
Double Love

''Hey,is anybody home?''The call brought taemin to top of the stairs.


''you must be that ugly lee twin I hear so much about.What's the matter?No hello for your older and infinitely wiser brother?

taemin hurtled down the stairs and into his brother's outstretched arms.

''your repulsive face couldn't have shown up at a better time''he said with his first real laugh all day.

Disentangling himself from his younger brother's hus,taecyeon gave him a questining look. ''yeah?,what's up?''

''Oh, nothing'' he lied hastily. ''i just have spells when I get totally weird-and actually start missing you''

''Sure you do. I'm repulsive but lovable.So tell me, How many Princes did you turn into toads this week?''

Taemin pretented to think for a moment, then held up six fingers and shrugged. ''Slow week. Seems fewer and fewer princes are passing through SM high these days.''

Brother's stood smiling at each other,enjoying the special bond they shared.taemin's blond beauty came from their mother, while Taecyeon's dark good looks with beautiful brown eyes and slim, athletic build,had along been target of crushes from the twins girl friend's.

''Tell you what,little brother,''taecyeon said now.''I'm starving. If you insist on fixing me something, I promise not to complain about your cooking skills''

''Insist!how do you know I don't have ten more important things to do?''

He couldn't resist the mock hangdog look on his brother's face.''OK I insist, I insist! Let's go check the fridge for possibilities.''

while taecyeon made himself comfortable at the round kitchen table, taemin checked out the contents of the large copper-colored refrigerator.

''How the things on the home front these days?''he asked.

''oh, great,just great,'' taemin mumbled back to him.


Should he tell his hyung about minho? he asked himself. or about taehyun? Or about taehyun and Minho, hating to link those two names even in his mind. No, he decided. it wouldn't be fair to put his hyung in the middle.

He grew serious as he watched taemin fix him a huge sandwich.

''You know , minnie,big brothers are great listeners.''

taemin smiled at his concern.

''hyung,things are fine.Just fine!'' Or they will when I'm dead and can't think of Minho anymore,he added to himself.''And now if you're through grilling me, big brother, how about telling me why you're home for the fourth weekend in a row?. I thought sophisticated college men spent their weekend dating college women.''

''Well, you know, I, uh, Like to see the family once in a while.''taemin could sworn he was blushing.

''sure you do,hyung.And we're really grateful for the fifteen minutes you spend with us every weekend.What i'm dying to know is where you spend the rest of the time.''

''i see old friends. That kind of thing.''Then he laughed.

''OK,'' he relented. '' I'll let you off the hook for now, but i'm not through with you yet. I sense a mystery here, and you know how I love mystery.''

''Nosy and weird , What a combination.'' taecyeon said, bitting into his sandwich.'' tell me what's new with taehyun?''

''taehyun is fine.'' boy, his he ever, taemin thought . they're so busy I hardly see him.only when we go to the school or leaved the school.                                                                                

just then the back door flew open '' Taecyeon hyung!!''taehyun squealed, dropping his books on the counter and rushing to hug his brother.

''I didn't know you were coming this weekend!'' he stepped back to get a better look at him.

''You're so absolutely too gorgeous ! aren't we lucky, taeminnie?'' He asked, turning to flash dazzling white teeth at him unsmilling brother.

Taemin busied himself with cleaning up the table, turning out taehyun and his taechyeon hyung, he wanted to ask taehyun where he and Minho had driven off to,but he just couldn't.Maybe I'm afraid of the answer, he thought. he felt tears starting to fill his eyes, but he willed himself not to cry. after all, he told himself, if Minho preferred taehyun and that certainly was how it looked.and he would not stand in the way.


AN: sorry for a short chapter, next time , i'll do my best for much longer update so thanks, and keep reading till the end. thanks for the subcribers^^ and comments on how's my story's going.


hehehe taecyeon is also a part of the story and many more character's to come!!


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jesselee #1
Chapter 5: Will this be updated soon?
minhoooo #2
really love to have a twin, but now when i read this , I don't know anymore! but your story is good please update soon.
jesselee #3
Chapter 5: Poor tae. His twin is so not nice but cool they have an older brother! Awesome story, will be waiting for the next update ,:)
Chapter 1: u use both she and he....whc one is it??..