


A  boarding school where the classes are divided according to the students’ birth months and the dormitories by the seasons.

Oh, isn’t that weird enough?

Add a bet with the crazy principal and just as crazy teachers and students to that then, would that be enough?





I’ve always wanted to write a boarding school fic!

(Liar, you’ve always wanted to just gain more subscribers)

Shut up brain! Where was I? Oh yeah, so when this idea of dividing classes by months came to my mind, I was just too excited to wait a little bit-

(and abandoned your unfinished fic and your oneshots  that didn’t even get the chance to be properly written down)

Braiiiiin… will you shut up or should I take some alchohol?

(Okay, I’m shutting up)

Good boy-

(Why the hell am I a boy when you’re a girl?)

Where was my whiskey?..

(I’m a good boy!)

So, back to the topic, hope you will enjoy this fic as much as I enjoyed thinking about it!

Oh and yeah, my good boy brain might be right –just a bit though. I love subscribers and I love comments even more! They both keep me motivated and make me want to continue with the story. So subscribe and comment, hmm? ^^



I had finished the 3rd chapter but then, poof!, the pc suddenly shut down and it wall all gone! T.T


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Chapter 5: boa is kind of too y ;A; i don't like it ;-;
Chapter 4: Eating fast.................................I'm fat enough, no thanks...
Chapter 1: My fav character is the principal...I just love her...that's it. I'm out *winks*