
Double Love

''oh, minnie, do you believe how absolutely horrendous I look today!'' taehyun groaned as he stepped in front of his brother, taemin, and stared at himself in the bedroom mirror. "I'm so gross! just look at me. Everthing is totally wrong. To begin with, i'm disgustingly fat...'' With that,he spun around to show off a stunning figure without an extra ounce visible anywhere.

She moaned again, this time holding out one perfectly shaped bronze leg. ''Isn't that the grossest? I swear I must have the skinniest legs in Korea.What am I going to do? How can i possibly go to school looking like this today? today of all days!''

taehyun, stared at himself in the full-length mirror and saw a picture of utter heartbreak and despair. But what was actually reflected in the glass was about the most adorable, most dazzling sixteen-year-old boy. Yet there was no stopping him when he was in this mood.

Without waiting for taemin's response, taehyun reached into his bag of sorrows.''I mean, there could be a telethon just for all the things that're wrong with me! I can't even look at myself another minute!'' and with that he threw himself facedown on his brother's freshly made bed.

''thanks a million,'' taemin said in mock anger.

''I wasn't talking about you,''came taehyun's pillow-muffled voice

''Oh, no? all you said was that you're the grossestlooking person in all of korea. your figure's terrible, your legs are chopstick, and on top of that, your face is all wrong.Right?


''And i just happen to be your identical twin brother. So what does that make me-Mr korea?" taemin asked, Deciding to take a good look in the mirror. If taehyun were such a hopeless case,he might be in trouble, too. But the image He saw reflected in the mirror was hardly cause for alarm.

Both boys had the same shoulderlength,blond hair, same perfect skin,and generously bleesed with spectacular, all-korea good looks.But they refused to dress alike,Except for the identical lavalieres had been presents from their parents on their sixteenth birthday.

The only way you could tell them apart was the tiny beauty mark on Taemin's right shoulder.

When the phone in the hallway shrilled, taehyun leaped to answer it, assuming , of course, that it was for him.

''minnie?taehyun?'' a boy's voice asked.

''taehyun, of course! and who's this?he demanded.

''Oh,hi taehyun.this is minho.choi minnie home?

he  wanted his brother! taehyun eyes narrowed dangerously.One of the handsome and cutest boys at SM high,and he was calling to talk to taemin! Minho was the currently the socker team's hottest star, and taehyun had been admiring him for some time now as he practiced his cheer in the gym alongside with him.and the idea that he would prefer his brother was infurated him.

''minho,''he purred,''I should have known it was you just from your voice.I'm so glad you called.You know, I've been meaning to tell you-that was an absolutely fantastic goal you made during practice today. I was really impressed.

''Uh,gee,taehyun-thanks.''he could almost hear minho blushing.''I didn't know you were watching.''

''I always make it a point to watch the best players.'' And the best-looking prayer,he added silently.

''that's really nice of you to say so, but it's probably too soon to tell.''He paused''Listen, Taehyun, It's been nice talking to you,but is minnie around?

taehyun frowned''Uh ,I think he's in the shower.''

''I could wait''minho said hopefully.

Oh, you wouldn't want to do that.he's stays in the shower practically forever.''

''Maybe I should try calling back in a few minutes.''his disappointment was evident.

''you could, But he probably won't be here.We've got to run, or we'll be late for school.This is the big day-they're announcing the lead dancer for up-coming play! minnie and I will just die if we don't get in!

''i'm sure you won't have any trouble'' said minho'' but good luck anyway.''

taehyun experienced a slight twinge of guilt about sidetracking minho, but he quikly brushed it away, telling himself he really hadn't done any wasn't as if he were taemin's boyfriend.

just as he was hanging up,taemin poked his head around the doorway.''Who's that?''he asked.

''Oh,just choi minho,''taehyun replied,flashing his brilliant smile to cover up the deception.''he called to wish me good luck,wasn't that sweet of him?''

taemin's heart sank,but he didn't let taehyun see him dissapointment.he'd been hoping minho would call him.the other day he'd caught him glacing at him in the cafeteria line.he'd turned around and there he was-tall,lean,his gorgeous big brown eyes looking straight at him.He had quickly glanced down at his tray ,a brush coloring his cheeks. Had minho realized how much he liked him? he sat near him in Mr.heechul's science class, and though he'd never spoken to him,he'd always  been aware of his compelling presence.In the cafeteria he had cast another glance over his shoulder.As their eyes met again,they both jolted by a thousand watts of electricity.


he was waiting for him after school that day.As he caught sight of him,leaning againts the front railing,his sky-blue shirt open at the throat to reveal a glimpse of tanned,mascular chest,taemin's pulse took off at a gallop. As he caught sight of him,a slow, shy smile spread across his features.He was nervous, too, he realized.

''hey, taemin, I-I was wondering if you had today's chemistry assignment?.I forgot to copy it down.''

''Chemistry assignment?''taemin couldn't tear his eyes off that blinding smile.''Uh,sure,I think I have it somewhere....''

Frantically, he began junggling books,searching for the assignment he'd scribbled hastily on a sheet of a loose-leaf paper.

''Are you  always this organized?''minho teased,his coffee-colored eyes dancing.

''Only when it comes to chemistry.''he laughed, thinking of the special chemistry between minho and him and hoping he wouldn't notice how nervous he made him.


He walked away from Minho that day, feeling as if he were floating two feet off the pavement.

But now, discovering that Minho had preferred taehyun all along, taemin felt as if he'd been grounded by five-hundred-pound weight. Not wanting to reveal his true feelings about minho. He quickly changed the subject.

'AA/N: chapter one is completed. hehehe.but just to inform you reader's this is not my original story , i'm just re-writing the book I fond so interesting to become my first 2min chapter story, so, I wish this story is also good for all reader's .thanks!


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jesselee #1
Chapter 5: Will this be updated soon?
minhoooo #2
really love to have a twin, but now when i read this , I don't know anymore! but your story is good please update soon.
jesselee #3
Chapter 5: Poor tae. His twin is so not nice but cool they have an older brother! Awesome story, will be waiting for the next update ,:)
Chapter 1: u use both she and he....whc one is it??..