
Double Love

''taehyun''said his mother,''aren't you coming home late? don't you have cheerleading practice?

''right, I won't be home till at least seven.''

''And taemin,isn't this a late afternoo for you at your friend house?''

''Uh-huh''taehyun said.

''Therefore-you can drive the fiat today''she said.

the twins squeled with delight.Only on rare occasions were they allowed to drive to school in the family's second car, a little red spider convertible.

''oh wow,''taehyun said, jumping up.''Am i going to be hot today! Driving my fiat!look out,SM high!

''Taehyun,''his mother interrupted,''I'm sorry honey, but taemin will have to drive.''

''what?'' taehyun's anguised wail filled the entire kitchen of the lee's home.

''taehyun, you know very well that you can't drive for three weeks. And you can stop looking at me that way. you're the one who had the accident.''

'' That's not fair!'' taehyun whined.'' I'm not going to school to be humiliated like a kinder-garten child!Oh, forget it, Mom, just forget it. I know taemin is your favorite, and  i'm just an afterthought!''

''Come on taehyun,let's get going,''taemin said patiently. ''You know you're not going to miss today for the world. Let's just go, or we'll be late for school.''



''Oh,taemin,please stop and let me drive into the parking lot,'' he pleaded.

''hyunnie, you heard what mom said''

taehyun sank into his seat. '' you heard what Mom said'' he mimicked nastily. ''Sometimes I wonder how anybody so wimpy can be my brother.''

taemin slid the fiat into an empty space in the student parking lot. ''Come on, taehyun , what difference does it make?''

''None of course,Aunt taemin!

taemin sighed.He knew that tone all too well. It meant a storm was brewing, one that could turn into Hurricane taehyun.

"I'm sure you'll be allowed to drive again soon''he said encouragingly.

but taehyun wasn't listening to him, he was out of the car in flash, slamming the door so hard that taemin winced. How did it always turn out this way? he just did what his mother said, and somehow he was always wrong. even worse , he felt guilty.

''taehyun, please! taemin said, scrambing out of the car and facing his stormy-eyed twin. Taehyun just stood there smoldering, refusing to relent.

''Look, i'll talk to mom for you,'' taemin said. i'll ask her to let you drive tomorrow.''

''Tomorrow!'' taehyun sneered.''you may be a tomorrow person. I am a today person. Don't do me any favors.''

taehyun wasn't going to let up. He kept turning away, refusing to look at taemin. taehyun could hold a grudge forever!

Just as taemin was deciding this was a lost cause, he saw kim kibum also knonw as key, his best friend, coming across the lawn, waving to him. Something was cooking with key. he had sounded excited when he called taemin the night before and said he had something''vital'' to tell him.

''taehyun, I have to talk to key.''

''How can you be best friends with somebody as blah as kim kibum? I don't want you to go over there. Somebody might think it was me talking to him''

''key is a wonderful person. Why don't you like him?''

''kibum is a nerd. And there's something weird about him''

Just then taehyun glanced over his shoulder. Apparently something he saw swept away his anger in a flash. he threw his arms around taemin and gave him a swift, powerful hug, almost lifting him off the ground.

''I've decided to forgive you,'' he announced,beaming.'' Go on , talk to kibum. I'll see you at noon.''

Surprised, but not unaccustomed to taehyun's swift changes of mood, taemin hugged him back and ran to catch up with key.

''So what's  the big news?''taemin asked as he fell in step with his friend.

''Shhhhhhhhh!Not so loud'' Kibum said, looking around and blushing, as though the entire student body were eavesdropping.

Taemin smiled '' don't be silly. There's nobody near us.''

They were nearing the school door when Taemin saw handsome, spoiled brat Kim jonghyun sliding his black porsche into a parking spot.




''Let's sit a second,'' he said

taemin quickly sat down beside him on the grass, eager for the news.''well?''

key blushed even redder than before.Then he smile to radiantly that for a moment he became a brand-new person.

''Who is he?'' taemin asked.

''What?'' key looked shocked.

''You heard me. Who is he?''

kibum shook his head in amazement.''how can you see into people like that minnie? you could be detective or even a writer.''

''So,Guess who called me?''kibum finally brushed out.

''Who? Tell me!''

''Lee Jinki, the new guy in Miss Victoria Class. I noticed him looking at me in the cafeteria the other day,'' key said dreamily.

''But he's so quiet. He never says a word!''

''You have to get to know him''Key explained '' Some people need more time to open up, you know''

''So-what did he call about?''

''He asked me to Sm high dance''

''Oh, key, that's wonderful!''

''Isn't it great! I'm so happy!''key said. then he asked quietly,''Who are you going with?''

''Well, I don't know.''

'' Don't worry. He'll ask you,''key said.

''Who will?''

''You know."

that's why kim kibum was such a good friend. He knew exactly how to say something without really saying it. key was aware of taemin's crush on Minho,But he was too nice to Mention him by name when things were not settled yet.

Key's eyes went wild and he pulled taemin back.

''Look out! that maniac!'' key screamed as he and taemin tumbled over on the glass.

Taemin looked up in confusion,trying to figure out what was happening. he saw a red blur zip past them up the long school driveway.Then a little red car screeched to a rather spectacular stop next to jonghyun's black porsche.







A/N:hehehe here's the updated ,and thanks for my new's subscribers I'll really appreciated it ^^ you make my day completed and also you give me more motivation to create this story. and please leave any comments for me (even if is GOOD or BAD) it's alright for me.^^

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jesselee #1
Chapter 5: Will this be updated soon?
minhoooo #2
really love to have a twin, but now when i read this , I don't know anymore! but your story is good please update soon.
jesselee #3
Chapter 5: Poor tae. His twin is so not nice but cool they have an older brother! Awesome story, will be waiting for the next update ,:)
Chapter 1: u use both she and he....whc one is it??..