Chapter 4: Step One

Chasing a Miracle
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Myunghee sat in on the marble edge of the splashing fountain which glittered under the temperate sunlight. The clamour of the crowd, the chuckles of children complemented the ambience of the well-lit area. However, it may be not visible but one speck of taint was in contrast. It was that speck of supressed smoke inside, prevented from escaping.

Myunghee, with an edgy sitting posture, was grimacing due to the fact she did the unforgivable as a friend, ‘frenemy’ and as a person. She looked everywhere. From foreign tourists passing by to customer services of the nearest mall, not one sign of a Neanderthal, pretty lady with an expensive floral, summer dress, was anywhere to be seen. Who else could’ve worn the same dress?

Help seemed vague. Her mobile phone was out of the question. She remembered how Yoonrae doesn’t have any phone with her. Strange child.

“Oh Myunghee. You’ve done it. She can’t be found. You’re dead as meat. She’s probably getting by es on an alley way.” She muttered while carefully sipping air at every end of each sentence, maintaining herself from an outrageous panic. Public humiliation was something she absolutely cannot handle.

Should she call her best friend? But if she did, she would probably be lectured more than her own mother could ever lecture in her whole life. Should she just turn up to Jongin, company-less? No. That would certainly end her life and further the current crisis.

Lanterns and light posts were lit as the sun was inclining its way down to the horizon. Myungee once more attempted to search by scanning through crowds. Heaving a sigh of disappointment, a nearby calling of her name boomed from her right.

“Hey, Makmak!”

Petrified on spot, she immediately masked her tension expression with a more confident looking one.

“Ay, K-kai.” Glancing to his side, “Baek.”

“Where’s… Yoonrae?” asked Kai. Myunghee gulped as she began to stutter, indirectly explain what exactly has happened. Baekhyun observed her finger fidgeting actions from the side.

“Well, you see… She’s not h-here with me…I-it’s because…” Myunghee riveted her eyes elsewehere. Flying scenarios of the worst consequences entered her mind. Jongin got her tongue-tied.

Being cut-off by a honey sweet voice, the three pairs of eyes turned to see the floral-dressed, pretty lady with a young, pig-tailed toddler clinging on her side, “Myunghee~ I’ve been looking for you. I’m so sorry for lagging off.  Because of that, I got lost.” Yoonrae’s eyes was full of apology. “Next time, I will be paying more attention.”  

The one she’s been searching for a good whole hour was right in front of her. But the irony was that the lost was the one who did the finding.

Myunghee was stirred with mixture of feelings. Was she relieved? Disappointed? Confused?

“N-no it’s fine.” She was surely thankful of the fact Yoonrae wasn’t by es. She see

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Hi! I know, I know, updated since April; how tardy right? But just lettin u all know that this fic is alive as the other. So stay tuned! :)


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Chapter 7: Baeeeeek huhuhuhu :'''' i really like your story author-nim please continue writing :)
o-channa #2
Chapter 7: Baekhyun. just- no.
Chapter 7: O m g. My frigging heart is bursting
yus. baek. I like this very very much author-nim. I like this chapter very very much. Abstinence. When I think of that word, I think of Baek now xD
OMGOMG awwww baeekkkkkk come to me instead xD jks jks. Oh oh and yus I saw that "tall giant" hehehe I wonder who.hehhe
Chapter 6: /Hyperventilates/ Chen. Omg Chen yes Chen. My bias too omfg I love you so much <3
I think Myunghee is just totally blinded of what she has and doesn't. I mean Jongin OBVIOUSLY doesnt like her and poor Baekhyun is there for her like 24/7 wtf woman open your eyes... /Sighs
the story is okay speed for me.
I am actually. Not tpp sure who's gonna be next tbh...
Just thanking u for updating o/
Chapter 5: Oh shizzle. Myunghee is on da loose lol. But adghjkjkfd my god the two of them should just make out or something XD or is it too early to say afgjjk
anyways, thank you so so so much for updating!! Ben waiting for this tbvh. XD
ill be waiting again for the next chap. I will be more patient unlike before, mianhe~
rehunnie #6
woohooo....i love this story its so intresting and exciting ^^
i wish myunghee ends up with baekhyun...hes always there for her and i think hes the right guy for her
even though i want myunghee to be happy....jongin already has yoonrae and i think he really likes her(they're a cute couple)>_<
so ill be rooting for baekhyun....GO!GO!baekhyun GO get your girl ^^<3
Chapter 4: Author-nim ;_; ive read this twice going on thrice.. When are you going to update next..?