Knowing your place

You're Forever In My Eyes




"So, my job here is done!" Amber said to the fine young man as she showed his new room. Jio immediately threw his red suitcase the moment he sat in the bed covered with a blue blanket. Amber attacked him, causing them to lay comfortably in the bed. She hugged Jio. Many people used to call them a couple since they had a lot of skinships but they are used to it. They like skinships a lot.


"Since you don’t have a roommate yet, I guess you'll have to enjoy this room alone or…. with a chick!" she said, which made Jio cough a little. "Ya!" he said.


"Okay okay! I won't tease you!" she said, while sitting down.


"But, you should tell me more about those girls… you only told me that they're your members. Tell me the reason why are they like that" curious Jio said but Amber just shrugged and said, "Go take a bath first. You stink!". Jio smelled himself and said," I don’t stink! Babo!" as he took some towel from his suitcase.


Amber yawned and said," I'm sleepy. I'll play with you tomorrow. Night!" as she stood up to leave. Jio washed up and changed to pajamas with Pororo prints on it. Looking at his Pororo pajamas made him remember how much he struggled to understand Korean through Pororo. He checked his watch. "It's already nine", he thought. He lay in his bed and was about to turn off the light when he heard some noise. No, it's not some noise, it is an incredibly LOUD noise from below.


He saw something shiny in the floor so he came to check it out. It turns out, it wasn't a shiny thing or anything at all, but it was none other than a hole that lets you see the room from below, where the noise came from. He checked out that little hole, revealing a messy bedroom covered with blue.


The hole looks like this but a little bit bigger:


"Yah, your are everywhere! Go clean it up!" some girl said, it was a familiar voice.


"Aingg! But I'm tired from playing all day! You clean it up!" another girl said, yet another familiar voice.


He didn't see their faces, even though Jio was curious to see them.


Jio immediately went away from the hole, knowing that the people who lives from the other floor are ladies. "Ah! This is dangerous", he thought. He went to his suitcase to find something. He saw his beloved mini-carpet and covered the hole in it, blocking it's light and reduces the noise. "This will do the work" he mumbled to himself. After ensuring the hole, he went back to bed and slept.




"Okay class! Today, I'm going to introduce a newcomer" the man with a chubby build said. The man looks very formal even though his face is very round, making him look like a giant wrestler. Jio was standing in the door, his knees shaking out of shyness, which contrasts his name that was translated as courage."Yong Gi-ah! Come!" the man said, which apparently is his new teacher.


Jio slowly walked in front of the classroom. He then gave a bow the moment he reach the teacher's table.


"Hello! My name is Ahn Yong Gi, but please call me by my American name 'Jio'. Please, let's get along" Jio said, stuttering. The teacher wrapped his hands around Jio's neck, like a longtime friend. Jio thought that his new teacher is a very caring man, based on what he observed in his details. He has a fatherly vibe around him. Somehow, Jio felt comfortable with his new teacher.


"Son, you can sit there" his teacher said, while pointing the chair beside the window. He frowned a little. "They haven't arrived yet?" the man mumbled to himself. Jio sat in the chair his teacher pointed out; he noticed that the chair beside him and in front of him are empty. "Are they absent or just late?", he thought. The class became noisy and all eyes are on him. He heard a couple of whispers like, "Daebak! He's handsome!", "I hope he's not a soloist", "Do you think he's single?".


Jio disregard the noise and focused on the scenery outside. "Ah! So peaceful….", he thought.


The room suddenly became silent when we heard a couple of knock from the door.


"Oh my God! It must be them!" Jio heard someone said.


The professor opened the door, only to see the two beautiful girls. One is as cold as ice and one has a friendly vibe around her. The innocent girl waved her hands to the professor to say hello and the other one was just crossing her arms.


"Annyeong Ssam! Sorry, we're late. Don’t be angry~" the innocent looking girl said, using a deadly aegyo. The other girl just rolled her eyes, seeing her dear friend doing such things, with an annoyed grin in her face, as though as they fought before going to class. Jio was in an awe to see them again. It's like his whole body froze knowing that he'll stay with them in a room. "Oh no! You got to be kidding me!", he thought letting out a cold sweat.


"Okay okay. Just sit" the professor said, making the girls giggle. The professor turned around to write something on the board. Jio immediately got a book and covered his whole face as the girls walked towards him. He somehow hates the teacher for letting the girls slide since he doesn’t look like someone to let someone slide such things. The innocent-looking girl sat in the chair in front of him while the cold-looking girl walked towards him and eyed the poor young man.


"Ssam! Who is this?" the cold girl asked with a cold tone in her voice.


"You're new classmate. Treat your seatmate well this time, Miss Krystal. I heard that you're the reason why Kris transferred to another school" the professor said, with a serious face. The cold girl smirked, ignoring what the teacher said.


"Stop covering your face, you look dumb" Krystal silently said, being totally careful so the professor won't hear it. Jio slowly removed the book, still sweating coldly.


"Omo! You're the man from yesterday!" the innocent girl said, with a surprised look in her face. Jio scratched the back of his head, looking at the girl's innocent smile.


"O-oh yeah?" Jio said, not knowing what to do. He looked at the other students, who were looking at him with worried faces. It's like they're saying that there's no turning back and that this is gonna be a hell of a year.


"I didn’t catch your name" the girl in his front said.


"It's Jio" he said.


The girl smirked, making an eye contact on their new prey while the other girl is looking somewhere, looking pissed off.


"Ya! Krystal! You're still not taking!?" the girl said to her cold friend.


The cold girl remained silent


"Ya! Do you wanna die?" the innocent girl said, while the other girl remained silent, not caring at all. The innocent-looking girl let out a sigh.


"As you can see, she got mad at me for no reason" said the girl, still sighing. "Anyway, I'm Sulli and she's Krystal. We'll play with you later, hmmm?" she added, putting a smile.


Jio let out a cold sweat again. "Oh !", he thought, picturing himself "playing" with the girls like Onew.


Sulli pushing Krystal


Sorry for the short update^^

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Fatin_Izzati #1
Chapter 11: Just read this story and I want to say that this story is amazing and the storyline is good ^-^
I really cry at this chapter ToT
Please continue author-nim
Please don't abandon this story ToT
Xiojin #2
Chapter 11: Update please.....
fanfics_ss #3
This story is very interesting, very interesting, I really look forward for the upcoming chapters
JustJung #5
Guys T___T I'm so sorry!! I forgot my password T___T I only remembered my password just now :( I'm so sorry for leaving you for a long time :(
Chapter 11: update please author
Chapter 11: Update please....
kirasg #8
Chapter 11: Ong update plz