
Two Sides
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Jiwon leaned her back to the seats inside the cab. She sighed as she saw the cab passes the road and headed to the city. “Can you take me to this address here?” she showed the driver the address on her phone and the driver nodded. She sat back and relaxed her body. She glanced outside the window and saw the view from inside the cab. The ride was short and she was finally arrived at the address. She paid the cab and went out. She stared at the sign of the store and went inside.

It was small bakery store outside the city. She opened the door and let herself in. The store was quiet only several people inside including the employee on the cashier. “Can I help you miss?” the man behind the cashier asked.

“Can I see the manager? She set me up to meet her at 3pm here.”

“Let me get her for you. You should go sit down miss.” The man went to the back and then after a while he came with a woman came along with him. The man went back to the cashier and the woman walked to table where Jiwon was sitting. She smiled at her and waved her hands. “You must be Park Jiwon right? We’ve talked before on the phone. I’m the manager here, Jang Jinhee.” She held out her hand and Jiwon accepted and shook her hand.

“I understand your intention when you explained it to me. You are a nice person and it’s really impressing about what you’re about to do. But I am very sorry to tell you that, I can’t allow you to borrow our kitchen.”

“Can I ask why?” Jiwon sounded disappointed. But she still keeps her smile though it was already hard for her to not cry this time.

“Well as you can see the bakery has left its’ glory days. I’m planning on selling the store and move back the business to my hometown. I already made the deal a few days ago and right now we are packing our things to be moved by the end of the week. You called right after I made the deal and it was already too late. I asked you to come here so that I could tell you in person. I know that you must be really disappointed right now.”

“Oh I understand. And thank you for bothering my request. I am disappointed but I can’t fight your decision since it is your bakery. But I really appreciate you consideration.”

“Again, I am really sorry Jiwon. I hope the best for you and maybe you can find other bakery that maybe can let you borrow their kitchen. I’m sure they’re willing to help you.”

Jiwon smiled at her and then they say goodbye to each other because the manager said she needs to get back to work. Jiwon let the door behind her closed and then she walked to the bust stop. She thought to herself on what she’s going to do now. She was planning to spend the rest of the day on the bakery. Now that she couldn’t use the bakery’ kitchen, she had nothing to do right now.

Then something came up to her mind as she remembered something from yesterday. She sighed and felt hesitant whether she should be going or not. She felt like it’s her pride that’s hanging on the line right now. She knows she’s overreacting but hey, she didn’t plan this to happen in the first place. She set her mind straight and just thinks clear. The bust shortly arrived and Jiwon took her seat and waited until the bus arrived at her stop.

She looked at the street that is now ahead of her. The street was a really comfortable neighborhood. The most of the houses were modern and minimalize. The houses in this street aren’t as big as a mansion but its quiet big for a pretty decent family to be living in. Jiwon walked along the street and glanced around the houses. Nine, ten, eleven and twelve; she stopped at the house number twelve. The house was painted white and has two floors. A car was parked at the driveway and it has no fence around it. She couldn’t believe that she could still remember the way to this address. She can’t even believe that she remembers the address.

She walked up to the front door and slowly knocks on the door. There were people inside talking and it was heard from outside. Jiwon waited and then the door opened revealing Kyungsoo with his confuse expression. He widened his eyes and Jiwon could only grin at him. “What are you doing here? I thought you said you’re busy.”

“I am but something came up and—“

“Who is it Kyungsoo?” his mom asked from inside.

“Nothing mom, it’s just a friend.” He yelled from the door.

“Let them in then.”

Kyungsoo exhaled and widened the door. He moved himself and gestured Jiwon to come in. Jiwon entered the house and greeted by Kyungsoo’s mother. She saw his dad already sitting on the dining room and she saw the various kind of food already on the table. “Oh I thought you are one of the boys. This is your first time having a girl friend of yours visiting Kyungsoo.” His mother smiled playfully.

“Mom,” Kyungsoo whined.

“Don’t mind him. He’s just being shy because his mother is literally embarrassing him right now.” Mrs. Do holds her laughs and so does Jiwon. Kyungsoo could only glare at the two. He then left them to the dining room. “Have you had your dinner dear? Kyungsoo’s dad and I are having an early dinner for Kyungsoo here. You should join us.”

“Oh, what’s the occasion? If you don’t mind me asking ma’am.”

“We just arrived from our business trip. Kyungsoo is a bit fussy now because we left him.”

Jiwon gawked but still kept her face steady, not wanting to chortle in front of her or Kyungsoo. “I would love to have dinner with the Do’s. Thank you ma’am.”

“Aish call me aunty okay? Come on let’s eat before the food is getting cold.” Mrs. Do lead her to the dining room and they both entered the room together. They saw Mr. Do already getting his food from the plate and he is now handing the plate to Kyungsoo that sit across him. He saw them coming and smiled. “Jaago, you didn’t tell me that we’ll be having guest at out dinner.”

Kyungsoo lifted his head and saw Jiwon with his mom entering the dining room. He hummed and put down the plate he’s holding. Mrs. Do smiled and gestured Jiwon to set next to Kyungsoo while sh

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Soona993 #1
Chapter 8: are not going to continue this story? :( I'm anticipating tho
Soona993 #2
Chapter 8: wow just wow, good stuff this is good. Please continue~
Chapter 4: wkwkwk, kai is being rejected by a girl XD
Chapter 3: hey, i just found the story and i just drop by to say this is really interesting, keep up the good work and update soon as you can :)
Chapter 3: Wow DO ... I like him ♥
Chapter 2: Lmaoooo . CuteeDO haha.

That boy is so harsh =[
Starting this todaay ^.^