JB's Story

Forever Young






“I look cool, right?” He looked over his shoulder. I felt exposed, I didn’t mean to watch him play, but I couldn’t help it. He just looked so cool.

“Are you talking to me?” Of course he was talking to me, there was no else around.

“Interesting question.” He chuckled while walking towards me. I blushed at his words, he was teasing me.

“I should go.” I got up, brushed my skirt downwards. “Sorry if my presence bothered you.” I leaned to take my backpack and before I could get it, he grabbed it before me and jogged onto the courts. I was slightly annoyed at that.

“I never said it did.” And there is was again. The teasing tone, the teasing smile.

“Give me my bag.” I marched onto the courts, huffing with frustration. I did not need this. I did not want to be seen as the girl eyeing an obnoxious boy, fuelling his stupid ego, and now I have to go through the ordeal of getting my bag?

“One condition.” He grinned, lifting the bag, out of my reach.

“What!?” I glared at him.

“Play with me.” He smirked.

What?” I repeated. Me? Playing with him? Are we pre-schoolers?

“Miss, you heard me the first time.” He flicked my forehead, and that hurt. I glared at him, while putting a palm on my forehead to cool the pain off. “I said play with me. Play basketball.” He grinned, eyeing the ball that was a few feet away.

You don’t know how to play…

“Fine! Whatever! Give me my bag back.” I reached out, but he was fast and lifted it higher, much further from my reach.

“First we play, and then I give it back.”

You are such an idiot…You don’t know how to play.

Shut up mind! I have made myself a big idiot already. I don’t need to be a bigger idiot now.

Just watch, you will already became one.

“Promise?” He lifted his pinkie finger. This was childish, but I don’t know why my heart melted that the sight of that.

Biting my smile back, I wrapped my pinkie finger around his.

“Promise.” I tied my hair up.

“Competitive?” He teased, looking at my hands that were tying my hair.

Psht…Competitive? I don’t want my hair dancing wildly in front of my eyes and mouth.

I didn’t realise how close he got to me, but I felt some warmth on my hands and I looked up and saw him, his eyes were still on my hands.

“Leave it loose.” He pulled the band out of my hair. I felt frozen at the warmth, at his words, at the closeness… “Let’s play for a prize.” He grinned. He was back to the teasing boy I met a few minutes ago.

“What would that be?” I let my hands rest on my waist, looking at him.

“Every time one scores, that person should be allowed to ask one question.” I studied him, he looked good. But if I made sure I kept the ball to myself, surely he wouldn’t be able to score, right?


“And also the winner should ask the loser to do anything.” He smirked.

“You are asking a bit too much now.” I huffed. “Just give me my bag back.” I walked towards him.

“Nope you promised.” He watched me jump, and lifted it even higher.

“I don’t even want to play to begin with.” I crossed my arms. “I just want my bag back.”

“Okay okay, well remove the question thing.” He grinned. “But the winner still has to ask the loser do anything.”

“Anything?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Yup anything.” He nodded, smirking.

“That’s it. I am out.” I walked towards my bag. “I am not about to do anything with you.”

“So you know you will lose?” He teased, running to get my bag before I could.

“I can’t even play with damn sport to begin with!” I blurted. Oh ... He watched with a new amusement.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” He smiled, giving me bag back. When I tried to reach for it, he pulled back. “But don’t leave yet. At least watch me play.”

I was doing that until you decided to get big headed.

“Fine.” I mumbled, leaning forward to grab my bag and sit down where I originally was. I felt his gaze on me, I felt conscious. I tried to walk carefully and prettifully, but I didn’t want to make it obvious that I was doing it for him.

I pulled out a book that I was holding in my hands before.

“Ae...” He called out to me. I looked up and he was holding the ball with one hand on the side of his waist. “If I score from where I am standing, will you answer a question for me?”

I looked at where he was standing, it was almost the halfway line, no one he would be able to make it, but for his satisfaction I had nodded.

“Watch me then.” He grinned, almost childishly. So cute. I could tell he really wanted to do this, because he would look at me to make sure I was looking at him, and also to make sure I would witness his maybe-not victory.

He bounced on the spot for a while and with a flick of his wrist he threw the ball. My eyes never left him, they were on him.

JB is good looking. As obnoxious as he was, I could not deny that I may have a tiny (but really small, tiny) crush on the said male.

I guess he scored by the way he was acting; I couldn’t help but crack a smile.

Such a child.

He walked towards me.

Now comes the question...



“Do you like me?”


Should I argue against it, should I deny, should I agree? I am not sure...

Thought were going crazy, blood rushed to my cheeks and for a moment I couldn’t answer...but I did...


I couldn’t deny him for any longer, my not-so small crush soon turned into something else...






A/N: So what did you think? Tell me in the comments below :)

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dzrt12 #1
I really like all of your stories !!
roker1001 #2
Chapter 5: I can't wait for the other member's stories :)
mizzsuzy #3
Chapter 4: omg..ur story so sweet..jr. so cute and sweet!!
Eli0710 #4
Chapter 5: I agree He´s just too perfect >//< hehe

I´ve liked all your stories! they´re so cute! :D
cynthiaaxo #5
Chapter 4: aww those were all so cute i loved all of them
Chapter 4: Urghhhhh!!! All your story are so cuteeeeeee & goodddd!!!!
I like it a lot ♡♡♡
Chapter 4: sweet cutie junior.. :)
Chapter 4: omg park jinyoung....... why so sweet?? T.T
Chapter 3: Awww♡ omfg I love the Jackson one!!!
Chapter 1: i love how you link the story so perfectly with the video :D can't wait to read others stories~