Lee Hayi

Happy Father's Day ♥ ♥

"even though you've been my father for not even half a year yet, it feels like you're really my father and you've been there with me since the day i was born bc of the similarities between the both of us. /bricked. well, we do dislike our veggies, keep being weird, always forgetting what we were talking about and a whole lot more. now that i think about it, this sounds more like we are twins instead of father and daughter. /slapped. anyway, we don't talk much about our own problems to each other but we do bully each other from time to time. that's how we show our love afterall yes? huehue. there's nothing much to thank for but thank you for talking to a weirdo kid like me where it's probably bc you don't have a choice- /killed. stay happy and weird forever appa. i love you and happy father's day. < 3 "

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YoungRi95 #1
Chapter 8: how sweeeett~~~!
*love MyungSun's big family very much..!*