
Double Love


taemin gave a quick look at the parking spot where he had left the fiat. He didn't see it. Then he shoved his hand into his pocket to feel the car keys. they were gone! And then he remembered taehyun's sudden hug , that was when he had filched the keys.

''I'll see you at noon, key,'' taemin said angrily. ''I've got to talk to my darling little brother!''

''OK. But don't tell anybody about-''

''Don't worry.''

Taemin marched toward the black porsche and the red Fiat.There sat short,but handsome blonde hair Kim jonghyun, lounging arrongantly behind the wheel of his flashy sport car. And there stood taehyun , acting as if absolutely nothing happened.

This time I'm really going to let him have it,taemin fumed to himself as he ran toward his brother, He was so angry that he didn't even notice somebody running alongside him.

''Hey, what's the hurry?''It was Choi Minho, and he was smiling. ''I was hoping to talk to you.''

Taemin was in total shock. There he was Choi Minho-the man of his dreams, standing two inches away from him.

''Oh-uh, well,'' He stammered, ''What about?''he could have kicked himself. Why did he turn into a complete idiot the minute Minho was near him?

''Said like an ace reporter.'' Minho laughed.

''Right to the point.Lois lane had better watch out for you''

They were both laughing now. Then Minho said,''I was wondering if-''

just then the bell rang, and students started swarming toward the building.

Minho frowned. ''We'll be late,'' he muttered.

''Listen, will you be around after socker practice?''

''Sure'' Taemin said , his heart beating faster.''I have to stay late at the dance studio. How about under the clock-around five-fifteen?''

''I'll be there''

Taemin watched starry-eyed as Minho loped gracefully across the lawn. Suddenly he remembered taehyun! he whirled around and spotted the black porsche and the red Fiat. Teahyun was gone.


Between classes, the hall of Sm high resembled the battle scene from star wars,with bodies hurtling in all directions accompanied by collisions and dropped books. it was while taemin was picking up his that taehyun raced by, wearing a smile brighter than Korea sunshine in july.

''I have the most sensational news, minnie!''

Down on his hands and  knees , Taemin looked up, he wondered , didn't taehyun ever get caught in such ungraceful situations? because he was taehyun. If a book of his ever fell, there was always a handy male or women eager to pick it up.

''what news taehyun?''

''You won't believe it.''

''is it about the dance?''

''you'll see.'' And he darted off , pausing to look back. '' minnie,dear, do get up off the floor. I would positively die if anyone thought it was me grubbing around like that.''

bite your tongue,taemin warned himself. Don't say what you're thinking. Murder's still illegal in Korea!

He gathered his books and stood up . It wasn't until he was halfway down the hall that he realized he'd been so angry at taehyun's remark that he had forgotten to ask or the car keys.


At noon, just as the president of dance class was about to announce the list of new lead dancers. Taehyun leaned over to taemin and whispered,'' I think Minho going to ask me to the dance,''

Taemin felt as if a baloon had just burst inside him.Tears welled up in his eyer.

''Lee Taemin, CONGRATULATIONS!''the president shouted.'' Taemin where are you? come up here and join with us''

Heads turned to look at him.Everyone thought he was crying with happiness. Somehow he made up himself stand up, but he couldn't make himself look at taehyun. he would never tell to him now how he felt about Choi Minho. And he would never, ever stand in taehyun's way-but he couldn't look at his brother just then.

Taehyun was tugging on his sleeve, trying to stop him as he was about to make his way to the front of the room.

"What about me?'' Taehyun hissed. ''Why haven't they called my name?''

The president called out ''Kim taeyeon CONGRATULATIONS!'' TAehyun applauded reluctantly for his friend.

TAemin stood beside taehyun's seat. HE wouldn't go up there and accept until taehyun's name was called. After all, the only reason he had decided to pledge was so he and taehyun would be together.

With a pleased smile, the president announced,"Last but absolutely not the least-kim Taehyun, CONGRATULATIONS!''

Taemin and taehyun ran up to the front of the room. Even though his tears had dried, taemin felt as if he were still sobbing on the inside.


For Taemin, the rest of the day was spent playing catch-up, but he never quite did. he was late getting to all his class.He wondered. Minho was probably waiting for him under the clock right now.What did he want to talk about?

Pleae don't be angry with me for being late, he prayed silently. If only Minho wanted to ask him to the dance, It would be all right. He would forgive taehyun for everthing-even for swiping the car keys.

Taemin ran down the last flight of the stairs,tore through the lobby , and rushed toward the Big Romanesque clock that was the pride of SM high.

At first he didn't see Minho. But then, as he came outside, there he was-walking across the lawn to their little red Spider and climbing in beside taehyun!

Taemin's heart sank.He just stood there, numb with shock, as the convertible backed up and spun merrily down the drive, carrying Taehyun and Minho.



crying taemin T-T huhuhu....

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jesselee #1
Chapter 5: Will this be updated soon?
minhoooo #2
really love to have a twin, but now when i read this , I don't know anymore! but your story is good please update soon.
jesselee #3
Chapter 5: Poor tae. His twin is so not nice but cool they have an older brother! Awesome story, will be waiting for the next update ,:)
Chapter 1: u use both she and he....whc one is it??..