The Heart of the Garden

When the sun arose, the boys all got up, ate a breakfast of granola bars and packed their stuff. Their newfound determination was admirable. The boys were feeling a bit empty today. Weird some may say. They trekked through a small hill and through another meadow. Trees used to be thick and came in bunches but now, they were all becoming thinner. Kyungsoo bet it was because they were on the edge of another season.

"Turn left!" Suho instructed. He took a wild guess with his instinct. The others obeyed and they turned left and was met by the hot sun that was a burning ball though it was not even noon. 

"Summer," Kai breathed joyously. He raised his hands toward the hot sun. Xiumin wrinkled his nose as they trudged on. They were walking on sand, making their feet feel uneasy since they were not used to this texture. 

Suho suddenly broke into a sprint. There was a line of blue not to far ahead. The ocean. Figures. The boys tried to catch up with him, but you could only run so fast in sand. When they finally reached the ocean, huffing and puffing, Suho was trying to open the ocean so they could walk through. But nothing was happening.

"Is it just me or did my powers just go away?" Suho mused aloud. Alarm swept through the 7 others that had their powers already. Sehun tried to harness the wind as Luhan tried to gather supplies for a boat. But it didn't work. 

"Oh no..." Kyungsoo whispered in horror.

Kris sighed in a frustrated manner, "Just build a boat the old fashioned way and let's get out of here. Must be some kind of spell..." And with that all of them scampered throughout the beach. They found vines, driftwood and random shells. Eventually, about noontime, they started to tie the wood together with vines. It took a long while. Sweating, the boys finally made a movable ship. Sehun tied his sweatshirt on a long piece of wood as a sail. And they set off. The boat could steer itself since the wind was in their favor today.

"Lunch..." Kyungsoo rummaged through the bags and found a box of cup noodles. He scooped some water out of the ocean, filtered it and then turned to Chanyeol.

"Give your power a try...maybe it works now." Chanyeol obeidiently tried to let some flames the bottom of the filtered water. And to his greatest surpirse, it worked. Other's that have been watching cried out. And almost instantly, the boat was in the air. Kris' power.

The win pushed them quickly through the clouds. Chanyeol grinned proudly and the boat started going faster. Kyungsoo passed out the bowl noodles and the boys began to slurp on them.

Maybe it was the beach's fault that they couldn't do their powers.

Or maybe it was because of that mysterious male.

Anyhow, the boat started to fall apart snce the vines were not used to the high elevations. Since they were almost above the island, Kris started to lower them. The bowl noodles were long gone and in piles of trash. Kyungsoo used his powers to strengthen the vines and then they crash landed onto the island. It was an exotic island full of mangos and pineapples.

"Whoa..." Tao admired the fruits hanging from tall trees.

"I'll find a shelter. You guys do something about this boat and find food since our sources are starting to lower." Suho and Kris walked off. Xiumin, being the eldest, started to order people around. 5 of them dug to hide the boat whilst the other 5 looked for food.

Kyungsoo bent down trees and grabbed fruits off of them, thanked them and then left. Basketfulls of all sorts of fruits were placed on the ground. The ship was entirely hidden from sight. The woven basket (thanks to Lay) were tight and easy to hold onto. The boys all walked toward the direction that Suho and Kris headed to. They found it kind of weird since it was almost sundown and the two leaders were yet to be found.

"What if something happened?" Sehun asked in a hushed voice.

"Nonsense," Tao shakily replied. They trudged on. Suddenly, a gust of wind hit them and a note fluttered into Kyungsoo's hand.

"What is it....?" Chanyeol peered at the note.

Clearing his throat, Kyungsoo began to read, "Kris and Suho are gone... to save them....find your way to those trees you've been eyeing by the end of the maze."

"Oh goodness...." Baekhyun eyed the note with horror.

"WE HAVE TO FIND THEM!!!" Xiumin cried before running off to nowhere. The boys, scared to lose someone else raced off after him.

No way Kris and Suho were going to disappear on them.

Eventually, they got incredibly tired. In the darkness, they couldn't see anything. So Kyungsoo quickly made a small hut out of trees and leaves. Xiumin suggested they stay for the night. lay got out the foods and passed it around. After a quick meal, the boys began to snore away.

Meanwhile, Hyejin was ready to go to bed.

She felt as though she was burned alive. It was so hot. It almost hurt since it was so hot. Hyejin sighed and tossed and turned in my bed. She sensed that something bad was going to happen tomorrow. Or something she totally didn't expect. Ignoring that feeling, Hyejin ce more before lapsing into a deep sleep. 

Her soft snores were all that was heard

In an empty room next to her, two boys were struggling against a burly man.

"Tell the girl next door to care for you guys and the others are coming," the burly man cast them one last glance before tying them onto the beds securely. 

"What the ." Kris cussed, trying to get himself out of the bed, but failing epicly.

"I think it's best if we just sleep for the night," Suho wearily sighed as the burly man exited, the door slamming shut. 

Suho looked around the room, seeing nothing but dark shadows. 


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lizsz1010 #1
hope u win! awesome so far!
Chapter 2: kaisoo <33