Drabble/Oneshot Collection

Choo-Choo Talk

Alright, I'm caving.

The more I think about it, the more I really really really wanna do this collection. I think it'll be really cute! It's gonna be like all fluff so why not? I need practice writing less cheesy fluff anyway. xD

Here be da link:

more first than sun, more last than star

(Got the title from an ee s quote about love. It's pretty. :D)

Check it out! Don't hesitate to request something!

skyblaze208, OUT!

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2.4.2017 Shout-out to QueenOfHearts for the absolutely GORGEOUS poster! It totally beats my amateur one. Thank you so much! <3


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Chapter 1: Re-reading this story for like third time because it's such a masterpiece!!! T^T I love this story so much >u<
I've read this story like 10 times and here I am, reading it one more time even though I know it by heart. This is sooo good! The best fanfic ever!
karma705 #3
Chapter 23: The story is so cute :) thnk u
starlightangel #4
I just keep coming back because it's so good ❤?
Would you believe I'm here again??? Lmao. Really. After reading Choo Choo Talk, I can't seem to find another Yoongi fic I like bec this has become the standard. Jfieisjd. Looks like I'm stuck here for life.
Chapter 21: Ive reread this story and it's still awesome <3
Chapter 25: It's my second time reading this story and I still can't get over with it
Chapter 21: This story was super sweet. Enjoyed it a lot! :)
Suga is right, he should stay with them n help to change them. It would b good for BTS.
I m soo happy that i read this story :D
Chapter 22: this is so beautiful....
hardcoreELF #10
Chapter 21: i really love how the story goes, and suga omo author-nim goodjob! ❤️