Oh Jinyoung

How They Found Out
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Chapter 2


I thought it was a mistake. One of the biggest messups of my life. I stare eyes wide as Jr. stared right back at me. His eyes were the size of pancakes. I’d probably never forget the look in his face. I saw Jackson and myself reflected in his eyes and it scared me. Our relationship was for Jackson’s and my eyes only. I was too scared of rumors spreading and ruining the career for everyone if anyone found out. Plus relationships are hotter when they’re a secret. I kissed Jackson when we got caught. The worst thing to do when someone opens a door. Because there isn’t an excuse for such a thing. What do you say? It’s not what it looks like? Then what is it? It’s a kiss. Do you say ‘oh I fell’? Some fall.

It was right after an interview. Everyone went to go change meaning Jackson and I had at least five minutes before anyone was done. It’s either we took too long or Jr. changes really fast. Jackson made me laugh- like he always did.  As soon as the bathroom door shut behind us I held his hand. An interlacing of the fingers that we made into a delicate process moving slowly making sure each finger fit perfectly with each other’s. I laughed at something he said and he smirked at me. He pulled me into his arms. A position I enjoyed. I held his face in my hands. I stared into his eyes.

“What do you want to do today?” I asked him.

“Eat . . . a lot,” he responded. I laughed. What type of reply was that?

“What do you think  I want to do?” I asked him.

“Uh eat,” he said. I shook my head at him.

“I want to kiss you,” I replied. I tilt my head forward and kissed him. A lingering kiss with a promise of something more. When I heard a click. And there he was. The easy going one. The mother of the group who loved us all dearly. Jr. stood there and all love and chill expressions were erased from his face. He looked so different when he was surprised. I didn’t know what to do first. Kill him? Shove his head into a toilet? Make sure he never talks about what he saw. Beg him to keep this a secret? What? Jackson was the first to make a move. He moved from my grip causing me to feel empty and cold and pulled Jr. inside closing the door behind him.

“This is exactly what it looks like,” he said. Hearing him say that made me want to laugh but I was still in shock..

“Y-y-.” Jr. stumbled for words. I didn’t even try I knew I’d come up with nothing.

“Three days now,” Jackson filled him in. “Right after the concert. And umm-.” He shrugged. “I’ve never been happier.” I feel my heart ache in a good way. That was so sweet. I smiled at him and clutched his arm.

“I’ve never been happier too,” I told him. He smiled at me. And Jr. waved his hands frantically.

“Let me get this straight. You two are in love?”

“What? Don’t say that word!” Jackson yells almost exasperated. “This is way too soon. This is a relationship Jr. not a foosball table.”

“What?” Jr asked.

“What?” I asked as well.

“Never mind,” Jackson said. “Point is Mark and I really, really, really, really, really,-.”

“J, he gets it,” I told him.

“Right. Like each other. And we prefer to keep this on the down low. And we can’t make you unsee what you’ve seen so it would be nice if you kept this secret.” Jr. nods in return. “I need words Jinyoung.”

“Yeah yeah I won’t tell a soul. I’m your friend guys not your. . . foosball table.”

“Out of term,” Jackson said.

“How do I know when I’m using it in ‘term’?” Jr. asked.

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LoveLoveYeol #1
Chapter 3: That “Yay! I get to keep a secret. I always wanted to know a secret!"
“Because no one ever tells me secrets!”
“Because I can’t keep my mouth shut!” convo between the three. hahahahahahahahahaha. omg. bambam. XD
secret_silenterz #2
Chapter 6: I really love this story!! XD even I don't like Mark's character that much.. He's too hot-tempered.
Chapter 6: I'm having a hard time breathing because of this. Oh, JB! I would've thought that he'd know better than to call Mark lanky and girly after mark punched him and then threw a chair at his unconscious body. XD
Chapter 3: Omfg this is soo funny XD

“Because I can’t keep my mouth shut!”

What the ...
Chapter 6: Bam Bam the spoiler HAHA XD seriously that kid... XD just funny! And Yugyeom is the funniest one! EVERYTHING JUST CRACKS ME UP!! XD love it
Mimi77 #6
Kyaa, so cute ^^
allkpopluvr890 #7
Chapter 6: Omg this story is awesome! I laughed too much XDD