Fourteenth Stop

Choo-Choo Talk

“Suga-hyung, are you there?”

Suga sat up in bed and frowned. “Jungkook?”

There was a scuffle and then he heard someone pounding loudly on the front door.

“Suga, hurry up and let us in!”

Isn’t that Sujin’s friend? Suga thought in confusion. I don’t even know her name. What the is she doing here?

He trudged downstairs and yanked the door open with a disgruntled face, finding a harried girl and an annoyed Jungkook. She shoved past him and flew upstairs, not even bothering to speak to him.


“Sorry, Hyung,” Jungkook grimaced, stepping inside. “I tried to stop her but—”

“Wait, hold the up. What the are you doing here? Did I give you permission to give out my address to whoever the asks for it?” Suga yelled.

“She made Sujin tell her!” Jungkook shouted back. “I’m here to chaperone her!”

“Jesus !” Suga gripped his hair.

Suga!” The girl raced back downstairs and stared him down with a fierce look, despite her smaller stature. “Look, I still don’t like you but for some reason, Sujin does, so I’ll deal with you. You may be the gangster here, but if you hurt her I will castrate you and leave you to bleed, I swear to god. Now hurry up and shower! You’re meeting Sujin’s parents in two hours, why the hell are you still in your pajamas!?”

She ran back upstairs, screeching about “no time” and “nicer clothes” and “Jesus, does he literally only own black and white?”

“Oh ,” Suga groaned, smothering his face with his palm. “That was today, wasn’t it? ! Why did I agree to this?”

Jungkook shrugged. “Too late for regret now. You should go clean up or Yumi will scream your ears off.” He walked past and settled himself in the living room, leaving Suga to fend for himself.

Suga sighed and finally shut the door, remembering to lock it. “. This is not what I signed up for.”

An hour later he was clean and dressed in a park of dark jeans and a dark green button-down shirt that the girl—was it Yumi?—had managed to unearth somewhere. She’d brushed his bangs to the side and neatly combed the rest of his hair—it had taken a lot of threats and bribery to get him to succumb to her demands, and Jungkook snickering in the background had definitely not helped her case. He only owned one pair of shoes, beat-up black Jordans, but Yumi had furiously scrubbed them until they were passable for her standards.

Yumi stepped back and admired her work, Suga rolling his eyes and twitching under her gaze. Jungkook was still trying to control his mirth.

“Alright,” she nodded. “Much better than usual. Don’t want you too dressed up. That would be like lying to her parents—”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Suga snapped testily.

“—so I guess you’re presentable,” she finished as if he hadn’t spoken. Jungkook doubled over, shaking with humor. “You should leave soon if you don’t wanna be late.”

Suga gave her a dark look. She skittered away, hiding behind Jungkook. “I’ll go after both of you get the hell out of my house. God, it’s like no one’s scared of me anymore.”

“Like I said,” she chirped over Jungkook’s trembling shoulder, “Sujin likes you, god knows why. I’m just tolerating you for her. But don’t forget what I said earlier. I will do it.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled. “I’m not gonna hurt her, Jesus. Now get out!”

He eventually managed to shoo them away and he took one last glance at his strangely tidy reflection before grabbing his phone, keys, and wallet and leaving.

He had enough time to walk to her house, so he did. It gave him the opportunity to think about what he was doing, because he really had no idea. He had willingly dressed up and was now willingly walking to his doom: dinner with the parents—parents!—of a girl who was his (arguably first) friend. Did he even remember how to be polite? Christ, what the was he doing?

He arrived in front of her house considerably more shaken than he had started out and loitered outside for a good five minutes before his phone vibrated with a text from her.

Will you be here soon? Just a warning: my parents are really excited to meet you. By which I mean, REALLY excited. So…I’m sorry, in advance. Please come anyway.

Suga snorted and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Well, he was already here, he wasn’t going to turn tail and run. Gathering up all his confidence, he walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

Jungkook had just sent Yumi home, bickering the whole way, when his phone pinged. He pulled it out and read the message. Immediately, his face paled and he began running to the hideout where BTS always met.

He burst inside out of breath. “Are you—are you serious?”

The other three were already there, huddled together like they were planning something. They looked at him and nodded grimly.

“It’s a good thing I overheard some guys talking about it,” Rap Monster said bleakly. “At least now we can prepare. I’d say we’ve got about a week until they decide to act.”

“Where’s Suga-hyung?” Jimin asked, looked behind Jungkook, who firmly closed the door behid him and joined the other boys.

“Busy,” was all he said. “He won’t be available tonight.”

Jimin narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the maknae, but Jungkook didn’t say any more on the subject, asking instead about their plan.

“So we’re thinking maybe two days to prep and figure out their location and then we’ll get the drop on them. They probably think we’ll be lying low…”

They could do without Suga for one night. They had to, because Jungkook refused to let Suga fall back into his old, self-destructive ways.

A/N: Oooh, figurative 's about to hit the figurative fan! Exactly what is going on? :P

This part just came outta nowhere. I was just thinking that the whole gang aspect of the story wasn't really coming into play, which doesn't make sense because that's, like, I dunno, important or something. xD So yeah, stuff's happening! I'm thinking I might be able to wrap this all up in about 10 chapters, give or take a few, but it'll depend on how much I decide to write per chapter, naturally.

Next chapter's a longer one. :D With some sweetness sprinkled throughout! Anticipate it!


skyblaze208, OUT!

© Copyright 2015 by skyblaze208

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2.4.2017 Shout-out to QueenOfHearts for the absolutely GORGEOUS poster! It totally beats my amateur one. Thank you so much! <3


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Chapter 1: Re-reading this story for like third time because it's such a masterpiece!!! T^T I love this story so much >u<
I've read this story like 10 times and here I am, reading it one more time even though I know it by heart. This is sooo good! The best fanfic ever!
karma705 #3
Chapter 23: The story is so cute :) thnk u
starlightangel #4
I just keep coming back because it's so good ❤?
Would you believe I'm here again??? Lmao. Really. After reading Choo Choo Talk, I can't seem to find another Yoongi fic I like bec this has become the standard. Jfieisjd. Looks like I'm stuck here for life.
Chapter 21: Ive reread this story and it's still awesome <3
Chapter 25: It's my second time reading this story and I still can't get over with it
Chapter 21: This story was super sweet. Enjoyed it a lot! :)
Suga is right, he should stay with them n help to change them. It would b good for BTS.
I m soo happy that i read this story :D
Chapter 22: this is so beautiful....
hardcoreELF #10
Chapter 21: i really love how the story goes, and suga omo author-nim goodjob! ❤️