeing if I got on messages from my friends and also checking if I got any important emails.

I managed to finish my work, and I was pretty satisfied with it.

2 messages, 5 notifications

I clicked on the notifications. The usual, invites for Candy Crush or maybe someone liked something or yours.

I went to my messages instead.


Hey, you did your assignment? Can I copy?

Stupid, lazy classmate. I closed it and went to the other message.


I hope your assignment goes well. Don’t stress too much. Your mother told me that you have been under pressure lately. See you soon. :)

I read the message again and again. It was from Youngjae.

When did my mother tell Youngjae? When did he even meet her?

And as if my mother heard my questions forming in my head, my mother came to room. “Dinner’s ready.”

“You could have called me downstairs. You didn’t have to come up all the way.” I untied my hair, letting it fall loose over my shoulders.

“Youngjae came over today.”

“I thought you told him to not come over.”

“Well, before I could even call his mother, they came to the house. I told them you were busy.” I felt a bit bad for him. He must have been bored. “You should meet up with him. Please? Like an apology for not seeing him when he was downstairs?”

“You could have called me.”

“I thought your project was important and needed to be done well.” Well that was the truth. I really needed to do well.

“Okay, I will talk to him.” I agreed. I should do something. I really felt bad for ditching him in the midst of ajhumma talks.





“So you say this guy likes you?” My friend asked when we were sitting around. We had a break between a lecture so we decided to sit on the grass.

“Well that is what my mother says so. I don’t see him like that though.” And I told them about what happened. I still wasn’t sure if I should meet him or not. I didn’t want to give him wrong feels and make him think I like him or something.

“That’s kinda harsh buddy.” One of my guy friends spoke up. “You know it’s always he guy that is under pressure. If a girl likes him and he tells her no then the world is against him for breaking a girl’s heart. But if a guy likes a girl and she says no, then it’s okay because the girl has the right to decide for herself.”

“Where are you going with this Mr. Philosophical?”

“All I am saying is give it a chance?”

“Chance for what?”

“To see if you like him?”

“Should I?” I was confused. Should I?

“I think he is right. You should. Give the guy a chance. Maybe you might like him as well.” Another friend spoke up.

“You guys make it feel forced now.” I groaned.

“Well, you know, you just might like him. But you just don’t know that.” She let out a giggle, much to my confusion.





I spoke to Youngjae and we decided to meet up for ice cream.  Actually we decided to pick me up from my place and we would go together.

Pick a disgusting flavour.

I kept that in mind. And I really tried to steer the conversation on what we like and what we don’t like.

“Oh really? I listen to Miss A as well. I like Min more than Suzy though.” I let out a laugh.

“Well, different people I guess?” He let out a chuckle.

“So what is your favourite flavour in ice creams?” I asked casually.

“Probably chocolate.” He smiled while answering. He seemed genuine. He seemed nice. But Youngjae was always nice and genuine. So nothing new. “You?” I snapped out of my thoughts.

“I like Rosewater and Cardamom.” I replied easily. And in all honestly I didn’t really like it. I had a friend from Pakistan and they used a lot of Rosewater. And I never liked Rosewater. Personally speaking.

“It sounds different.” He replied. “I will give it a go.”

“Of course, it’s good to try new things.” I gave him a smile, hoping that I seemed natural enough.

“Are you an instagram person or a twitter?” He asked the next question and conversation moved on from just ice cream.





It took us a while to find the ice cream place, but eventually we found it.

“Take a seat, I will pay.” He spoke while reaching for his wallet. Although I wanted to pay because we were not close, I found the act charming. I like it when he said. Of course I had to say no no, I will pay and then he would say it’s fine, it’s on me, I did eventually go pick a spot to sit.

My eyes were on Youngjae. He was Mr. Perfect. He was just so nice and so good. It was uncomfortable for me. I wanted to be mad at him at times, be jealous because a girl was pestering him, not talk to him and a few days later run into his arms…I wanted that imperfection.

Youngjae was just…perfect.

Well atleast I didn’t find any flaws, but that fact alone made it seem that we are compatible…


“This is what you like, right?” I looked up to him and saw that he sat down in front of me, holding my ice cream. He got the same one as me.

I nodded and took my cup from him to start eating. And damn…it was disgusting.

But I had to pull up an act, so I looked up expectantly and he just smiled.

Look at how perfect he is…I inwardly scoffed.

“This is delicious.” He grinned and I offered a smile in return.

“I will be back right now.” I needed to call my friend and tell her what happened. Hopefully he could tell me what to do?

He didn’t say anything but just offered a smile.


“Are you crazy? You just left the guy at the table?”

“No! I am in the bathroom, calling you for advice.”

“Well you have made it clear that he is just…too ‘perfect.’ I don’t even know how it works. If he is perfect go for it.”

“I made a mistake calling you.” I scoffed. “Tell me what to do!”

“Meet up with him a few more times and then decide?”

It seemed like a plan. Maybe I should do that. And I should also be careful to not lead Youngjae on. He is a sweet guy.





“So Youngjae…” I spoke while we were walking back home. “Are you up for pizza tomorrow?” I grinned as I watching him thinking and nod slowly.


He was just too perfect. 






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dzrt12 #1
I really like all of your stories !!
roker1001 #2
Chapter 5: I can't wait for the other member's stories :)
mizzsuzy #3
Chapter 4: omg..ur story so sweet..jr. so cute and sweet!!
Eli0710 #4
Chapter 5: I agree He´s just too perfect >//< hehe

I´ve liked all your stories! they´re so cute! :D
cynthiaaxo #5
Chapter 4: aww those were all so cute i loved all of them
Chapter 4: Urghhhhh!!! All your story are so cuteeeeeee & goodddd!!!!
I like it a lot ♡♡♡
Chapter 4: sweet cutie junior.. :)
Chapter 4: omg park jinyoung....... why so sweet?? T.T
Chapter 3: Awww♡ omfg I love the Jackson one!!!
Chapter 1: i love how you link the story so perfectly with the video :D can't wait to read others stories~