Chapter 6: 'Oh Deer'

Chasing a Miracle
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‘You have to be kidding me.’

She winced quietly like a cat while she panted for more breath after jogging a whole fleet of stairs; since the elevator had technical difficulties apparently. All her undeniable excitement to see her beloved’s plump lips smile and vibrant energy flattened in just one moment.

She set her frowning eyes to the giggling couple inside the glassed office cubicle. Just a few metres away from the glassed doorway, she stood and watched affectionate arms around each other’s waists while the handsome one was planting his butterfly kisses from his fiancé’s nose then to her lips. How much more does she need to see this display to end her torture?

Catching off guard, Yoonrae slyly backed away as she exclaimed Myunghee’s name in surprise. Kai rotated to greet his best friend with his hands still attached to his partner’s waist which really irked Myunghee.

“Ay Makmak! You could’ve told us you were here.” He made a gleaming smile. Myunghee tried to rivet her eyes from it as she replied with a stammer, “I-I just got here.”

“Well come now. Let’s all settle down since I’ve brought us homemade dinner for tonight!” Yoonrae scuttled around to the other side and started to disassemble neat-stacked lunchboxes.

“Ah, frankly, I just want to say-“ the other two stopped and looked at her, waiting to finish her sentence.

“Er… I just want to say that… I deeply appreciate your invitation to dinner and thank you for that.” she guiltily looked at their approving eyes then carefully continued, “B-but I am also here to tell you t-that I won’t be able to join the both of you tonight a-anymore due to…”

She cursed herself in her head for attempting to make up a stupid lie. Myunghee was never known as a good liar.

“An urgent m-meeting with s-someone. Yes, someone.”  She tried to convince herself it was a good lie enough to convince the other two but one who’ve known her for many years was familiar to this clumsy characteristic of hers.

“Oh sweetie.” Yoonrae pouted while cross-armed Jongin raised one of his eyebrows and questioned, “And who is this someone, whom stealing our Makmak for tonight’s dinner?”


Stammering again which was an extreme liability to her current situation, “An important business man, person whom I n-need to meet for… business…”

“Are you sure it’s urgent?” Yoonrae asked worriedly. Myunghee slowly nodded, no longer making another speech.

“Well that can’t be helped then. How about bring a lunch box of chicken home?” she offered politely.

Myunghee returned the same politeness and refused.

“Well I guess I have to go now. Thank you again and er… enjoy your dinner t-together.” She made a last smile goodbye and sped out of the sight away while pinching herself on the arm. The couple were left dumbfounded but continued anyways.

Once she exited the building, the sun was already down and the congestion in the street was obvious from the faint echoing of horns and accelerating sound of cars.

However, the noise wasn’t important. The cool wind cooled her tensed body from the awkward meeting with the couple. Myunghee just couldn’t handle their incontestable display of affection. Just the thought of them together was enough to make her go nuts. She’s already been muttering to herself.  Yep. She’s a goner indeed.

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Hi! I know, I know, updated since April; how tardy right? But just lettin u all know that this fic is alive as the other. So stay tuned! :)


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Chapter 7: Baeeeeek huhuhuhu :'''' i really like your story author-nim please continue writing :)
o-channa #2
Chapter 7: Baekhyun. just- no.
Chapter 7: O m g. My frigging heart is bursting
yus. baek. I like this very very much author-nim. I like this chapter very very much. Abstinence. When I think of that word, I think of Baek now xD
OMGOMG awwww baeekkkkkk come to me instead xD jks jks. Oh oh and yus I saw that "tall giant" hehehe I wonder who.hehhe
Chapter 6: /Hyperventilates/ Chen. Omg Chen yes Chen. My bias too omfg I love you so much <3
I think Myunghee is just totally blinded of what she has and doesn't. I mean Jongin OBVIOUSLY doesnt like her and poor Baekhyun is there for her like 24/7 wtf woman open your eyes... /Sighs
the story is okay speed for me.
I am actually. Not tpp sure who's gonna be next tbh...
Just thanking u for updating o/
Chapter 5: Oh shizzle. Myunghee is on da loose lol. But adghjkjkfd my god the two of them should just make out or something XD or is it too early to say afgjjk
anyways, thank you so so so much for updating!! Ben waiting for this tbvh. XD
ill be waiting again for the next chap. I will be more patient unlike before, mianhe~
rehunnie #6
woohooo....i love this story its so intresting and exciting ^^
i wish myunghee ends up with baekhyun...hes always there for her and i think hes the right guy for her
even though i want myunghee to be happy....jongin already has yoonrae and i think he really likes her(they're a cute couple)>_<
so ill be rooting for baekhyun....GO!GO!baekhyun GO get your girl ^^<3
Chapter 4: Author-nim ;_; ive read this twice going on thrice.. When are you going to update next..?