Side Chapter: Expectations

Chasing a Miracle
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• SIDE CHAPTER • Expectations


Seven years ago…

“Remember boys and girls, abstinence is the key.”     

It was a Wednesday midday and the classroom was filled with giggling mischief. The summer’s heat was lightening up juvenile minds and some unnecessary and quite inappropriate comments from the boys, rarely from girls as expected. Trapped inside a broken air-conditioning classroom for an hour and a half, patience in oneself just couldn’t last long. Even the glassed teacher was patting himself some sanity due to the kindling heat inside the packed classroom.

Flipping pages to the very last part of the chapter his stern eyes vectored towards the one who was making the most disturbance during the whole class time. It was none other than Byun Baekhyun.

Plastering a forced smile on his face, he called out, “Byun Baekhyun.”

The Byun boy reluctantly stopped with his exaggerated chuckles and faced the man who was calling. The whole class progressively quieted down and looked back to the front.

“Byun Baekhyun,” he repeated in a calmer tone, “I’d like you to stand up when I call you so.”

And he warily did as told.

Pushing up the circle glasses to the bridge of his nose, the teacher rolled down his white collar shirt’s arm sleeve and continued, “In English, I’d like you to define abstinence and its advantages to the whole class.”

Bam. The hunter shot down a horn of the deer, like ripping away its right hand of defence.

Everyone in the class did not mutter a word but had an indirect taste what it must be like trying to explain in a foreign language. Everyone knew that Byun Baekhyun was not particularly best in English.

Making a short introductory by coughing lightly, adjusting his voice, the student smirked and began with a ‘di’ (the) then stopped for a few moments.

“Di meaning… ob abusutunanszu iz…ah.” He craned his neck, thinking of the next English word but instead, Korean words escaped his mouth, “in this context of our study, is keeping yourself from having ual s.”

The teacher ripped his back from the clean white board and shook his head purposely and said, “No, do it again, this time in full English please.”

The horns were shot. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t have hooves to escape from humiliation. Baekhyun was going to twist this. He was going to make sure the hunter wouldn’t have enough gun ammo to shoot with. He’d be the one hunting the hunter himself.

Baekhyun always had thought that this teacher never liked him. But he eventually shrugged it off as his feelings were mutual. Just because he was caught by the same teacher demonstrating a French kiss with another male student, who was actually a tall giant that Baekhyun flirted with. From then on, the Byun spited him and named him, ‘ Hitler-nim’ as he was a known teacher that didn’t like physical contact. In addition of the fact that there’s no ring on his wedding finger, he was theorised a . That’s why he was always wearing a blazer and long pants no matter how insanely hot the temperature was.

Coughing lightly again, he re-stated ‘abstinence’ with a hard ‘zu’ in the end.

“Iz you, no zsu. No zu bepor marriageu.” He conveyed his message through body appropriate body movements, shaking his head and hands in this case.

“O-or elzu, preg-pregnanzu.” He went sideways and made forward circular motion with his hands in front of his stomach.

“And, and parentzu, say bad daughta and son.” He made an imitation of a typical parent lecturing the child. Laughter regained some light to the class; even gaining a small chuckle from the teacher.

“Adbantagaseu. You no get in troubleu, bettah sekshi lifestyleu.” He nodded confidently while making a quick body roll on the spot. People still chuckled to his childishness.

“Good. You may sit-“ the teacher was interrupted again by the Byun, turning around the direction of the gun.

“Teacher Lee, do abusutunanszu.” The smile disappeared from the teacher’s face as Baekhyun intruded more, “He no married. Him, no zu, him still ah .” He mockingly chuckled to his own comment.

“He no like touchy touchy.”

The glassed man’s eyes twitched as the class hushed greatly. No mercy was still given. The boy was charging with an all-out provocation. He had the trigger of the gun at the tip of his index finger. He continued with more ual innuendos and his discussion of ‘for’ .

Baekhyun succeeded with a malicious grin on his face, “zu iz fun. Why abusutunanszu when you can enjoy?”

Bam. There’s goes the bullet.

Not even a minute passed when Byun Baekhyun was sent to meet the room of horrid joy.

‘Yay.’ he thought.


1 hour and 17 minutes of repent and an addition of another 22 minutes of lecture which trained through his right ear to his left, trying to filter every word that spat out from Hitler-nim’s mouth. Surprisingly, he didn’t mention the ‘virgnity’ part to his parents and the principal as he left that confidential while he only mentioned the constant misbehaviour the Byun student always displayed in his class.

“I really do hope he behaves well soon, he’s a good kid. Just lacks discipline in class.” Mr Lee convincingly gave no indifference to his audience except Byun Baekhyun. They were all lies he thought. His ‘empathy’ was nothing but empty words.

Before leaving the office, his parents made their last apologies and Baekhyun too made his bow of apology.

Slipping his bag to one of his shoulder, he walked few metres advanced from his concerned parents who were whispering to each other, though it was no need since their son could hear every single word.

His mother who was dressed neatly and modestly whispered lightly to her husband, “I’m concerned he’ll be like this for the last year of his Senior High School.”

The father who dressed in his typical business suit, replied, “He wasn’t like this before.”

Mrs Byun clapped her hands lightly as she suggest

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Hi! I know, I know, updated since April; how tardy right? But just lettin u all know that this fic is alive as the other. So stay tuned! :)


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Chapter 7: Baeeeeek huhuhuhu :'''' i really like your story author-nim please continue writing :)
o-channa #2
Chapter 7: Baekhyun. just- no.
Chapter 7: O m g. My frigging heart is bursting
yus. baek. I like this very very much author-nim. I like this chapter very very much. Abstinence. When I think of that word, I think of Baek now xD
OMGOMG awwww baeekkkkkk come to me instead xD jks jks. Oh oh and yus I saw that "tall giant" hehehe I wonder who.hehhe
Chapter 6: /Hyperventilates/ Chen. Omg Chen yes Chen. My bias too omfg I love you so much <3
I think Myunghee is just totally blinded of what she has and doesn't. I mean Jongin OBVIOUSLY doesnt like her and poor Baekhyun is there for her like 24/7 wtf woman open your eyes... /Sighs
the story is okay speed for me.
I am actually. Not tpp sure who's gonna be next tbh...
Just thanking u for updating o/
Chapter 5: Oh shizzle. Myunghee is on da loose lol. But adghjkjkfd my god the two of them should just make out or something XD or is it too early to say afgjjk
anyways, thank you so so so much for updating!! Ben waiting for this tbvh. XD
ill be waiting again for the next chap. I will be more patient unlike before, mianhe~
rehunnie #6
woohooo....i love this story its so intresting and exciting ^^
i wish myunghee ends up with baekhyun...hes always there for her and i think hes the right guy for her
even though i want myunghee to be happy....jongin already has yoonrae and i think he really likes her(they're a cute couple)>_<
so ill be rooting for baekhyun....GO!GO!baekhyun GO get your girl ^^<3
Chapter 4: Author-nim ;_; ive read this twice going on thrice.. When are you going to update next..?