Twelfth Stop

Choo-Choo Talk

Sujin stepped onto the subway, squeezing past some other passengers in search for a somewhere to sit but as always, almost all the seats were taken. She sighed, deciding to just stand near the doors so she could get out quickly.

Adjusting the strap of her backpack on her shoulder, she spotted Suga lounging, all in black as usual, the spaces beside him vacant.

He’s here today, she thought. Should I ask if I can sit next to him?

She bit her lip and turned away, sudden stress attacking her. Would he talk to her and let her sit or would he go back to the way he treated her before, cold and uncaring?

She thought it would feel too much like rejection if he chose the latter.

“Oh,” she fretted, “I’m not brave enough. Whatever, I’ll just stand!” As long as there weren’t too many people crowding her, she would be okay.

She glanced back at him and flinched when she found him staring back. Her cheeks reddened.

He raised an eyebrow in what she read as amusement and flicked his eyes down next to him. She frowned and tilted her head, unsure what he was trying to say. Rolling his eyes, he jerked his head emphatically to the space beside him.

She goggled at him, pointing at herself dubiously. Was he—was he inviting her to sit down next to him?

His eyes are brighter than usual, she noted in the back of her mind.

He gave her a severely unimpressed look and she jumped into action, clumsily lurching across the moving train and sprawling down next to him.

“S-s-sorry,” she peeped bashfully, quickly righting herself into a stiff sitting position. “And thank you.”

He didn’t reply, just shifted and looked out the window.

The silence pressed down on her and she could sense the bewildered eyes of on-looking passengers. She felt even more uncomfortable than just being alone with Suga, so she frantically searched for a conversation topic and blurted, “U-um, did you sleep well?”

Suga slanted his gaze towards her. “What do you think?”

“I-I—well, I don’t—I mean, I hope so, I mean—”

“Better than I have in years,” he answered her and allowed a smirk to grace his face.

She blinked at him, then away from him. It wasn’t a smile, but it was close, and it made her bizarrely happy to see it directed at her.

“I’m glad,” she murmured and smiled shyly at him.

He abruptly cleared his throat and sat up, retrieving his arm from the top of the seat and leaning forward of his elbows. Startled by his unexpected movement, she almost fell off the seat but she quickly slid back and sat a little closer to him, the black fabric of his shirt occasionally brushing against her arm and giving her goosebumps.

They continued like that, unmoving, without a word.

Jungkook slammed his hands down on the table and pierced Sujin with an intense look. “How did it go?”

Sujin glared at him. “You are terrible! I can’t believe you just abandoned me there!”

“Hey, you’re alive, aren’t you?” He grinned shamelessly. “Anyway, what happened?”

“Wait, wait, wait, wait,” Yumi interrupted, glancing rapidly between the two. “What are you two talking about?”

Jungkook looked surprised. “Noona, you didn’t tell her?”

Before Sujin could even pretend to make an excuse, Yumi poked her side sharply and cried, “Seriously, why don’t you ever tell me anything!?”

“Sorry, sorry, ow, sorry, that hurts!” Sujin yelped, massaging her side with a pout. “I knew you’d make a big deal out of it so I didn’t say anything.”

Jungkook easily revealed, “She went to Suga-hyung’s house.”

Yumi pinned Sujin with the darkest look she could muster. “You—I—seriously, there are so many—god, I can’t even—what’s wrong with you!”

“Okay, I’m sorry! It was Jungkook’s idea! He bullied me into it!” Sujin said desperately.

“What?” Jungkook protested too innocently. “I did not! I would never!”

“You did too! You guilt-tripped me into it!”

“No, I asked and you said yes!”

“You forced me!”

“No, I didn’t!”

“Yes, you did!”

“No, I—”

Children!” Yumi hollered, ending the argument. “You’re both stupid! Now tell me what happened.”

Sujin sighed in resignation. “We went to his house, Jungkook left me there, we talked, he slept, I did laundry and cooked, and then he walked me home. Oh, and he said no to the dinner invitation. My parents are still bothering me about that.” Another sigh.

“You did his laundry? And you cooked for him?” Yumi gaped.

“Wait, he slept?” Jungkook gawked.

Yumi snorted. “That’s what you focus on? What, he doesn’t sleep or something?”

Jungkook and Sujin exchanged silent glances.

“Wait, really? He doesn’t sleep?” Yumi’s eyes widened.

Jungkook shrugged. “Suga-hyung’s pretty traumatized by his past.”

“He told me he hasn’t slept well in years,” Sujin added quietly. “No wonder he looks so tired all the time. He fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed.”

“Wow. I was right about you.” Jungkook whistled in admiration.

Yumi rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes, Sujin’s a saint, but—wait. You were in his room? With him? Just the two of you?”

“Nothing happened, obviously!” Sujin squeaked, blushing. “All his clothes were on the floor and they were all dirty so I washed them. And he didn’t have any food left so I bought stuff and made him some. It was the least I could do for him after he saved me.”

“Yeah, and kicked you in the gut,” Yumi scoffed.

“I told you that was an accident! And he was so nice about walking me home after, even though I’d basically trespassed into his house because someone just shoved me inside.” She glowered at Jungkook.

He didn’t notice. He was too busy smiling dopily and thinking about more ways to push Sujin and Suga together.

She was Suga’s cure and Jungkook was determined to make sure her effect on him lasted.

“Hey Hyung,” Jungkook began mischievously.

“, what now?” Suga groaned.

“I heard from Noona that you slept?” the younger boy continued with a bright grin.

Suga scowled and half-heartedly swung a punch at Jungkook. “Bastard. Who said you could bring her to my house?”

“Well, you never let us visit you and we were worried since you hadn’t been coming to school,” Jungkook argued, casually dodging. “Plus, Noona said she wanted to thank you.”

“Right.” Suga snorted. “Said her parents wanted to have dinner with me.”

“You should go,” Jungkook encouraged unapologetically. “For sure. You owe her.”

“ no!” Suga exclaimed. “Hey, I saved her, she owed me! We’re even now.”

“Yeah, but you kicked her in the stomach,” Jungkook pointed out artfully.

Suga spoke between clenched teeth. “I walked her home.”

“Please, Hyung.”

“I let her sit next to me on the subway!”

“Isn’t that obvious? It’s the subway. People sit next to each other.”

“Jesus Christ, you’re not even part of this!” Suga finally exploded. “What do you want with me? Why do you keep forcing her on me?”

“Hyung, you like her.” He continued before Suga could protest. “You let her take care of you. You don’t let anyone do that! She’syou’re happier than I’ve ever seen you, Hyung. And I know it’s mostly because of her.”

“Shut up,” Suga hissed menacingly, eyes flashing. “Shut up right now—”

“I want you to be friends with her, Hyung. Just…think about it. Maybe you don’t see it but she’s so good for you.”

Suga snarled, “Jungkook—”

“Just think about it!” Jungkook yelled before running off to hide from Suga’s wrath.

A/N: Sorry for the wait! Word was having issues and I was watching an anime my friend recommended ("Shinsekai Yori (From the New World)" - it's pretty good! A little gory and a lot convoluted but interesting enough). xD

I'm keeping it as slow and realistic as I can, but I also don't wanna drag this out. Things will probably pick up soon; we'll see what my fingers type, haha. Enjoy! There should be another update soon to make up for my absense. :D

skyblaze208, OUT!

© Copyright 2015 by skyblaze208

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2.4.2017 Shout-out to QueenOfHearts for the absolutely GORGEOUS poster! It totally beats my amateur one. Thank you so much! <3


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Chapter 1: Re-reading this story for like third time because it's such a masterpiece!!! T^T I love this story so much >u<
I've read this story like 10 times and here I am, reading it one more time even though I know it by heart. This is sooo good! The best fanfic ever!
karma705 #3
Chapter 23: The story is so cute :) thnk u
starlightangel #4
I just keep coming back because it's so good ❤?
Would you believe I'm here again??? Lmao. Really. After reading Choo Choo Talk, I can't seem to find another Yoongi fic I like bec this has become the standard. Jfieisjd. Looks like I'm stuck here for life.
Chapter 21: Ive reread this story and it's still awesome <3
Chapter 25: It's my second time reading this story and I still can't get over with it
Chapter 21: This story was super sweet. Enjoyed it a lot! :)
Suga is right, he should stay with them n help to change them. It would b good for BTS.
I m soo happy that i read this story :D
Chapter 22: this is so beautiful....
hardcoreELF #10
Chapter 21: i really love how the story goes, and suga omo author-nim goodjob! ❤️