
Double Love

Two weeks earlier when taehyun had pleaded with his brother to pledge.and eventually taemin had guven in.Mostly because he and taehyun always did things together, and he didn't want anything as dumb as a sorority to come between them.

taehyun had assured taemin that the pledge dares they'd be required to do would be nothing major.'' just a lot of silly fun!'' taehyun insisted.

A delivery man wearing stereo headphones and a tomato-stained apron had walked right into the classroom carrying a steaming,smelly pepperoni pizza and stood there looking questioningly as Mr.heechul was writing a complicated formula on the blackboard.


''your pizza?'' the delivery man had asked, and the class had gone into collective cardiac arrest.Somebody snorted, trying to stifle a laugh.

''Pardon me?''Mr. heechul asked innocently,still preoccupied with the lesson. 

''One double peppperoni pizza for''-the delivery man examined his order form-''lee-lee taemin''

taemin's face was on the fire. Everybody looked around at him in disbelief.Lee taemin the level headed, serious twin had flipped out! and only him knew who had really ordered the pizza and given his name.

''Well, wel'' Mr. heechul said.''lee taemin, is any chance a science project?''More laughter from the kids.

Taemin Panicked.What will i say? shooting a glance at taehyun, he knew instantly he was on his own.HIs twin brother wore the angelic expression of a totally innocent bystander.

''Uh-yes, Sir,''taemin stammered,''uh-see-we wondered how much heat the pizza would lose getting from pizza parlor to here-and uh...''

even Mr.heechul had to smile . he rummaged through a desk drawer and produced a thermometer ''I see''he said.'''well, then, let's take the pizza temperature, before it undergoe a chemical change-commonly called digestion.''

So he had gotten away with that pledge dare.he survived the other crazy pranks, 

and now the big day had noon they would find out if they lead the upcoming play dance of the school.Taemin wasn't too excited about it but taehyun had the date circled in red on his calendar .

And for taemin, the day was already spoiled.As he thought of minho's phone call to taehyun,the tight feeling in his chest spread to a pressure behind his eyes. But he was determined not to let taehyun know how he felt about minho.

What was the point? It was obvious which brother minho preferred. And why not? what a boy could possibly compete with the dazzling  lee taehyun?...






it's a short updated,see you next time.^^

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jesselee #1
Chapter 5: Will this be updated soon?
minhoooo #2
really love to have a twin, but now when i read this , I don't know anymore! but your story is good please update soon.
jesselee #3
Chapter 5: Poor tae. His twin is so not nice but cool they have an older brother! Awesome story, will be waiting for the next update ,:)
Chapter 1: u use both she and he....whc one is it??..