Ninth Stop

Choo-Choo Talk

It was totally not okay.

Sujin threw the snickering Jungkook a dark look promising pain and suffering if he didn’t shut up right this second as she fidgeted in front of Suga’s door, wondering if she should try again.

She had rang the doorbell and Suga had opened it with a look of lazy shock that immediately turned into anger. He’d slammed the door in her face without a word.

“Jungkook! You liar!” she hissed, hands hovering uncertainly over the doorbell.

“Hey, I never said he’d let you in right away.” Jungkook tried unsuccessfully to smother his next round of giggles.

“I hate you so much. Look, this obviously isn’t gonna happen. If you’re so worried, can’t you just call him?”

He shook his head. “He rarely answers his phone.”

“Then why does he even have one!? Oh my god.”

“Just try again.”

She stuck her tongue out at him before facing the door nervously. She didn’t want to ring the doorbell again because frankly, doorbells were annoyingshe knew from experience with Yumiand knocking could be equally irritating, but short of breaking and entering, there was nothing else she could do. She cringed at the thought of riling up Suga and making him hate her even more.

“Noona, will you hurry up and do something?”

“Shut up, I’m thinking!” She hummed anxiously, wishing the doorknob would just turn“Oh my god, it’s unlocked! What is he doing? Does he want to be robbed? Seriously!”

“Great, now go in.” Jungkook pushed open the door and forcefully shoved her inside before smiling cutely and slamming the door shut.

She tried to open the door but he kept it closed from outside. “Jungkook, please don’t do this, he’ll kill me!

He laughed and yelled through the door cheerfully, “No, he won’t. Lemme know how it goes, ‘kay? Later, Noona!”

She cursed him in her head, making a nasty face in his direction when she heard him whistling as he left, but decided that she needed to just do it. “Just ask him to dinner. It’s not that hard. Just ask, he’ll say no, end of story. Whew. Okay. I can do this.” She nodded determinedly, setting her shoulders and carefully stepping forward after taking off her shoes. She made sure to lock the front door behind her because she sure as hell didn’t want to make it easy for burglars while she was inside.

The house was empty and dark. All the curtains were drawn, the lights were off, and dust swirled through the air and settled on everything. It reeked of loneliness and cold. It lacked the warmth of a lived-in house. It was almost…abandoned.

But Suga lived here.

She crept forward, curiously looking through all the rooms. Living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, office, bathroom. There was a black piano which must have been glossy and beautiful once upon a time but now sat idle and dusty. Did he play? She had a sudden desire to hear him.

The doors were all open but everything looked like it had been unused for a very long time. She especially noted how bare and still the kitchen was. Did he not eat?

He wasn’t downstairs so he had to be upstairs, most likely in his bedroom. She gulped down her apprehension before treading up the stairs, wincing internally when the floorboards creaked under her weight. She froze and looked up fearfully, expecting Suga to appear at any moment and yell at her, maybe even push her down and throw her out, but there was no noise, no movement.

She kept going.

There were three doors on the second floor, all of them closed. She couldn’t detect any signs of life from any of the three doors so she took a deep breath and inched towards the closest. Quietly, she opened it and breathed a sigh of relief when it was empty.

It was the master bedroom. It smelled musty and looked like it had never been lived in. She wondered where his parents were, if they were still alive, if he had any other family. It looked like he lived in this big, spacious house all alone and it kind of hurt her heart.

She shut the door and moved onto the next one. She turned the doorknob slowly, pushing the door open to find an empty bedroom, maybe a guest room. It was clearly disused, bare of personal effects. Now that she thought about it, the master bedroom had been oddly sparse and impersonal as well.

Just what exactly had happened here?

She stepped out and turned her attention to the final door. Suga had to be inside. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest. What would his room be like? Would he yell at her and kick her out? Was he asleep? She wrung her hands together, trying not to tense up and failing spectacularly.

“Just gotta do it,” she breathed to herself and opened the door.

A/N: Sorry this chapter's so short. I wanted to up the suspense a little. xD Next chapter, the showdown! (Or not. We'll see. Muahaha!)

What do you guys think so far? Do you like Sujin? Is she an okay OC main character? Does she suit Suga or no? :D

skyblaze208, OUT!

© Copyright 2015 by skyblaze208

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2.4.2017 Shout-out to QueenOfHearts for the absolutely GORGEOUS poster! It totally beats my amateur one. Thank you so much! <3


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Chapter 1: Re-reading this story for like third time because it's such a masterpiece!!! T^T I love this story so much >u<
I've read this story like 10 times and here I am, reading it one more time even though I know it by heart. This is sooo good! The best fanfic ever!
karma705 #3
Chapter 23: The story is so cute :) thnk u
starlightangel #4
I just keep coming back because it's so good ❤?
Would you believe I'm here again??? Lmao. Really. After reading Choo Choo Talk, I can't seem to find another Yoongi fic I like bec this has become the standard. Jfieisjd. Looks like I'm stuck here for life.
Chapter 21: Ive reread this story and it's still awesome <3
Chapter 25: It's my second time reading this story and I still can't get over with it
Chapter 21: This story was super sweet. Enjoyed it a lot! :)
Suga is right, he should stay with them n help to change them. It would b good for BTS.
I m soo happy that i read this story :D
Chapter 22: this is so beautiful....
hardcoreELF #10
Chapter 21: i really love how the story goes, and suga omo author-nim goodjob! ❤️