You Deserve Happiness

You're Forever In My Eyes


"Why are you still here? It's dismissal time" Krystal silently said to the man beside her. They skipped classes for the whole day, spending their time sitting and staring at the corners of the room. For Krystal, she spent her time commanding Jio to leave, but obviously, she failed.


"I told you. I'll stick with you until you go to class. You need to study" Jio said with a worried tone in his voice. Krystal bickered. The two heard a loud bang from the door, followed by a quick footsteps, and a silhouette of a very tall girl. It was Sulli.


"Ya! Krystal! How come you never go to class!? Do you know how worried I am?" Sulli shouted while walking on the way to Krystal and Jio. Sulli saw the two and dropped out of her surprise.


"W-what are you two…...doing….. here…. alone….. in this very dark place?" Sulli exclaimed. Obviously, she's is suspecting. Krystal stood up, feeling worried for her dear friend.


"Sulli, I can explai--" Krystal said but she was cut off by a sobbing pout of Sulli.


"No! I thought that we will be together forever! You replaced me! I hate you!" she shouted and run away sobbing. Jio could see Krystal folding her forehead, confused on what Sulli just said. For Jio, it's like witnessing a breakup scene between a couple, which he found a little fascinating discovering that the Jungli couple is only a one-sided love.


Jio laughed and said, "Sulli is really cute" as he stood up. Krystal turned around and looked at him straight into his eyes. Jio scratched the back of his head and said, "Since it's dismissal time, I guess I have to leave now". He slowly walked away, leaving the cold girl behind. The cold girl looked at the window.


"Another babo…" she thought.




"Please! Let me go!" Onew begged at Sulli, who once again, is bullying him in the cafeteria, making him seat in the "cursed" spot again. That spot where Jio sat before was recently called the cursed spot since all of the prey have sat in here. If you are attending this fine institute, you would shiver in fear everytime someone would ask for a hopeless help. The innocent looking girl smirked and said, "I'm sorry oppa. It's because Krystal is not here to play with me". Jio, who just came into the library to see Krystal, entered the cafeteria, still looking for Krystal. Minhyuk, who was sitting next to the door, approached Jio and said, "Hey, nice to see you again".


"Well, it's not good to see you here, not with this mess. Is she bugging Onew again?" Jio asked the cute man.


"Yeah. I feel sorry for Onew since no one could stop those girls. The school won't allow it" Minhyuk said. Jio found it strange when Minhuk said that the school won't allow anyone messing with those girls. "Does it mean that the students are aware of the system?", Jio thought. Jio has always been thirsty for justice. Once he saw something wrong, he would do anything to get it right, of course, with a cost.  


"If no one will stop her, I will" Jio said as he walked towards the scene and held Sulli's milky hands.


"Ya!" Sulli exclaimed, trying so hard to free her hand but failed.


"Stop it! Stop bugging him!" Jio shouted, which made the other students whisper. The students are used with commotions caused by Sulli and Krystal but this time, only Sulli is doing the job. Krystal has been very silent these recent days and it caused the other student, especially Onew, to sigh with a relief.


"Why do you care!?" Sulli shouted, still trying to free her hand from Jio's grip. Jio remembered hearing the same line from Krystal. 


"These girls are really….", Jio thought as he let go of Sulli's hand.


"Isn't he the person that your member used to love? Do you even imagine how sad she will be if she saw you doing this to her loved one? Do you ever love somebody? Because if you do, you will understand her pain. I'm asking you, please…….stop it" Jio asked sincerely, his thoughts filled with the crying lady he saw the other day.


Sulli let out a heavy sigh and said, "Fine! But I'm only letting this go because of Luna-unnie!". She walked away, not caring at what the other would say about her. This is one of the very few things Jio ever like about Sulli, she never cared on what the others have to say about her.  Jio grabbed Onew's shoulder.


"Hey, are you alright?" Jio asked, concerning himself to the cowardly man.


"Y-yeah! Thank you but I should go now!" Onew said as he looked at the door, giving a bow to a man younger than himself and left. Onew looked like he saw something strange, it's like he saw a ghost after he looked at the door.


"Where is Onew looking at? Why did he leave in a hurry after I saved him? Strange….", Jio thought as he walked towards the door where Onew looked at. He looked around, only to find nothing. When he was about to head back to the cafeteria, someone grabbed his shoulders.


"Hey…" that someone said. Jio immediately turned around, finding a very beautiful girl with a very cute eyes and a shorter height. No doubt, it was the woman Jio saw crying, Onew's ex!



"So that is why Onew left…" Jio figured out.


"H-hey!" Jio said stuttering, still in an awe seeing this very beautiful girl. She has the face who looks like someone who smiles a lot but her eyes were red. Probably someone who cried overnight.


"Thank you for saving him!" the woman said, giving a bow to Jio.


Jio stopped the girl from bowing and said, "You don’t need to bow, just saying "thank you" is enough, agasshi!"


She let out a faint smile.


"Agasshi? That's really formal, you don’t need to call me that. We haven't met each other, though. How did you know about our relationship?" the nice-looking girl said which made Jio scratch the back of his head, doubting if he should tell the girl his story because he doesn’t want to creep her out.


"Well…. It's a long story but I heard a lot of things about you two. I would probably still stop Sulli even if it's not Onew, that girl have some issues" Jio said confidently.


"Really? You're very brave. Anyway, my name is Luna. Nice to meet you, Mr. ?" Luna asked.


"Yong Gi but I prefer my american name Jio. Actually, Amber told me so many things about you" Jio explained.


"Really!? So that is why you know me! Did you eat already? Do you want to eat with me? My treat!" she asked while smiling brightly.


"Y-yeah! Why not?" Jio said, quite blushing. He seems to find his new Noona very attracting.




People are all eyes on him as they walked in the park, Jio can say that some eyes are rather envious of him. They grabbed some hotdogs from a store in the school grounds. "I wouldn’t be surprised if she is popular too" Jio thought, trying so hard to understand those people who were giving him "that" look. They sat in the bench near the phone booth. Funny, because that bench is the same bench where Jio saw his pretty noona crying alone.


Jio looked around. He could feel the soft spring breeze. The quiet park was savoured with peacefulness. He could fill the sunlight touching his face. The place was, indeed, peaceful… Jio thought of things that would happen if he didn’t left Luna crying alone. "It must be wonderful" Jio thought while savouring the peaceful silence he shared with Luna.


"I'm sorry if I dragged you in this place" Luna quietly said.


"No! I really like it here, it's really peaceful!" Jio quickly said.


"Yes… it is. That's why I like it here. It makes me forget about him a little" Luna said, looking at the skies.


Jio wanted to ask her what happened but it doesn’t seem right, he doesn’t want the girl to bring out those hateful memories in this place where she forgets a part of him. He didn’t say anything and looked at the skies the way Luna did.


"So… you knew Krystal and Sulli?" she asked, trying to lighten up the conversation.


"Yeah, I met them in a not so attracting circumstances" Jio said.


"That is bad… I mean really bad. When someone crosses with them, they will try their best to have their revenge. Sulli might embarrass you in front of many people while Krystal…." she said, pausing for a while.


"What's with Krystal?" Jio asked.


"Krystal is far worse than Sulli. Try not to cross her in any way possible" Luna said, it's like she's giving a threat to the man. Jio wondered why.


For a while, they became silent again.


"You know……..Onew and I used to go here together. We would watch the skies while eating our packed lunches. If it rains, we would throw our umbrellas and get soaked together. After getting soaked, we will catch a cold so we will sneak out at night just to cuddle each other" Luna said, half smiling but Jio knew that she is holding back her tears.


Luna looked at the floor, making her hair hide her face. "But it ended when I saw him sharing these moments with another girl. I'm a fool for believing that we had something special, right?" she said, sobbing. It wasn’t long when Luna bursted in tears.


"What!? He cheated on her!?" Jio thought, making a fist out of anger but he kept it in. Jio thought of hugging Luna but he prevented himself from doing that.


"I'm sorry for telling you all these nonsense. I just can't hold this sadness anymore!" Luna said while wiping her tears. The beautiful girl was covering her face with her tiny hands but her hand can't seem to hold the tears from falling.


"Don’t cry…." she heard a very deep voice, as she felt someone touching her wrist and pulled it back, revealing Jio's beautiful face, who were kneeling in front of her, still holding her wrist. Luna was surprised. Who wouldn’t be surprised if a very dashing young man kneeled in front of you just to stop you from crying?


He carefully touched Luna's cheeks, feeling its warmth, and sooner touched the girl's tears and wiping it by his bare hands.


"I will help you, Noona, with everything I can. You will be happy again because you deserve to" he said. For the first time since the break up, Luna let out a very warm smile. A smile warmer than the sun.


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Fatin_Izzati #1
Chapter 11: Just read this story and I want to say that this story is amazing and the storyline is good ^-^
I really cry at this chapter ToT
Please continue author-nim
Please don't abandon this story ToT
Xiojin #2
Chapter 11: Update please.....
fanfics_ss #3
This story is very interesting, very interesting, I really look forward for the upcoming chapters
JustJung #5
Guys T___T I'm so sorry!! I forgot my password T___T I only remembered my password just now :( I'm so sorry for leaving you for a long time :(
Chapter 11: update please author
Chapter 11: Update please....
kirasg #8
Chapter 11: Ong update plz