Information About the Application/Group Infos

Queen. S ♔(Girl Group//Apply Open)


Group Info:

Group NameQueen. S ♔
What does the Name mean? Queens of the South(Korea)
Nicknames of the group: 'Natural Beauty' Group & The female DBSK
Fan Club NameRoyalties
Fan Club ColorUnknown
Fan Club Symbol: ♔
Date of DebutSoon
Number of Members6


This is an Example form for those who are confused on the Application:

Application Form♔

‘Basic Info’
Username: kpopwifeeu
Name: Jung Hyun-Ae
Nickname/s: Ae-gi(cause she's the youngest in her family)
Age: 20
Birthdate: 08/17/90
Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Japanese
Hometown: Saporo, Japan
Height & Weight: 167cm & 49 kg
Blood Type: A

 She's the serious type of person so don't mess with her when she's doing something really important or you'll end up having a black eye. She knows taekwando since when she was little people would always bully her and she couldn't take it anymore so she decided to learn to defend herself. Silent and shy, always a loner but she still has a few friends and she values them so much. Good in words and although her best subject is Math, she wants to be a well known painter someday. Still studies in college, Majoring in Arts, but she decides to be a tutor once in awhile to help her parents on her tuitions and on the household bills. Nice but can be a meanie sometimes, people find her cute when she laughs that's why she always stops herself when she feels like laughing




  • cooking
  • studying
  • walk her dog around the city
  • doodling
  • listen to music


  • biting the nails of her fingers (when she's nervous)
  • face palm herself (when she's annoyed or when she did something stupid)
  • pinch her nose (when she feels embarrassed or awkward)
  • pout (when she's begging or just plain bored)
  • clap her hands while laughing (just a habit she had after watching a few korean variety shows)


  • story novels
  • home made foods
  • dogs
  • understanding people
  • humble


  • flirt
  • jerk
  • lazy person
  • boastful
  • being pranked

‘Personal Info’
Family Background: 
Born in Mokpo and had a great childhood life there, didn't really had many friends but she found one friend that she can always depend on and he's always the one who takes her worries and pain away. They used to live with her grandparents but moved out after her grandma died followed by her grandpa, they decided to live the place to erase all the pain and bad memories
Parents(name & brief description of personality):
Jung SunKyu(Mother) - she's just a normal mother, not protective nor does she not care about her children. She just trusts them that they could do things without anybody's help & Jung HyunShik(father) - he's very protective. the minute he sees his children he would shout at them not going hom early tho it was only 4pm >.> hardworking and would do anything for his family to have a wealthy life, both in love and money.

Parents; check if:
[x]married []divorced

Siblings: Lee YoungJae - an eight year old brat. loves to prank people and consider it as an art.. not very good at math at all but very good at the language department.
Celebrity Crush: Kwon Jiyong, Lee Hyukjae

'Important Info’

Stage Name: Yuni

Talents: playing the piano & drum, singing, dancing, acting, MCing

Years as Trainee: 5 years

Discovery: One day when she was singing as a guest at one party he father arranged for the success of their company. Luckily, one staff from the JYP Ent. was invited and saw her potential in singing and he can feel that this girl could do more than just that and decided to take her in as a trainee and after a year and 8 months of training, she is now soon debuting in one of their upcoming girl group.

Position; check which one:
[]Leader – Main Vocal
[] Lead Dancer – Main rapper
[] Lead Rapper – Leader
[] Main Dancer – Lead Vocal
[] Main Vocal – Maknae
[x] Leader – Lead Dancer
[] Mascot(face of the group)
[] Jack of All trade

Guestings/shows: Strong Heart, Family Outing, Dream Team

Singing Tape:
Dancing Tape:
Rapping: --


Partner’s personality: 
Kwon Jiyong - a passionate man, almost everybody chooses him as the best leader well maybe next to Leeteuk. A song writer, producer, singer, rapper, dancer and maybe even acting. Well not so much with the acting but he is talented as hell but he's really nice, shy and childish in real life.
Lee Hyukjae - the hot lead dancer of super junior. Also does song writing and now even sings (hurray! ^o^), but he's more known as the lead dancer & lead rapper of the group. Shy and very talkative, one of 'the funny man' in their group. A scardy cat and very easy to make him cry, in short a very touchy person. Also known as the anchovy of the group though none is sure where that nickname came from but it sure does match with his 'wifey', fish donghae :3
Friends: Choi Sooyoung(SNSD) & Key(Shinee)
How did you become friends?: Sooyoung is her childhood friend back in Japan, she was always her 'sidekick' and the one who could understand her the most. Her & Key started hanging out ever since he bumped to him at a shopping store. It didn't took long for her to be friends with him because of his diva-like attitude which she finds amusing for a guy and his sense humor is just too much to handle.
Rivals: HyunAh(4minute)
How did you become rivals?: Her and HyunAh at one of her dad's arranged party. At first, she thought she was a sweet, kind and cute girl but soon enough she showed her true self and even spread bad rumors about her.
Anything Else(if I missed out something or if you want to suggest the color and symbol of the group): Emerald Green? LOL i still don't know x)


There! I hope this helped you guys in your application^^

P.S Some of this are recycled, meaning i got this from my friend (lolliderellad2nd)'s sent message. Why? Because i was kinda lazy -.- and she agreed to it so don't be mad at me T~T

And! If ever you saw this in winglin and it has changed. Just for your info, the things i post in aff & winglin are different.

In official chapters they're the same but if not, it's different.

- eymiel

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Vaaaal #1
Okay! I will be waiting. :)
Guys, please read this. <br />
It's very important.<br />
So my friend, eymiel aka kpopwifeeu, has forgot the password in this acc. -.-<br />
So she said she'll make another account and repost this fic, but she's still trying to squeeze her brain out about her password but once she gives up, she'll make another account and start writing this again.<br />
She already chosen all of the girls for the group so please just hang a little longer and soon she'll be back. :)
Note: Having a hard time on choosing the Mascot -.-<br />
I'll try to update this thursday since in friday, we don't have any classes anymore. Hooray! xD
Sounds cool :) I'll try to fill out my application soon (maybe soon cuz you already have 4 members DDDX Gah!!)
cherryxpop #5
Teaser is really good~ :3
Yoochunswifey #6
bwahahahaha the three of them are too cute xD<br />
Homin, your manly images has been completely shattered haha !!<br />
Shes a ? Me too! Hiiigh fiii... What? It's nothing to proud of? Oh ... T_T don't care, i'll be a byuntae until the day I die!<br />
Who's with me???!!! *looks nervously around*<br />
Congratz to the main dancer!
Vaaaal #7
YEEEEY! You made an update. It's really good. I want to see Byuntae's profile as well. Update soon! :)
A/N: Guys, if any of you is a fan of suju or just Eunhyuk or you're a fan of drama fics.<br />
Then read this fic I just made:<;br />
Please read it :)
So funny ! Hahaha ! Changmin and Yunho are so funny XD
byuntae loves donghae ... byuntae means erted right, so if we combine, Byuntae + DongHae .. then it would be ... "ByunHae" ... now, now, donghae means "fish" so, "ByunHaE" means ... "erted fish" ... lol XD ... dnt mind my silliness ... hahahah .. XD ... update soon okay? :)